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[Guide] Lineage II: Dominator

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Well, hello everybody.

I was quite bored so I thought "why don't I create another guide?"..

I chose a class randomly, and started to write.

The class I'll present you is the Dominator.






Dominators are nowadays one of the classes that are totally unbalanced in most of the loljava servers (as Lain calls them).

They are either overpowered, or half of their skills aren't working properly.

So it's like risking your "future" in the server, by chosing this class as your main active class.

If they are at least a bit balanced though, and you know how to use them, then you will have a HUGE advantage on PvPs and more.


General Infos


Dominators are Orc Mystics.

Their starting class is the "Orc Shaman", the one you can get on Level 20.

The next class transfer changes you into an "Overlord", on Level 40.

The final class is the "Dominator", on Level 76.


Their Starting Statuses, without dyes are:

INT: 31, STR: 27, CON: 31, MEN: 42, DEX: 24, WIT: 15


Game Play


[*] Skills Buffing


Well, the dominator is one of the best buffing class by itself.

His pa'agrian gifts can increase in a fair ammount all of the class's stats!

Let's take a look at the Pa'Agrian Skills:


skill1364_0.png, skill1365_0.png, skill1415_0.png, skill1416_0.png, skill1414_0.png, skill1003_0.png, skill1008_0.png, skill1260_0.png, skill1004_0.png, skill1250_0.png, skill1005_0.png, skill1261_0.png, skill1249_0.png, skill1282_0.png, skill1305_0.png


I won't start to explain what each does, just note that all of them can be used on yourself and you clan members (sometimes alliance too).

For further explanations about each skill, you can visit websites to see what they do.

For example: http://lineage.pmfun.com/


[*] NPC Buffing


Well, if you are playing in any low rate server, it will be quite hard to find an NPC Buffer to buff you.

If you do so though:


- Avoid Buffs that will decrease your defence stats, since the Dominator can become a perfect tank!

- Don't hesitate to make the important fighter buffs, if your server allows players to keep a big ammount of buffs. Dominators can have quite much p atk, and play as fighters as well!

- You will need casting. So Acumen Buffs or Dance of Concentration are a MUST (as at all Mages as well..).

- You need buffs to increase your mana regeneration. You will need to spend lots of MP in order to use the tactics that we'll explain below, and if the server doesn't have Mana Potions, then you're dead..

- You need buffs for HP. Don't forget, Domis can be used as fighters as well!


About the others, they are the well known ones!


[*] Equipment


Well, Dominators are a special Class.

They may be mages, although this does not mean that they need only mage stuff.

So, don't just get the known Mage armors/weapon and the proper tattoo.

If you have a good opponent running to avoid you, or playing quite well, your curses can destroy him.

Although, if you need help in a match, while you have run out of MP, you will really need to use the Fighter Equipment for stunning skills, or even normal hits!

NOTE: You must be cery careful while changing the equipment. You can't be playing against a player and trying to change the equipment! You will fail for sure, if you don't have the proper speed.


[*] Dyes


The used ones.

You won't be able to use a dye for m atk on the domi (unless you use the well known trick).

So better choose something for HP plus Casting.


[*] Important skills


Well, that's one of the most important chapters.

Let's see some of the Dominator's most important skills.

Note that the Dominator is one of the best classes to curse the enemy.


skill1245_0.png: Steal Essence. The most important (and sometimes only) attacking skill. It may not be as powerful as Vampiric Rage, although it has the same regenerating effect and it can be casted quite fast. If you don't use it, you're dead.


skill0260_0.png: Hammer Crush. One very important skill as well, being used by fighter equipment only. Ignores any type of shield defences and has many chances of making an Over-hit. Not bad, eh?


skill1208_0.png: Seal of Binding. Playing against any kind of melee fighter? Did you manage to land the skill on him? Well, then he's dead. With this skill, he can't move at all. So you can easily kill him.


skill1097_0.png: Dreaming Spirit. Well, that skill is almost always unbalanced. Its landing rate is too big, which makes the dominator an overpowered class. This skill sleeps your enemies, but with faster casting than "Sleep" and a big landing rate in loljavas, as I told above.


skill1210_0.png: Seal of Gloom. Playing against a mage? This is your chance to destroy him. Drain all of his MP and leave him with 0, running over the area, trying to avoid your attacks ^^


skill1104_0.png: Seal of Winter. A Quite nice curse against fighters. Its obvious that they get a disadvantage when their attack speed is decreased.


skill1246_0.png: Seal of Silence. You can understand what it is about, right? Silences ALL nearby opponents, making them unable to use any mage skills. Quite nice.


skill1248_0.png: Seal of Suspension. One of my favourite skills for the Dominator. If you manage to land this on the opponent, then he gets a HUGE disadvantage. Their skills' magical and physical delay becomes even higher!


skill1306_0.png: Ritual of Life. Keep in mind that skill. It's VERY important, since with this skill you can heal much of your CP. To be exact, 745 Points.


skill1001_0.png: Soul Cry. Important skill. A toggle skill that increases your p atk!


skill1283_0.png: Soul Guard. Another important skill. It's a toggle skill as well, which increases your p def!


skill1366_0.png: Seal of Despair. A very evil skill. If it lands on the opponent, then, in my opinion, he is done. It decreases the opponent's Speed, M Def, Accuracy, P Atk, Atk. Spd and Critical Attacks Power.


skill0337_0.png: Arcane Power. Well, all of us know this skill. A classic Mage toggle skill which increases the user's M Atk with the cost of some HP.


