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Eida ta guides edw kai ekei kai skeftika na kanw ena gia duelist.Apla 8elw na pw oti prota apo ola dn mporw me elinika (8a kanw peripou 3.5 xronia kai 3400 or8ografika la8oi apo sini8ia...) kai deyteron einai to prwto guide opote 8a prospa8isw na to kanw oso kalitero ginete...kai fisika 8a to editarw sto melon efoson kapoios m dwsei kapoies extra plirofories I dior8osi kati p exw kanei la8os

Telos to guide einai gia interlude mid/high.


As arxisoumen :D[/b]


Erwtiseis kokino


Apadiseis kitrino



Ti weapon xrisimopoiw?


O gladi paisei me dual swords.Afto p prepei na xerete  gia ta duals einai oti dn pairnoune SA (Special Ability).Gia na parete to as to poume "SA" ton dual swords prepei na ta kanete +4 Afto einai kai 8etiko kai arnitiko efoson me ligi tixi mporeite na parete to SA tou oplou poli pio eykola apo oti sta ipolipa weapon.

Sigekrimena ta weapon:


C grade -Praktika einai ola idia..ala ama mporeite na ta kanete +4 parte Katana*Katana (+4% atk speed when enchanted by 4 or more)


B grade - Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword (favourite btw :D).Ta kanete dn ta kanete +4 einai ta top


A grade - Damascus*dark legion(i Talhum blade dn 8imamai kala :P).Afta ta duals kamia fora dn iparxoune...se periptwsi p dn iparxoune damascus*damascus (kapoioi protimoun dual keshaberg gia atk speed(+8%) ala ta damascus vgasoun poli parapanw p.atk kai me tin talhum heavy einai perito to epipleon atk speed)


S grade - Darl Legion *Talhum Blade.E den iparxoune kai ala.........


Ti armor xrisimopoiw?


pada heavy armor.Pio analitika:


C grade - talhum


B grade - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor(favourite btw :D)


A grade - Talhum Heavy Armor


S Grade - Imperial Crusader (gia to 8eo OXI draconic ...)


Poia skills prepei na xrisimopoiw?

Sonic Focus - focussonic.jpg Me afto gemisete "Focuses".Ka8e fora p to patate pairnete kai ena focus.To max p mporeite na ftasete einai 7 (sta 74 lvl).Ka8e 1 force dinei 8% parapanw dmg sta skill sas opote prepei PADA na prospa8ite na eistai full focuses prin xrisimopoiisete skill.


Sonic Blaster -sonicblaster.jpgKanei dmg apo makria (ligotero range apo mage) xreiasete 2 focuses.Afto simenei oti an exete ligotero apo 2 focuses dn mporeite na kanete to skill.


Double Sonic Slash - doublesonicslash.jpgKanei peripou 40% parapanw dmg apo to sonic blaster.einai melee.Xreiasete 3 focuses


Tripple Sonic Slash -tssz.jpg

Kanei peripou 85% parapanw dmg apo to sonic blaster.Einai melee.xreiasete 4 focuses


Sonic Buster - sonicbuster.jpg  Kanei peripou 25% ligotero dmg apo to sonic blaster.Einai melee mass skill.Xreasete 3 energy stones. DEN XREIASETE FOCUSES


Sonic Storm -sonicstorm.jpg Kanei peripou 20% ligotero dmg apo to sonic blaster.Einai range mass skill.Xreiasete 3 energy stones. DEN XREIASETE FOCUSES


Sonic Rage -sonicrage.png Kanei diplasio dmg apo to normal hit sas.Einai range atk.Ka8e fora p to kanete pernete 1 focus.Xanete Ligo hp otan to kanete.


Sonic Move - sonicmove.png Dinei speed gia 12 seconds.Xreiasete 3 focuses


Sonic Barrier - sonicbarrier.png Se kanei "anio8w" gia 8 deyterolepta.xreiasete 5 focuses


War Cry - warcrym.jpg Self Buff.Anevasei to p.atttack gia 1 min


Duelist Spirit - duelistspirit.jpgSelf Buff.Anevasei atk speed kai to dmg twn skills sto pvp


War Frenzy - warfrenzy.png Toggle skill (to anoigeis kai to klineis opote 8es,oso einai anoixto xalaei mp).Increases resistance to shock attacks.


