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Here is the question guys:

Which are the 10 best movies you ever saw?


An example of the answer's form:

1.Final Fantasy

2.Harry Potter

3.Lord of the Rings

4.Death Race




8.American Pie


10.V for Vendetta


1= Into The Wild

2= Lord of the Rings

3= Avatar

4= Hary Potter

5= 2012

6= Forest Gump

7= The Terminal

8= Epic movie / Scary Movie / Disaster movie / Meet the spartans etc etc

9= American Pie

10= Final Fantasy



these are mine


1.Lord of the rings 1,2,3



4.Oceans eleven

5.You dont mess with the zohan


7.The Hangover

8.Law Abiding Citizen

9.Pirates of the caribean 1,2,3

10.Harry potter 1-6




1. Η τιμια γυναικα του γιατρου

2. Αγροτισσα μονη ψαχνεται

3. Η εκδικηση της νυφης

4. Η εκδικηση της παρθενας στα μποζουκια

5. Ο ταξιτζης

6. Ελληνίδες φοιτήτριες σε κρίση

7. Το απαγορευμενο

8. Sex in the city of Athens

9. Ερωτικο 1, 2 και 3

10. Το αλογο
























































































No kidding -.-

:D :D :D


1. Eurotrip

2. Chuck

3. DrHouse

4. Supernatural

5. Bruce Almighty

6. I see your death


I can't find any more..


1. Queen of the Damned

2. V for Vendetta

3. Alien Vs Predator

4. Alient 1 2 3

5. Predator -

6. Transformers

7. Surrogates

8. Cop out

9. Iron Man 1, 2

10. Interview with The Vampire ? - Book's better >.>



Since I cannot decide about the order, I will just post the top ten but without setting them from the best to the less good.


V for Vendetta

Lord of the Rings

Iron Man


Bank Bang

Rush Hour

Pulp Fiction

Pirates of the Carribean (Just because Johny Depp was too gay)

Edward Scissorhands

MxC 2009 Movie


V for Vendetta

Lord of the Rings

Pirates of the Carribean

Robin Hood (2010)

Clash of the Titans (2010)

Prince of Persia :Sand of Time

Iron Man

Never back down

Undisputed 1-2-3

Blood and Bone


and many many other's:D

I'll edit my post as soon as I remember few movies :D


Relax dude, it's just about yout top 10! :x




Since I cannot decide about the order, I will just post the top ten but without setting them from the best to the less good.


V for Vendetta

Lord of the Rings

Iron Man


Bank Bang

Rush Hour

Pulp Fiction

Pirates of the Carribean (Just because Johny Depp was too gay)

Edward Scissorhands



oh sorry then .. but you'll have to count again :D


you have just 9


1. Old Boy (By far, the best psycho-thriller)

2. Butterfly effect

3. American History X

4. Exorcist

5. Matrix 1

6. Constantine

7. xXx

8. Scary Movie 1 + 2

9. Biker Boyz

10. Banlieue 13 (a.k.a. District B 13) <3 Parkour!


1) casablanka

2) green street holigans

3) the sixed element

4) Fast and the Furios

5) Lord of the rings 3

6) 5 first days

7) hot shots

8) Where is my car dude?

9) American pie 6

10) scary movie

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