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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: mult serveru ca se sterge si db

**xAddytzu .: ))))

**xAddytzu .: in pula mea

**xAddytzu .: daca nu era

**xAddytzu .: serk

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: habar nu ai nimic de tine

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma plm

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: vrei sa vezi ca ai sterg tot

**xAddytzu .: ))))

**xAddytzu .: Invata lb romana

**xAddytzu .: se scrie "ca ii sterg"

**xAddytzu .: auzi?

**xAddytzu .: care a fost cel mai mare proiect al tau

**xAddytzu .: si in ce a constat?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ThiLight

**xAddytzu .: nu se scrie

**xAddytzu .: kear

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ori si ucm nu mai conteza

**xAddytzu .: se scrie chiar

**xAddytzu .: si in ce a constat?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: hai ca nu am timp de vb cu newbye

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ok

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ia zi carei problema ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ce treaba ai u cu Sido ?

**xAddytzu .: data[4] = child.getAttributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue();

**xAddytzu .: zimi ce e gresit aici

**xAddytzu .: si iti dau ignore

**xAddytzu .: nu te mai bag in sema

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dar de la cei ma?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: imi trimiti asa

**xAddytzu .: conteaza?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: zi de la ce e

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: pai logic

**xAddytzu .: nu trebuie sa dai pe google

**xAddytzu .: ca sa-ti dai seama

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: nu dau pe google

**xAddytzu .: ce este gresit

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: e din db

**xAddytzu .: un developer

**xAddytzu .: ca tine..

**xAddytzu .: si-ar da seama ca lipsesc 2 paranteze

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: data[4] = child.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue();

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: esti praf

**xAddytzu .: vb in iad

**xAddytzu .: salut



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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: wa

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: macar daca ziceai de la ce e asta

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: apoi imi dau seama

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dar asa ... amatori ramaneti in plm

**xAddytzu .: )))

**xAddytzu .: ce legatura are..?

**xAddytzu .: trebuie sa-ti zic de la ce e

**xAddytzu .: sa-ti dai seama

**xAddytzu .: ca lipsesc 2 paranteze?

**xAddytzu .: auzi?

**xAddytzu .: inca una

**xAddytzu .: ce e asta int[][]

**xAddytzu .: ce declari cu ea?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: nui de la dye ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: depinde de unde plm

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: le scoti ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ca asa e mare server si game login si astea

**xAddytzu .: aia cu int[][] e matrice

**xAddytzu .: nici decum dye

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: uite

**xAddytzu .: Map<Integer> mazga = new HashMap<Integer>();

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dute frate

**xAddytzu .: ce sti sa faci cu asta

**xAddytzu .: Map<Integer> mazga = new HashMap<Integer>();

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: mare ce te crezi

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: u le scoti de pe net

**xAddytzu .: tu ai in nume

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si ma intrebi pe mine

**xAddytzu .: developer

**xAddytzu .: raspunde`mi


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    • not just a waste of time ..even waste of money ...  
    • Heya! I was looking for someone who can provide me with any solution for FPS increase on Interlude Client. I was interested in a working Clear Cache button and/or any patch that will increase the FPS of each player. Playing on Interlude for many years now, I can understand that a crowded place will drop your FPS by a lot which is making the game unplayable and unenjoyable. For example, Baium Epic Boss always had issues (not only) with FPS drops sometimes players are playing with pixels (images). If anyone has the expertise and knowledge about those things I would like him to contact me via Discord xthedarknessfear so we can discuss further because I obviously have some questions about Client Modification and how it's done. Will not answer anything here, hit me up on disc and let's discuss it! P.S: I'm also looking for a custom simple interface (small edits). If you can do both, you are my guy! Cheers!
    • //request   Can anyone rework this for aCis 401? personally, one of the best features to have in a L2 server.
    • i have this feature: https://prnt.sc/rD9BYOi7QPB6 there is edited interface and one dll to make it working.
    • Whatever @Tryskell said...   Unfortunately it is not 2005-2010 anymore... Most of the community from those days is "grown up" and probably does not play games anymore (or at least no MMOs). I think anything related to MMOs will be a nail in the coffin.   I understand that it is hard to let the thing you've built for years to "just die". I assume most people got into programming, so maybe you can try something in that direction. But then again, this is a very niche community.   We need to think of something to bring the people together. I think events may be really fun, but then you would probably need to add prizes n order for the people to participate.   So yea, just my 2 cents. Hopefully somebody can come up with some great idea so we can revive this place. I've already forgotten it for the last couple (5-6) years...
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