Lionheart -  lionheart.jpgSelf Buff.Gia 1 min dinei poli resist se sleep,hold,paralysis(anchor) ,shock kai debuffs


Ti buffs prepei na parw?


Me 24 buff slot:


Wind Walk , Might , Shield , Magic Barrier , Bless The Body , Haste , Mental Shield , Elemental Protection , Divine Protection , Chant Of Victory , Danc of fury , Dance of warrior , Dance Of Aqua Guard , Song of storm guard , Song of earth , Song of wind , song of champion , song of renewal , Song of vitality , Song of invocation , Gift of queen , War Cry , Duelist Spirit , sonic move/sonic barrier/lionheart


NOTE:Ta prwta buff kalo 8a itan na einai: Song of earth guard , dance of aqua guard.Opote se periptwsi p xexasteis kai valeis sonic move + lionheart i sonic move + Sonic barrier na xaseis ena buff p dn to xreiasese toso poli oso ta ala.


NOTE 2 :Mporeite adi gia song of aqua guard na parete unholy resistance...afto exartatai apo to ti ginete sto server...ama dn exei sps as spoume dn to xreiaseste I ama dn exei sph dn xreiaseste to song of storm guard e.t.c.


Ama exeis parapanw buff slots :

Acumen* , song of concetration* , Gift of unicorn * , unholy resist , vampiric rage** , dance of vampire** kai meta vale oti na nai.......


*to sonic move se olous tous server p exw paixei me parapanw casting speed to castarw pio grigora kai exei kai kalitero cd.....to sonic barrier exei kalitero cd me unicorn to exw testarei se kana 2 server.ALA epeidei oi server itan l2j kai dn eimai sigouros opios einai sigouros gia to an isxioun ta proanafer8enta na pei.....mexri tote afto isxiei 100%.


**afta dn einai gia to pvp...einai ka8ara gia farm kai gia na gemiseis hp meta to pvp afou o gladi dn exei kapoio alo heal.


Ti dyes na valw?


Str +4 Con -4


Str +1 Con -1


Wit +4 int -4 (isxiei afto p eipa prin...outos i alos +4 dex dn axisei ston gladi..IMO pada)


Gia na to exigisw kalitera str dn vaseis apla gia to p.attack (p outos i alos einai arketa simadiko) ala kai gia skill critical rate...me apla logia oso pio poli str exeis toso pio polla skill critical 8a kaneis (diplo dmg sta skills.Einai san tin sxesi wit-mc rate)



Taktikes PVP?

As arxisoume me ta apla:

Pada ta focuses na einai sto 7 PRIN to pvp...kai genika opote dn eistai mesa se town to focus sto 7 gt aploustata ama dn einai sto 7 8a xasete politima defterolepta.

Pada anoixto to war frenzy....

Duelist Spirit kai War Cry episis pada anoixta.Me full buff exoune mikrotero cd (cool down) apo oti diarkoun ALA an dn doulevei etsi tote pada duelist spirit prin to war cry gia na kanei oso to dinaton grigorotera cd.


Twra sigekrimena :


VS heavy melee(masi me tyrrant):

Ola ta heavy melee exoune stun opote ektos apo war frenzy anoigete kai lionheart.Episis mporeite na anoixete risponse stun etsi ama prospa8ei na kanei stun na to trwei o adipalos kai epipleon ena meros tou dmg p kanei me normal hits na pigenei piso episis an kai egw dn to xrisimopoiw gt dn doulevei se polous server kai dn eimai kai 100% sigouros gia to pos prepei na doulevei....epipleon xaneis poli atk speed , speed.Twra meta apo afta spamareis skills.....egw ta spamarw etsi:

Buster > Storm > Tripple >4 focus rage > Buster > Storm > Blaster > 2 Rage kai pali apo tin arxi ...(afto einai to max dps..opote afti i seira einai i kaliteri tin exw testarei apeires fores).Twra ama dn vgainei to cd prepei na valeis kai to double sonic stin mpara kai na xrisimopoieis afto meta  Meta to blaster me tin diafora oti kaneis ena parapanw focus rage.


