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[Tool]L2J File Editor - version 1.1

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sticky icky




Ok Guys, please tell me what else should I add, what should I improve.


Any bugs found or something?



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Matim,first congratulations for this awesome program;another beatiful work by ur hands^^ I would just ask if there is any ETA for finish the "to do" list.


Firstly thank You for few good words.


About your question, I have to wait few days for people request and suggestions to add them in next release :)

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This open window is to small for such great editor...you should make it to work in full screen mode ...:)...to be able to see much more from text ...





Ok, in next release I will add full screen mode option.

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The master of cool topics present his share with amaizing cool looking topic again :D

Good job Matim :)

Thanks for the share and keep up working :)

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Hi and congrats on making such a tool :)

There is one bug that I find irritating - when you code in python and you change server pack, the imports section gets duplicated and it keeps the old imports, that will not work. How can you avoid this?

Well my idea is this - you format the imports like this:

from $ver$.gameserver.model.quest import State

and when you switch server pack, all you have to do is replace $ver$ with corresponding text:


and so on.

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Hi and congrats on making such a tool :)

There is one bug that I find irritating - when you code in python and you change server pack, the imports section gets duplicated and it keeps the old imports, that will not work. How can you avoid this?

Well my idea is this - you format the imports like this:

from $ver$.gameserver.model.quest import State

and when you switch server pack, all you have to do is replace $ver$ with corresponding text:


and so on.


Thank You for report :)


I will try to fix it, also thanx for advice.



Still Im waiting for other bug reports and suggestions.



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Shortcuts: Cntrl + L find the line import them ;)


Yes, its quite nice idea, but there are a lot of classes, so I have think how to do it :)

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I have some problem. I cant open it. i have windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.. it gives me some errors. :/


Show me this error, You're sure that You have correct Java version?

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