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Assassin or Ranger? [Official]

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So i tried all the classes till 10 and i can't decide what to lvl to 50 they are all awesome. And i said i will create a scout for my last char and i will lvl any of this two classes to 50 but which? As i read and asked other people i understood that ranger gets better on later lvls and end game. Assassin i don't know many details but i know that endgame they are very good dps. Ranger is good dps too but base on luck i think. So any help from players that play ranger/assassin on official?



Edit: I don't want to lvl other char so 1 of these 2. :P

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I play Assasin myself (50 lvl). I've got too many high dps "spam" skills, I mean I can spam high dps skills without stopping If I set my skill rotation correctly (which I did set correctly :] )


You've hopeless when you face ranged enemies, I mean when you face them in a range that is good for them. If you face ranged opponents but you're close to them, they have quite no chance. You can always use your Hide skill to sneak to their backs.


Equipment is quite non-requiring, but it was always hard (and it still is) for me to get a good dagger. (I'm using currently 42 Lvl ones)


I hope I clarified at least a bit your mind about assassins.

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So i tried all the classes till 10 and i can't decide what to lvl to 50 they are all awesome. And i said i will create a scout for my last char and i will lvl any of this two classes to 50 but which? As i read and asked other people i understood that ranger gets better on later lvls and end game. Assassin i don't know many details but i know that endgame they are very good dps. Ranger is good dps too but base on luck i think. So any help from players that play ranger/assassin on official?



Edit: I don't want to lvl other char so 1 of these 2. :P



Ranger for me man have very good skills like root stun mana regeneration..

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Ranger for me man have very good skills like root stun mana regeneration..

Yea i finally decided for ranger. Thank you all guys for your information. Any mod can lock it pls?


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