VS Daggers :

Edw efoson ta daggeria dn einai OP opos pada ton pairneis mono me cp ektos ama piasei bluff p 8a s faei kai ligo cp I me lethal p profanos 8a psofiseis...me liga logia to mono dagger p provlimatisei ton gladi einai o wind rider.Twra to mono p exeis na kaneis einai to spam to skills opos egrapsa parapanw...kata 80% to pvp einai diko s.


VS Archers :

Edw einai pio periploka ta pragmata...ena apo ta megalitera mionektimata tou gladi einai to speed..ALA gia afto iparxei to sonic move.....

Twra ama o enemy einai HawkEye (dash) einai pio diskola ta pragmata ala pali palevete.Prin arxisei to pvp varas sonic move kai gemiseis me sonic focus epitopou..ama deis oti o adipalos dn trexei poli ala kanei hits tote pigene koda gia na kaneis kai buster (parapanw dps...) ALA min prospa8iseis tripple 8a xaseis poli xrono kai ama dn piasei critical dn axisei opote afto p kaneis einai na spamareis Storm>blaster kai trexeis koda mexri to reuse (opos eipa prin ama se pairnei varas kai buster)...kai pali...gia na pareis to pvp prepei na pesei prin teliosei to sonic move (12 second) EKTOS kai ama exei kalo cd...tote me to p teliosei to xanapatas gemiseis me sonic focus kai xanatrexeis....Ama o archer trexei full range prin varesei kripsou piso apo kana toixo na ton anagaseis na plisiasei alios dn exeis elpida (an kai 8elei PARA poli xwro gia na se parei)

Ama einai SR i PR tote ta pragmata einai apla gt me to sonic move exeis poli parapanw speed opote dn pane pou8ena oso kai na trexoune :D.Apla plisiaseis kai ta spamareis ola...to pvp afto to xaneis diskola , ektos kai ama se piasei apo makria ala kai pali exeis kales elpides se sxesi me HE.


VS Mages :


SPS - SPH - Sorcecor

Pali sonic move prin to pvp kai trexeis panw tou...logika dn 8a prospa8isei na kanei slow gt 8a pigeneis panw tou me poli speed....opote arxiseis FULL spam kai exeis to mouse panw tou gia aura flash....ama fas mexri 3 4 hits prin ftaseis logika ton exeis...ama argiseis parapanw psofises EKTOS kai an vgoune pola critical...O gladi mporei na exei ligo m.def (to deytero meinektima t) ala exei poli life (cp+hp) kai poli dps.Opote mporei na trwei 1500dmg xwris resist ALA me critical tou tripple kanei 3500 se dark crystal xalara kai fisika exei 3plasio life apo mage..



Sonic move klasika kai trexeis pros to meros t..AMA exei pet vara buster > storm > blaster sto pet kai exei pesei EPIPLEON exei faei kapoio dmg apo to buster storm idi...meta girnas panw t kai sinexiseis to spam..TWRA ama ston server pianei to anchor/curse of doom (ston gladi pianei eykola idika me cursed gloom gt exei arketa low m.def) prin to pvp anoigeis Lionheart kai dn paisei na fas kanena debuff.....logika to pvp einai diko s.....twra ama exeis kai full resist trws kai 2 necro xalara.....


