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All settings have description... Its possible if your l2server.ini isnt the same that this, but description is universal for all pack...


; Here is a list of EVERY l2server.ini command.  This should be a 100% complete ini file.
; This took me a little bit of time to carefully extract from the L2Server.exe assembly.
; I hope I explained every setting so you can understand what each setting does.
; Thanks for downloading and hope you get some use out of this.

; If your server implodes and creates a blackhole, it's NOT my fault :P
; If you use this and it works, then it is my fault! (Ok, Ok, and NCsoft too...)
; Anything that isn't a good, happy effect is *not my fault* =)

; Pick a mail server, though i have no idea if this actually 'works'
UserPathFind=true						; Default is true
WorldCollision=true						; Default is true
UserPort=7777							; Default is port 7777
Country=1							; Default is country 0.  Korea=0, USA=1, Japan=2, Taiwan=3, China=4, Thailand=5
Snoop=0								; Default is 0. 
ExceptionMailing=true						; Default is true.  
ExceptionMinidump=false						; Default is false.  If true, it will dump a .dmp file of the latest crash/exception.

autologoutsec=600						; Default is 600.  Most likely number of seconds before the server kicks idle/disconnected players.
GotDamageLog=false						; Default is false.  Not really sure what it does, but it might enable logging for *all* damage.
BOTMessage=false						; Default is false.  Probably sends a message to botters if they are caught or checked with //check_bot
BOTLog=false							; Default is false.  Enables bot logging (kinda obvious...)
BOTCheckTime=120000						; Default is 120000.  Probably the amount of time //check_bot waits before returning an answer.
BOTCheckWaitTimeLimit=110000					; Default is 110000.  Probably the amount of time the player is checked for botting.
AcceptEscapeCommnad=false					; Default is false.  Not sure what this does.
AcceptLowerProtocol=false					; Default is false.  If enabled, this will allow ANY (lower or greater) client protocols to connect.
playtimelimit=0							; Default is 0.  Probably the maximum time a player can play per day, though it might be total.  See SQL play_time column.
reconnectAuth=0							; Default is 0.  If enabled, the L2Server will automatically try to reconnect to the AuthD server if disconnected.
AgeCheckType=0							; Default is 0.  A value of 0 means don't check age, and a value of 1 means do check the age, using some korean method.

taitime=false							; Default is false.  No idea what this does...

EscapeMode=1							; Default is 1.  Not really sure what this does...
canrolldice=1							; Default is 1.  Enabling this allows players to purchase "dice" items at grocery shops.

gameguard=false							; Default is false.  Enables or disables GameGuard.  (Untested)
gameguard_checkonly=false					; Default is false.  Probably enables or disables GameGuard for bot checking only.
MultiLang=false							; Default is false.  Enables or disables multiple language support??
isnonpk=false							; Default is false.  Maybe this disables karma upon PKing.
cannotmonrace=false						; Default is false.  Probably enables or disables the usage of Monster Derby for all players, but maybe *just* for PKers with karma.
LogMsn=true							; Default is true.  Enables or disables MSN chat logging.

; As far as I can tell, this setting does not exist inside L2Server.
; Chances are this is an old typo that the koreans never fixed.
; The correct command for this is probably the "block" under [bOT]
; which is located right below this =)

block=0								; Default is 0.  
TestCount=3							; Default is 3.  Not sure what this means, but could be related to //check_bot taking values 1-3.

WorldId=1							; Default id is 1.  The server id in your SQL has to match this to work properly.
UserLimit=3000							; Default is 3000.  This is the maximum number of players allowed on the server.
LetBuilder=1							; Default is 1.  If enabled, and the login_flag is set in SQL to 16, GMs can login even when the limit is reached.

address=localhost						; IP address or hostname the CacheD server is located on.
port=2006							; Default is port 2006.  This port is the port L2Server connects to.

address=localhost						; IP address or hostname the AuthD server is located on.
port=2044							; Default is port 2044.  This port is the port L2Server connects to.

address=						; IP address or hostname the LogD server is located on.
port=3999							; Default is port 3999.  This port is the port L2Server connects to.

address=						; IP address or hostname the PetitionD server is located on.
port=2107							; Default is port 2107.  This port is the port L2Server connects to.
WorldName="L2server "						; Default is "L2server"  According to the original l2server.ini it must be 9 characters.
DisableStart=0							; Default is 0.  Value given to us by the original l2server.ini is 5.
DisableEnd=0							; Default is 0.  Value given to us by the original l2server.ini is 13.

WriteLevel=10							; Default is 10.  Not sure exactly what this does, but probably controls how much/often the SQL writes.

; It appears that these commented settings don't exist, so no need to use them.  Ignore and move on.
;WorldNames="Lineage2 "		; I added this in my own personal l2server.ini to be the same name as my "world name" for my server.  This is probably unneeded.

address=						; IP address or hostname the L2COMM server is located on.
port=2010							; Default is port 2010.  This port is the port L2Server connects to.
autoconnect=1							; Default is 1.  If enabled, the L2Server will automatically try to reconnct to L2COMM if disconnected.
usesvr=1							; Default id 1.  If enabled, allows one to use the Community server.  If disabled, no Community server.

fontcheck=0							; Default is 0.  If enabled, it probably forces the client to use a certain font.
filename=smallfont.gly						; Default is "smallfont.gly"  Probably a font filename in the client.

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; This is not ANYWHERE inside L2Server.exe as far as I can tell.
; My suspicion is that this is meant for perfmon.ini.
; However, I also doubt that perfmon.ini even works, but
; maybe it does and I am wrong ;)  Never know.
;Interval=600	;minute
; --------------------------------------------------------------

												; Default for *all* of these is off.  Change them to "on" to enable.
extra_mob=off							; Can be off or on.  Search for "extra_mob" event in npcpos.txt
medal=off									; Can be off or on.  Search for "medal" event in npcpos.txt
event_gate=off							; Can be off or on.  Search for "event_gate" event in npcpos.txt
fire_event=off							; Can be off or on.  Search for "fire_event" event in npcpos.txt

; If you put an event into name, it appears L2Server will *disable* it.  Limited to one name it looks like.

												; For all the rate changers below, 100 = 1x (Default), 500 = 5x, and so on.
adenaamount=100						; Adena AND Seal Stone drop rate.
itemrate=100							; Item drop rate.
spoilrate=100							; Spoil rate
exprate=100								; Experience AND SP rate (I think).
partyexprate=100						; Party bonus experience rate.  Probably just multiplies party experience bonuses.
dontdecexp=0							; Default is 0.  Won't lose Experience upon death.
dontdropitem=0							; Default is 0.  Won't drop items upon death.  Not sure if this affects red players.
aiadenarate=100							; AI.obj Adena rate.  WARNING: This can break many adena-based quests.  Use with caution!
aiexprate=100							; AI.obj Experience AND SP rate.  WARNING: This can break many quests.  Use with caution!

Olympic=0									; Default is 0.  1 will probably enable some special/nifty event/feature.

xmasevent=false							; Default is false.  True will enable it, obviously...
xmaseventbegin="2004/12/22 10:0:0"				; Default is "2004/12/22 10:0:0"  Choose a date and time for xmas event to begin.
xmaseventend="2004/12/29 10:0:0"				; Default is "2004/12/29 10:0:0"  Choose a date and time for xmas event to finish.

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