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dont try l2net is fixed too =) I used it, but now, without l2net or walker... :s no idea. x) lets see if anyone that have the knowledge to reverse that .dll, I tryed to understand it, but no clue...


I wait for the fix as every body here :/


and i got an other question/request anyone got a modded System with same features i mean mobs level, no limit zoom/dezoom, being able to see ppl from far away...

cause it's very anoying atm with the short seeable (i don't know if this word exist) range, being gank cause u dont see if it's wartag or not... (grrr update)

So i hope someone ll fix system folder fast and if someone know how to modd what i asked i'm not against a lil share.


I don`t think walker will work again on this server, maybe l2net since the devs from l2net are working on it


Well i think that if l2.net gets to work, so will walker, cause i can log with walker i just cant target anything with those system files, so if they fix that for l2.net i think u can use l2walker if u prefer, but l2net is better just takes time to learn


I approve of this thread (and the others on ltwonet, elitepvpers etc.). Come on with that fix already : ) people are anxious for bans


Retardnes have no limit, as u can see here :)


Go back to ur lolduped failsrv

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