Dominator :

Edw einai skoura ta pragmata...Gia na to pareis prepei na anoixeis lionheart/sonic move kai na pas panw t na spamareis...ALA efoson 8a trws xwris resist giro sta 800dmg 8a gemisei poli asap + to cp heal p exei....opote prepei na anoixeis kai sonic barrier na gemiseis asap me sonic focus kai na arxiseis to spam + na vaseis cp pots gia na glitoseis merika drain otan teliosei to barrier.....twra ama dn exeis lionheart to mono p mporeis na kaneis einai na meineis makria gia na apofigeis ta curses(seal of suspension kai to alo san cov dn 8imamai name) gt ama ta fas exases to pvp...kai na spamareis storm > blaster kai rage ALA kai cp pots endiamesa gia na min kanei drains...ama to kaneis teleia kai o domi einai psilo noobakos 8a to pareis to pvp..ala kai pali api8ano...stin prwti periptwsi exeis peripou 40% pi8anotita na pareis to pvp enw stin deyteri giro sta 10%.


Olympiad Tactics

Ta vasika :


Prwta apo ola pairneis ta staff gia bless the body kai mental shield (to focus einai sxetika perito ala prolavaineis xalara na to kaneis opote parto ama 8es parto egw dn to pairnw)

Gemiseis focuses

Prin to match battle roar gia ligo hp

Kalo 8a itan na perimeis reuse lionheart kai sonic barrier na exeis to kefali s isixo.

Sta teleutaia 3 deyterolepta anoigeis war cry duelist spirit ala afto exartatai me ton adipalo s


sigekrimena :


VS archer


Ta pragmata einai apla...tsampa points parta na telionoume :D.I moni t elpida einai lethal kai prolavenei na kanei 1 prin pesei (gia afto kalitera na exeis anoixto war frensy min fas stun kai prolavei kialo).Epeisei ama dn variese prin to match sta 6 deyterolepta na anoixeis war cry duelist spirit kai meta sonic move kai na gemiseis me sonic focus gia ton pareis oso to dinaton grigorotera.


VS Daggers


Edw einai men apla ala exeis ena A agxos gia to lethal....gia mena kalitera na anoixeis barrier stin arxi tou pvp min fas kana lethal kai trexeis...ama einai Wind Rider OPOSDIPOTE sonic barrier stin arxi tou pvp..


VS Titan , Tyrrant


Me titan anoigeis war frensy lionheart kai spamareis..molis kanei frensy sealot anoixe sonic barrier kai teliose tin douleia...twra ama einai gtp o server kai anoigei frensy prin ta 20 seconds (p xanagemisei life) tote i prospa8ise na trexeis mexri na teliosei (diskolo profanos..) i katse psofa......

Me tyrrant war frensy lionheart kai spam pali ALA otan anoixei sealot 8a anoixei kai focus barrier....molis to anoixei anoixe kai esi...kane kai ena braveheart kai molis teliosei to barrier teliose tin douleia.


VS Nukers


Sto 7 anoigeis war cry duelist spirit meta lionhear kai meta sonic move kai gemiseis (molis arxisei to match dld prepei na eisia me war cry ,duelist spirit ,lionheart kai sonic move me full focuses) kai trexeis panw kai arxiseis na spamareis ta skills.Logika ta points einai dika s.

Twra ama paiseis me necro min psaxeis to pet gt logika dn 8a to exei pisw t....apla spamare ta panw t kai logika dn 8a exeis provlima.


VS supportes


Edw einai diskola ta pragmata....ama o supporter to niw8ei dn exeis kai poles elpides...apla anoigeis war cry , duelist spirit kai sonic move kai trexa spamare ta ola elpisontas oti 8a faei crit averta kai 8a pesei prin prolavei na kanei heal...ala to pio pi8ano einai na ta xaseis ta points edw.


VS Dominator


Egw dn exw kataferei na vrw tropo na parw dominator sto oly me gladi....to kalitero p mporeis na kaneis einai na anoixeis war cry , duelist spirit , lionheart kai na trexeis panw t na arxiseis ta spam....otan s faei to cp anoixe sonic barrier kai arxise ta sonic rage na gemiseis elpisontas oti dn vlepei oti exeis barrier on kai 8a spatalisei cp...1 sec prin teliosei to barrier kane to brave heart na glitoseis 1 drain.Me liga logia ama dn kanei kapoio la8os dn prokeite na ton pareis me tpt...padws ama iparxoune tatoo ston server na pairneis gia hp me domi gia na xreiasete na kanei oso perisotera skill ginete.


