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[Share] Bloody Patch [CT2.3]


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Looking arround the Internet found this interesting patch....  8)












Credits: thelastdwarf


PS: Can anyone convert to Gracia Epilogue please?  ;)

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Well, first of all, thx for Your share ;)


Secondwal, to adapt it to ANY CHRONICLE, just go into You chargrp.dat file add LineageEffect.ab_bleeding into each char attack_eff table ^^

It's sooo simple...


Take care


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Very nice, I only knew to edit the soulshot impacts, I didn't know this trick:


just go into You chargrp.dat file add LineageEffect.ab_bleeding into each char attack_eff table ^^


Thanks Ave ;)


btw: I think it's not ab_bleeding but some other I cant remember and I cant check atm :/

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