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[Share]L2Mafia bugs tested working 100%


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  • Peaceful char 1

you have 2 clients-1 bot and the char you wanna make <peaceful>

teleport with first somewhere..the second will move with him and be peaceful

he can heal and hit flagged/war people

he is shown at town and cannot move-only follow ..that's only good for bishops..

  • Peaceful char 2

you get 2 chars in a place..-1 bot and your char you want to make peaceful

soe with 1st and  put follow him with 2nd

when 1st goes to town ..wait the 2nd char to appear there

when he does teleport again to the place you were

you can do things told above but you can move normally!

your client shows you in the place you are not in town :P

  • Olympiad bug

you join oly with the 1st char

you have a 2nd healer etc

with 2nd char you put follow on 1st

2nd char will be moved with 1st in olympiad stadium

client will show your bot in town but in fact you are in olympiad stadium with 2 char

(tip:do it in gludin..2nd char gets faster in olympiad stadium)

note1:if when joined in oly you were in peaceful,.your bot cannot hit or be hitten

note2:if you were not in peaceful,your bot can hit and be hitten normally

note3:you can do note1 and hit ONLY people who are war with your clan

  • PvP zone bug

you go at pvp zone(in l2mafia these are baium and DE village)

you get there 2 chars..1 bot and your char

with bot you make soe..follow with your char in the bot

when bot goes to town ..go to yours char's client

wait some seconds..when npcs near you  dissapear make soe

and Voila you can go at any place(non pvp zone) and get benefits of pvp zone(no pk,you get medals by kill,you make spree after 5 kills)

Note1:in pvp zone you pk...

Note2:to break the bug..go to pvp zone and soe..your char acts like normal again

  • Bugging a raid boss(working 50%)

you agro a raid boss

you get it on a mountain in game

and this stops hiting you

and you can hit it by pressing ctrl(working in l2mafia ken abigail)

  • Bug for adena(KA Only)


you buy doom armor 1.5kk

you sell it 2.4kk

dl a auto clicker and GG

  • Castle Bug 1

you join a tvt with leader

in tvt, you find a way to espace from it(/target gatekeeper or something like that)

you can go and pray..noone can target you anymore gg~

  • Castle bug/trick 2

when a siege finishes

and you still see your flag of attacker

it means artifact is still there!you can go and pray and take castle as well!(works in  of mafia siege when they stuck(they stuck 10% chance)


These bugs work in every l2J where when you make soe with one char and go somewhere the char following you comes with you!



Translation of my post in greek section


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