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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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scuza-l e mai mic si mai prost.


am dota pe steam dar nu-mi place.

stim ca tatal tau e alcoolist si pe langa mai e mic de statura si prost, dar nu trebuie sa te superi, dat fiind acesta e motivul pentru care te-ai bagat la jandarmi

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stim ca tatal tau e alcoolist si pe langa mai e mic de statura si prost, dar nu trebuie sa te superi, dat fiind acesta e motivul pentru care te-ai bagat la jandarmi

vorbesti despre persoane care nu sunt de fata la discutie, cat de penibil poti fi. incepe sa-mi para rau pt parintii tai ca au asa o napravala la usa.


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vorbesti despre persoane care nu sunt de fata la discutie, cat de penibil poti fi. incepe sa-mi para rau pt parintii tai ca au asa o napravala la usa.


tu esti din Suceava, esti mai taran de felul tau, te scuz, dar data viitoare vezi cum vorbesti

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app, esti cumva ruda cu grierosu' ? ca numa' ala isi umplea gura de puli cand nu mai stia ce sa zica.

nu, tu esti ruda cu mine, intreab-o pe mama ta, de fapt cred ca ti-a zis ca de azi inainte sa ma strigi cu apelativul de "tata"

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tu esti din Suceava, esti mai taran de felul tau, te scuz, dar data viitoare vezi cum vorbesti

vezi cum vorbesti in nestire ? nu-s din suceava. totusi as fi mandru si taran de-as fi, decat navetist ca tine.
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    • the links are offiline, could you reupload them please, if you have other versions of h5 or c6 could you share them too, thanks!
    • Good afternoon everyone, we’ll get a couple of strong players in the CP, more details can be found here https://mw2.community/topic/211276-awr-team/  
    • so i bought this crap of the server few years back and i just found it laying around on my pc and i thought i should share it, if i remember correctly this crap has a lot of bugs that people abuse 🙂   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing source   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing system    
    • Error: Unable to access jarfile libs\Geodata_Converter_v01.jar
    • Since last massive leak as explained as 07/09 (notably all development branches), I don't accept anymore financial newcomers that easily. People will have to contribute 100 cookies worth of contributions (bug reports/fixes) as a first step to be accepted as Donator. Free user can join after sharing over 200 cookies out of contributions, compared to 100 cookies before. You can say thanks to RusAcis, and notably his worthless leader, UnleashedForce. The size of users will continue to shrink if more leaks occur, until true helpers only will be left. New prices are as following : Joining price: 200€ + 100 cookies, or 200 cookies This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation. Monthly price: 10€ / 10 cookies This fee has to be paid every month. I won't accept any new join fee before the 100 cookies contribution. Your money will be instantly sent back. Also, in the same shape of idea, actual supporters/donators have to be active to stay in sources. It doesn't have to be a particular amount, you just have to share from time to time *anything*. I don't accept anymore silent ppl. Only useful people will be kept.
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