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[Guide]How to download YouTube videos without using any programs!

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1.Go to the YouTube video's page that you want to download.

2.Right-click the screen and click "View Source", or something similar, depending on your type of browser.

3.Open "Find" (Ctrl+F) and search for "video_id=" (without quotes).

4.After this is found, highlight the text from "video_id=" to the end of "title" (without quotes, and DO NOT include the equal sign at the end of title).

5.Copy this text.

6.In your browser, type in: "www.youtube.com/get_video?" (without quotes).

7.Paste the text you copied earlier at the end of the question mark.

8.Go to this URL. A box will open up with options to "Open" "Save" or "Cancel" the download of the file: "video.flv"

9.Save it.

10.You now have the video!

11.You can merely watch it anytime you want (online or offline) or you can reupload it to your account (please only do so with owner of the video's permission, to avoid copyright infringement).




Credits to endless43908


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