VS Tanks


Anoigeis war frensy lionheart war cry kai duelist spirit kai spamareis ALA xwris ta buster/storm gt 8eloune poli mp..kalitera kanei blaster tripple kai double kai fisika normal hits....twra me paladin ama vlepeis to hp t kai plisiasei sto 30% arxise na spamareis KAI buster/storm mpas kai prolaveis na ton pareis PRIN kanei angelic kai heal gt ama to kanei epeses...



1.Ama o server exei custom items to pio pi8ano einai o gladi na einai gtp.....opote kalitera na paixete se server's me normal s grade.


2.Se polous l2j (enoite...) servers to tripple sonic slash kanei ligotero dmg apo to blaster...opote otan arxisete server na testarete pada se kapoio mob an to tripple kanei to dmg p prepei an oxi tote adi gia tripple na kanete double.(kai ama exete orexi peite to ston admin an kai to pio pi8ano einai na min ginei tpt......)


3.Stous l2j server otan pate se lvl p anevenei to max to forcuses kai exete p.x ena focus otan kanete sonic focus dn doulevei....se aftin tin periptwsi ftiaxnete eite me rr an dn doulepsei tote me exit kai relog kai ama dn doulepsei kai afto (m exei tixei...) tote to sonic rage 8a doulevei sigoura.Se periptwsi p dn doulevei oute to sonic rage (dn m exei tixei pote ala pote dn xereis) tote apla kade ena sub class.


Ok edw kapou telionei to guide.Ama kapou exw kanei la8os kai kapoios mporei na m to APODEIXEI me opoindipote tropo tote efxaristos na to editarw kai na to ftiaxw kai fisika na ton efxaristisw.Ena megalo meros apo afta p xerw vasisontai se l2j opote dn mporw na eimai 100% sure oti ta xerw swsta (risponse stance gia paradeigma) gia afto kai sitaw tin voi8ia.

Telos 8elw na pw oti to koumpi aristera apo to X einai xalasmeno gia afto xrisimopoiw S adi gia afto :P

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Αν και δεν το διάβασα όλο, εξάλλου δεν παίζω πλέον Lineage και δεν με αφορά, οφείλω να πω ότι έκανες πολύ καλή δουλειά και μπράβο σου φίλε μου! Συνέχισε έτσι!

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Λιγο ακυρο αυτο με τα dyes ναι...καλυτερα ειναι ο gladi να ειναι μονο με Wit+4 Int-4 αντε το πολυ πολυ Str+2or3 Dex-2or3

Γιατι δηλαδη να του κατεβασεις 1κ life και 600 cp ?

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ty mages gia ta kala loga twra gia ta dyes...me to -5 xanw giro sta 2k life...dld 2 hit apo mage kai 1.5 crit apo archer....ALA to str dinei skill critical chance..opote adi na adexw 1 skill parapanw protimw na kanw parapanw dmg kai me perisoteres pi8anotites gia critical....twra da3i ta dyes dn einai pote adikeimenika apla emena m fenete oti afto axisei.

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Opa opa..eida merika la8oi edw..To RIPOSTE STANCE skill to exeis akousta?

Opote pezeis me tank/titan/tyrant/buffer/doomi to anigeis!!(Arkei na douleuei)

Einai san reflect dmg.


To Riposte stance epistrefei dmg pisw opos kai katares. (opos kai mana burn)..


Pados wraio guide!

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Πραγματικά έχω βαρεθεί αυτά τα guides. Κάποιος έκανε κάποτε guide τέτοιου τύπου και από τότε όλοι αρχίσανε να τον μιμούνται. Έχει γίνει κουραστικό.

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Opa opa..eida merika la8oi edw..To RIPOSTE STANCE skill to exeis akousta?

Opote pezeis me tank/titan/tyrant/buffer/doomi to anigeis!!(Arkei na douleuei)

Einai san reflect dmg.


