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You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?

    • I rape her
    • I ask for a dinner
    • Boring, i send her home
    • I'm too young to think about sex, i ask for a autograph though
    • Obviously i still rape her, its a hallucination

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be nice staffers suggest the same things , and agree in everything. AXAAX the correct staffers keep walking :)

activate reload-every, get l2 mod promotion, start believing you're a GOD, start talking like a GOD, get a thunderbolt by the GOD. ::)


as you see my words before are getting aproved by your behaviour.


you didn't had a problem with GrisoM but with all of us.

Tell me one of mods who ever defend you or your opinion (there wasn't any but w/e) at staff section or out there.

Like i said, you knew only to insult GrisoM and staff. You never took a look at yourself, never tried to work with us, even when you had a problem with Coolis you never request for our help but you kept ignoring G Mods.


And after that you insult the staff with the statment: We don't care for mods and bla bla bla while you didn't even tried to notice the G Mods about the problem.



You had to thnx me and ED 100 million of times, because at the time when you were gold, you were making 0 mod actions every day.

you were 24/24 on reload every. we were suffering of activity on that time.

I was doing all locks and ED was doing all moves. Coz we always cleaned this forum, Maxtor though you were working too. Coz you always said him: see my online staistics. Jesus. Even your friends said "Jesus" when you were using that reload every and claiming to be top staffer.

You always said that you won't be active coz you were gold and you had only lock privi, even as l2 mod you couldn't reach Chucky's mod actions as gold lol.  You said that you were 3 months in vocations that's why you was inactive, while we had you 24/24h online. (weird ?!, not reload every FTW)


So, next time you make irony to this staff and it's moderators think it twice

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btw about that unban you told me

that issn't an option

i asked ED and he asked maxtor

and maxtor said that i would never get a unban XD


and probely i can remain on this account as long as grisom logs in ;.>

if you had to make the first step you should quit that forum at least.


You didn't made it yet.

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Tell me one of mods who ever defend you or your opinion (there wasn't any but w/e) at staff section or out there.

Tell me who's was the other opinion,lol


i was banned cause?

i was saying the truth right?


truth always hurt

that's the other point

who says the truth isn't wanted here

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Tell me who's was the other opinion,lol


So, next time you make irony to this staff and it's moderators think it twice

that's the other point

who says the truth isn't wanted here

what truth lol?

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if you had to make the first step you should quit that forum at least.


You didn't made it yet.

banning people because they are staffers at a forum

thats a realy bad thing to do


and why they banned us?

you can't tell me that they are scared or w/e...


so why should they ban us^^?



@Raule, lick my 1.5m penis

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