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[Script] Baium Vortex (Enter while you're afk or doing someting else)

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Well simply do following steps:


1) Get working ingame walker

2) Go to baium vortex (angelic vortex is the correct name)

3) Make a script in l2walker with following data:


NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571])

DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.)

DLGSEL(Ask about the stone statue.)


NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571])

DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.)

DLGSEL(Ask about the stone statue.)


4) Spam this as many time as you want in your script, so that it wont stop for long

5) Run script & you can go watch forums or something while you your script enter baium for you


Cheers ;D


Edit: Changed to 50 posts because It's already been posted by everyone in my thread



very nice and usefull script :) for retail and killing baium :P


i think 200 posts is so much.


Thanks for feedback. Yes, 200 posts is much. But I don't want all noobs on DN to be using this on baium. That would not be fun! I rather let donator users and people that give scripts to community and have lots of post use it!


Thanks for feedback. Yes, 200 posts is much. But I don't want all noobs on DN to be using this on baium. That would not be fun! I rather let donator users and people that give scripts to community and have lots of post use it!

anyway that's your choice ;)


ye.. i WAS playing here... coz i am on Ban List xD


Gamias & Str0umf - Adena exploit - 96h baned for now, about finally penalty i will decide later - http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,43987.0.html check for yourself ;O


anyway i aggre with u


ye.. i WAS playing here... coz i am on Ban List xD


Gamias & Str0umf - Adena exploit - 96h baned for now, about finally penalty i will decide later - http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,43987.0.html check for yourself ;O


anyway i aggre with u


Yeah well that sucks. I've always liked greek people ;)


Well simply do following steps:


1) Get working ingame walker

2) Go to baium vortex (angelic vortex is the correct name)

3) Make a script in l2walker with following data:


NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571])

DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.)

DLGSEL(Ask about the stone statue.)


NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571])

DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.)

DLGSEL(Ask about the stone statue.)


4) Spam this as many time as you want in your script, so that it wont stop for long

5) Run script & you can go watch forums or something while you your script enter baium for you


Cheers ;D



nice script .... probably i will be banned but so what ... just to show you that this system sucks


nice script .... probably i will be banned but so what ... just to show you that this system sucks

how you did? lol I'm n00b I know :p


BTW nice script but 200 is too much for a so easly script.


BUt: easy but usefull^^ thanks :)


By using this script we get inside baium without the quest? thats it? @___@

nice work iamhere ;)

lol not at all. All this does is spam the NPC to get in so you don't have to wait for baium yourself. This is extremely pointless because if you do go AFK like this script supposedly allows you to, you'll get PKed by others and/or raped by baium and/or miss the spawn anyway.


Epic script, well worth the 200 posts, lol.

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