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[SHARE] nophx.dll - disabled functionality

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There seems to be a large number of random guides about how to get around nophx.dll when all you gotta do is NOP 10 bytes in the dll and it stops it from functioning...


Download Me and extract to your system folder that contains nophx.dll, and now it does nothing, simple huh?

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some servers don't import nophx.dll to the L2.exe, for example, http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153842.0

Therefore that method won't work, but mine will.


Besides, for the average phx user, what is easier? Replacing 1 file with another, or downloading a separate program to remove the imported dll?

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This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

stupid rapidshare -.- link updated and on a premium account this time.
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this is working for both versions of nophx?


one is simple, only the import in l2.exe or fire.dll and other version have a custom token

fire.dll isn't nophx, it is hint's antibot that works with hAuthD, so no it won't work with that one.
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