That's all about skills!


About the skills bar, I cannot help you with that.

The way we use a class is unique and each player has his tactits.

If you are a total newbie, you can read the explanations above and think of a good bar.




Yes, here we are. The final Chapter!

Here we will talk about the strategy you should follow on specified circustances.


[*] Normal PvP (Person vs Person)


Well, if your opponent is a Melee fighter, then you should first sleep him and start the curses.

Once sleep lands, make sure to full your CP with Ritual of Life skill, if you have lost any.

Then, start using the most important curse for this type of player: Seal of Binding.

Once he gets rooted to the ground he has no chance of winning.

You can sleep him once again, use the important curses like Seal of Despair or Seal of Suspension.


If your opponent is a kind of archer, which means that he can run and hit you from a distance, where you can't reach him, you must make sure to root him to the ground like you did before: Seal of Binding skill!

Go near him and sleep him. Make sure to restore the CP that you will have lost with the skill Ritual of Life.


In case your opponent is a kind of mage, then first sleep him.

What comes next? Seal of Gloom. Try to make him lose much MP, so that he won't be able to make many hits later.

Next try to land seal of silence, if you try many times and nothing happens, then keep sleeping him and keep silencing him.

If sleep doesn't land, and silence doesn't land as well, then try skills like Seal of Despair or Seal of Suspension. They will decrease his stats dramatically. Then he will be a simple moving target in front of your majesty (^^).


[*] Massive PvP (Many vs Many)


Well, in this case you can't start calculating the ammount of fighters, mages, start targeting each one for skills, etc.

You will lose much time, and till you have finished, you will have died.

So, check with a simple look if most of the players are mages or fighters.

Then start using massive skills (start with the ones that affect the most the type of players you spotted in the higher ammount).

Then start draining life from each one, after "badass" skills like Seal of Suspension ^^


[*] Events (Let's say like TvT)


Well, in most times you lose all of your buffs at TvT Events.

Just make sure that you buff yourself properly (look above about the Pa'Agrian buffs).

Also, make sure that you stand far from any clan/alliance member of the opposite team, because you mustn't buff them (Or they will win!).


Then, start killing victims on one versus one.

When your team reaches near the opposite, then as fast as you can, go at the enemy base and start using massive skills.

You may die several times, although they will have died 10x more times than you!

What's better? ;]


[*] Olympiad


Well, the rules for the Olympiad are similar to the ones for PvPs.

Just make sure that you don't waste all of your MP and then run out.

You first have to make ALL the buffs, before the 20 seconds.

Then prepare with toggle skills like Soul Cry or Arcane (It's better to use Arcane Power on 4-5 seconds, since it will consume some of your HP).

Once the match starts, follow the rules above about PvPs.



BASIC RULE (for every case): If you start losing much cp, don't forget: Heal CP/Hit, Heal CP/hit, etc.



I think I have added everything about this class's tactics!

I hope I help some of you.


The guide has been created by Coyote™ (me), and if you want to copy it or leech the credits for another forum, without my permission then you're dead.

My curse will fall upon you and your pc will get burned within the next two hours!


Have Fun.



Best Regards,


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this guide is for c6?


Well, no really..

I just haven't included skills from c6 and up.

But the tactics, buffing, dyes, etc. are the same.


[senkss link=topic=121750.msg846430#msg846430 date=1264803321]

i like it very much , coz

its more organized than the greek section guide

and the most of all that i like is about the Olympiad.

gratz dude its realy worth all the time when i read it!


Thank you.

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for newbies players this will help a lot :) Gratz dude :)




Coyote , u know how can i make a macro for Ritual of Life?

i mean

Steal Essence>target me>Ritual of Life>target enemy>Steal Essence etc etc...


i use this because no target neededskill1305_0.png but it heals less :D


You can't make a macro for your enemy, since you can't be sure about who will be your next opponent.

For example: Your opponent's name is Coyote.


You make the macro, you target him successfully and you kill him.

But if another player comes, with name GrisoM, you won't be able to target him with the Coyote macro.


But if you want to heal yourself it is easy:

make a macro with command

/target YourNameHere


at the "YourNameHere" you have to add your name.

For example:

/target geo13




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congratulations for the guide, too long but anyway is really good for new players.


Thank you.

If someone is interested he will read this xD

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Ok , take it and shut up .. :D thanks for ur effort <3


Take what?

I hope not what I imagine :S

Anyway, glad to be helping.


I thought that it is gonna get dug up like the WC Guide ^^


EDIT: With WC I mean warcryer =P

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