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Esti tare ady :))

Mersi Costynele :D

Lol copilu ala frustrat juca pe L2Terror XD

Imi place partea cu "ala frustrat" :D :D :D

Esti doar un newbie acum..lumea te vede prea mic

Esti putin mai diferit, stai linistit, n-ai nimic

E trist sa afli ca toata lumea te-a mintit

In primu rand faza cu barza, e doar o gluma proasta

Doar nu credeai ca tactu ar fi futut o barza

Fi serios nu pune botu la prostii

Intro zi o sa vrei sa faci copii

Si n-o sa sti ca, toata smecheria e sa-ti bagi pula sculata

In pizda unei tarfe care sa stea cracanata

Si apoi se plimba pula stanga, dreapta, sus, jos

Pana o sa iasa un lichid numit sloboz

Mai ales ca poti, dar mai e pana o sa dai la buci

Mai sunt multe de invatat de facut pana atunci





Imi aduci aminte de filmu ala cu Eminem .. 18Mile parca.. :D


The LoveRs: go go go server frumos taree http://l2network.z1.ro

**xAddytzu .: vreau sa donez

The LoveRs is using a different version of Yahoo! Messenger. Certain features may be unavailable.


The LoveRs: bv

**xAddytzu .: ce ma?

**xAddytzu .: tiam zis ca vreau sa donez

The LoveRs: da cand??

**xAddytzu .: azi

**xAddytzu .: vreau +25 itemele

The LoveRs: asa 30 euro armura  +arma 30 60

The LoveRs: euro

The LoveRs: +15 euro ttao

The LoveRs: 75 eruo

**xAddytzu .: 75 euro ?

**xAddytzu .: =)

**xAddytzu .: si peste 1 sapt e serv off

**xAddytzu .: 12gb ddr3?

**xAddytzu .: ))

**xAddytzu .: pai tu nu ai bani de domeniu

**xAddytzu .: si ai 12gb dd3

**xAddytzu .: si i7 procesor?

The LoveRs: nu am mane nu?

The LoveRs: daca intru al hoster in pc siti arat ce pierzi??

**xAddytzu .: )

**xAddytzu .: si eu am 72GB dd4

**xAddytzu .: ddr4

The LoveRs: bne ma dute tarea

**xAddytzu .: vrei print?

**xAddytzu .:

am primit si eu mass cu serv asta :)) dar ghici de la cine :))


Sido: ?

Infinity Infinity: http://l2network.z1.ro Join all New Server

Sido: ce fail de website ai


Infinity Infinity: nui al meu ma

Infinity Infinity: robocap

Sido: tot fail ii

Sido: ca si tine

Sido: )

Infinity Infinity: ma esti prost ?

Infinity Infinity: eu am primit mass

Infinity Infinity: si lam dat mai departe

Infinity Infinity: nici nu joc pe serveru ala


si eu am skinu la web ala dar macar ii editat frumos :))

daca nu ma insel.... asta ii marele pretenar a lu dev matrix ala :))




ps setekh ce se mai aude de archid ? tiam dat mail (pt info de premium) , iar de standard... a trecut si a 2 sapt de cand ai zis cai dati drumu :(


Si pe infinity il cunosc lol... cunosc totzi idioti >.> /lame


ps setekh ce se mai aude de archid ? tiam dat mail (pt info de premium) , iar de standard... a trecut si a 2 sapt de cand ai zis cai dati drumu :(

Standard e cam low preority. Archid premium e 40 EU, serial-ul :)

Si va mere duar pe hardware id-ul pcului cu serialul generat


Insan3: sti in to[p

Insan3: in topzone

**xAddytzu .: ?

Insan3: nik...

**xAddytzu .: vrei sa mi`l pici?

Insan3: nush

**xAddytzu .: te mai gandesti ?

Insan3: wa

Insan3: ce vrei?

Insan3: ?

Insan3: ?

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: citeste mai sus

**xAddytzu .: eu am zis

**xAddytzu .: vrei sa mi`l pici

**xAddytzu .: tu ai zis nush

**xAddytzu .: si eu am zis

**xAddytzu .: te mai gandesti?

**xAddytzu .: ce slbz nu intelegi

**xAddytzu .: dute la scoala

**xAddytzu .: si invata lb.romana

Insan3: zi mai concret vrei sa`ti incerci noua protectie?

Insan3: ca imd fac sa pice rb`uri prin giran

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: bah hecare

**xAddytzu .: mai sti cand il intrebai pe spk

**xAddytzu .: cum se fac buguri?

**xAddytzu .: sti ce inseamna phx ?

Insan3: nu stiu

**xAddytzu .: e clar

**xAddytzu .: esti un copil frustrat

Insan3: tre sa stiu

**xAddytzu .: hai ignore

Insan3: ce inseamna

Insan3: tresa stiu sa il folosesc

**xAddytzu .: Da sunt 100% ca stii sa-l folosesti..

Insan3: si ba nobul

Insan3: tcine facea gb

Insan3: nu iio

Insan3 is typing...

Insan3: iti facea infinity


kidzor pasta il stii ? :D =)))))



xD the only words i knew in RO myself were: te iubesc :P


Standard e cam low preority. Archid premium e 40 EU, serial-ul :)

Si va mere duar pe hardware id-ul pcului cu serialul generat

mai multe info poti sami dai :P , despre ce contine si...

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • okay thank but can you tell me this code should i cooy and paste it somewhere or what ? how can i get the full file and just paste it in sustem
    • You need to utilise the following packet: `const S_EX_SEND_UI_EVENT = 398;` It's structure is as follow, or at least on new chronicles: writeD(_objectId); // EVENT IDs: // 0 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on bottom) // 1 - Disable Timer // 2 - Green Line with percents and timer // 3 - Number of residues collected (N pcs.) // 4 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on top) // 5 - Blue Line with percents and timer // 6 - Yellow Egg progress // 7 - Red Egg progress // 5 - Line with gears, percents and timer writeD(_type); // EVENT_ID writeD(0x00); // int ASK writeD(0x00); // int REPLY writeS(String.valueOf(_countUp)); // 0 = count down, 1 = count up timer always disappears 10 seconds before end writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime2)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime2)); writeD(-1); // what message to display by id, if any - NPC String Id // you can string several writeS() below, depending on the amount of variables in the npc string. only 1 line if NPC String ID = -1 writeS("Custom Text To Display or fill in variables in the NPC string by id"); // works in conjunction with the above line  
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