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[Recruiting] Gm's



We are a serious x300 l2j project searching for some gm's. Every guy that will get selected will start with limited access, and will have to prove that he is worth of getting more access.

Applications will be sent to gk1337@gmail.com . Every application will be considered and we will inform you if you're accepted. Also you can send it via pming me here in forums


L2 Carnage application form



1. What is gonna be your forum nickname?



2. What is gonna be your ingame nickname?



3. What’s your name?



4. How old are you?



5. Your Sex?



6. Where are you from?



7. What languages are you speaking fluently?



8. As a GM you must be active daily on forums, are you willing to spend 30 minutes/1 hour on the forums?



9. How long will you spare your time to the server?



10. For how long have you been playing Lineage 2?



11. Have you ever been a GM on another server?



12. Why do you want to be a GM?



13. What will you do to improve the server?



14. What events would you like to run?



15. Why did u choose this server to be a gm?



16. Do you know about the GM basics (Such as the GM rules, How to act

as a GM, what actions to do when etc) if yes please list them?



17. If you find a dual boxer, what would you do?



18. If you find someone using L2walker, what would you do, and how would you detect it?



19. If someone is insulting you and your family with various things, how would you react and what actions would you take?



20. If a near friend of you is asking for items and various, what would you do and how would you respond?



21. How can we reach you?



22. Do you like pizza?


PS: if its in wrong section dont spam, Just move it. any spams will get -1 karma

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I am +1 GMT and mostly when I play with Americans, then it is style I sleep they play and I play the sleep. (meant to be sleeping at night) XD

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What time is it in America? x]

-6 GMT in Texas and Michigan -5 as i know (Have friends there XD) ><


The project is serious, so if you don't do ur job or be inactive you'll be banned immediately XD (just smth you sould know)

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I am +1 GMT and mostly when I play with Americans, then it is style I sleep they play and I play the sleep. (meant to be sleeping at night) XD

thats the point we need an american gm, so he checkouts american people. <_<
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Cant you just send you a pm with the application?


Or the author doens't accept this ways..anyway SETH u are working with them?:D

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Cant you just send you a pm with the application?


Or the author doens't accept this ways..anyway SETH u are working with them?:D

he's our dev


EDIT: yes u can send a pm with the application.

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oh my.. search for friends. never trust unknown ppl to command your server.

Did i ask for your opinion? and who said they will "command" my server?

PS: if its in wrong section dont spam, Just move it. any spams will get -1 karma

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are you Dutch? and got Dutch serv?


+ sended you a email, hope to hear soon from you:)

if your dutch and staff = dutch and server = dutch count me in if im selected :p


otherwise i think about it for some more days :)

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