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Whats your most memorable PVP victory???

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nope by zerg party i mean 9 ppl with uber ego and skill in 1 party against 2 noob clan xD


Zerg is when noobs win cause they are more.

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Zerg is when noobs win cause they are more.


well depends who use it like what for example back on official RedZerg was redzerg because they were a party from redkillers and they killed everyone not because they are more :D

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dunno about my most memorable pvp, but i remember my 1st pvp:


i was lvl 39 in a x1 server (c4) & there was always pvp for nabs at dion gates, so i went to get my 1st pvp ever, i targeted a really low lvl and :Solar Spark:

he was down & i was happy, what i didnt know was that after i killed him i had to run, so i got ultra pwned :p

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dunno about my most memorable pvp, but i remember my 1st pvp:


i was lvl 39 in a x1 server (c4) & there was always pvp for nabs at dion gates, so i went to get my 1st pvp ever, i targeted a really low lvl and :Solar Spark:

he was down & i was happy, what i didnt know was that after i killed him i had to run, so i got ultra pwned :p


just loled :D



Well i have 3 of em.


first one was on thegame c3,i was gladi (sucked back then..) and a sph wanted pvp.He said u start...so i open lionheart tripple him and start charging..he uses sleep ...it fails...i use double he dies :D. 0 hp lost :D


Second one same server sph again but he was a good rl friend of mine.I can't recall the whole pvp but i can recall the end of it...in few words i remember i had slow and he was running and hititng(he probably got a tripple before slow me).i remember charging and just when i was 2 hits using blaster and BOOM he is down with me having like 300hp or something.The good part in this pvp is my friend shouting in the internet cafe...i roflmaoed very hard that day :D


Third and last one was on l2family interlude lolserver...server was on for 4 months and rulled by some argentinian clan.So me and an argentinian i met in game made an ally...he had all argentinians in his clan and i had greeks...(y it was hard.....)So after a week the rulling clan was in farm zone (beast farm or w/e) we tp a bit further grp up and going on them by foot.I put "let the bodies hit the floor-drowing pool" running and ofc we took em :D.It was my favourite mass pvp so far (mainly for the music but w/e :P)

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Heroes are nothing, just if ur mates can play perfect .. u can beat everyone!


Yeah, cancel stick, hero buffs/curses are nothing.


Oh wait...

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