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[Game] World Hardest game 'EVER' (Ultimate Riddle)


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[glow=red,2,300]***   BRAIN CHALLENGE   ***[/glow]



* Under this line, you find the world hardest game ever,



* Currently 80.772 riddlers have tried to solve the Ultimate Riddle. Only 71 managed to reach the end: that's about the 0,08790% of all the people who tried.


* Rules/Requirements:


- An internet connection

- A browser (Internet Explorer is HIGHLY recommended)

- An image manipulation software

- An audio manipulation software

- A sound player. Remember to turn your PC speakers on.


Ultimate Riddle is a "levels" game.

You will have to solve a riddle to find the word that will grant you the access to the next level.

Every level contains useful hints (in the source code, in the picture, in the page itself etc.) to find the answer.

You'll have to search everywhere.

The answer to go to the next level must be (almost) ever entered in the following way:


If the level's URL is




and the riddle answer is "pop", then you have to write




In some levels you will find a Google Searchbar. Sometimes, to solve levels, you will need to perform a search.

If there's no Google searchbar, a web search isn't useful to solve the riddle.

Wikipedia is also recommended.

You can take a look at forums for extra hints.

Add each level in your bookmarks. They could be useful!


(For Mac, Linux and Firefox users: you could find some troubles in the game. Contact in forums)


You will have to use your whole brain here!

Hope you'll enjoy it!

This is a game, HAVE FUN


* Hints, Here yo ucan find the hints




If you can't get lvl up anymore, post picture of your last level.




I will start with this ultimate riddle, i got to lvl 8



Some extra hints;

LVL 7 (many people said it was very hard) so here extra Helpfull hint:

Take the last names of the acters and put behind it .jpg and do that with all acters then you get this:


do this with all the last names and check the properties and make there a word of

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i'm stucked at level 6 too, btw i use internet explorer..

It's about Julius Caesar cipher.. We need somehow to convert these letters "bzmxnm". Just my theory.


I'll try tomorrow with a clearer brain, now i need some sleep.

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I'm stuck on Level 6. I just don't get it.


i'm stucked at level 6 too, btw i use internet explorer..


It's about Julius Caesar cipher.. We need somehow to convert these letters "bzmxnm". Just my theory.


I'll try tomorrow with a clearer brain, now i need some sleep.


use the hints from lvl 1-5 and you get to it:P

and don't forget to use sound if needed!

and don't realy remember other awnsers anymore... -.-

try some little harder:D

also, don't forget to put .htm in your line

and if you don't get it any more, you can visit this link http://www.s8.createphpbb.com/ultimateriddle/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=8fd3f07468694109cd8345dc592f9efa&mforum=ultimateriddle it gives more info on most levels

btw; reached lvl 10


and now its bedtime, gn :)


@Versus, go do smthing ells, i see you like a hour in this topicXD

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I found the solution at level 6, tricky one.


Now i'm stuck at 7 ;D

hahaahah, nice 1 versus:P


after apple im done..:D


whats the solution for this one?

can't tell:D its not fair=D





I personaly gave up, lvl 11max:p

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I found the solution at level 6, tricky one.


Now i'm stuck at 7 ;D


7 hmm...just search for the 6 actors who played james bond...maybe use their first letters and put them on an Anagram program to make you the word you need...

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7 hmm...just search for the 6 actors who played james bond...maybe use their first letters and put them on an Anagram program to make you the word you need...

I have already found the actors, although the letters didn't make any sense. Nice idea you got there with the Anagram program. I'll try it.

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