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interlude [L2J]Lineage ][ Sharp PVP/GVE Bartz PvP x800-500 Wiping

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join and craft S or no ballz =]

Hahahaha join and craft s on official and get to the same lvl + sub + nobless like me or u got no idea what l2 is :)

0 people right now... strange... yesterday 40, i go to see what happen on the forum


people with weapons s +16 xD some hack in the craft manager... how can this people be so stupid to make S Grade +16 with hacks in the second day of the server? be smart! wait some more time!!!!


0 people right now... strange... yesterday 40, i go to see what happen on the forum


people with weapons s +16 xD some hack in the craft manager... how can this people be so stupid to make S Grade +16 with hacks in the second day of the server? be smart! wait some more time!!!!

problem fixed all  items deleted

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