To Riposte stance epistrefei dmg pisw opos kai katares. (opos kai mana burn)..


Pados wraio guide!


distixos meta apo c3 paisw kirios l2j kai etsi to risponse dn doulevei swsta sxedon pote....twra gia stuners me war frensy kai lionheart dn iparxei periptwsi na fas stun oute mia sto ekatomirio..kai na trwei ligo back dmg dn einai spoudaio gt xaneis poli dps apo tin miosi atk speed.


Twra gia mage debuffs to exw testarei se merikous server ala dn douleve...twra mporei l2j ala to ekana poles fores kai tpt..gia afto kai dn to anaferw gt dn to sinistw efoson dn doulevei se polous server....kai dn eimai kai 100% sigouros gia to pos doulevei...


twra gia to mana burn dn iparxei periptwsi na doulevei etsi..i toulaxiston egw dn to exw akousei pote (afto dn to exw testarei)..twra ti na  s pw dn xerw..

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VS Titan , Tyrrant


Me titan anoigeis war frensy lionheart kai spamareis..molis kanei frensy sealot anoixe sonic barrier kai teliose tin douleia...twra ama einai gtp o server kai anoigei frensy prin ta 20 seconds (p xanagemisei life) tote i prospa8ise na trexeis mexri na teliosei (diskolo profanos..) i katse psofa......

Me tyrrant war frensy lionheart kai spam pali ALA otan anoixei sealot 8a anoixei kai focus barrier....molis to anoixei anoixe kai esi...kane kai ena braveheart kai molis teliosei to barrier teliose tin douleia.


Φοβερη τακτικη


Ps* Eιναι Frenzy, Zealot οχι Frensy, Sealot

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Φοβερη τακτικη


Ps* Eιναι Frenzy, Zealot οχι Frensy, Sealot


ty kai dikia m malakia xexasa na to anaferw


To koumpi aristera apo to X (afto p eprepe na valw kanonika dld) einai xalasmeno (erixa ice tea panw t) kai adi gia afto vaSw padou S :P


8a editarw prwto post

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    • Hello Friends . I would like to introduce that i have found a method to avoid league hwid ban ( van 152 ) you will get perma ban when detected only at the account you are using like before vanguard release with the method you can script or use the tools you want at many accs as you wish unstoppable without caring about headache or wasting time and energy of flashing bios reset your pc installing fresh windows and using spoofer to change your hardware infos to unlock the hwid ban i have tested it on 5 accs i got them perma banned for using third party tools but not a hwid ban at all hint : ppl regulary get hwid ban in 2nd ban after got banned once before as vanguard working like that only 1 chance free then hwid ban. its so easy to achieve if you are interested dm for details
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    • Customs being added to systextures/animation/texture influences the increase in virtual ram by a very small amount, which means you won't have a headache in the future with critical error issues, unless it's a dubious custom, there are 2 custom weapon packs available for H5 that are "compromised", they didn't make a very good adaptation, one of the packages is the weapons from the goddess of destruction for H5, another is the hero weapons from the goddess of destruction for H5, avoid these customs for your H5 server if you see it on any forum.   Now coming back to your question; one thing that the NCSoft developers never did was add files to their system, probably because they were aware of what could happen when doing that, now think about one thing: the game's system retail itself is no more than 70MB, every time there was an update made by NCSoft they always added the equipment/items/cloaks etc. in their folders intended for that, so why do we do this? I still have my client containing a system with almost 1GB, 1-2h online is the time I can stay online before the ram memory limit, but I have already redone my entire client with customs being destined for textures/systexture/animations, almost all the customs that I had on that client containing a 1GB system I have on my current server, with the difference that I removed everything from the system and critical error is now nothing more than legends, my current server has a total of 220MB in the system folder And theoretically speaking, based on what I've seen, especially on many forums, I believe that the heavier the system folder is, the faster we accelerate the consumption of the client's virtual ram memory, causing countless different types of critical error in one short period of time, in many forums that I've seen on topics involving critical, the solution that stands out the most is about downloading a new clean "system"
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