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well,rush..personally i want that l2king user understand that he must learn better english before open a server ecept if he wants only his friends there.And to learn something more about developing a server,not because i don't think that him knows java,but because on latest days we saw 2,3 servers with wannabe admins with 0 java knowledge saying:"Java?i'll not need it".That is the phrase that will make all players leaving(ecept naabs)..am i wrong?

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well,rush..personally i want that l2king user understand that he must learn better english before open a server ecept if he wants only his friends there.And to learn something more about developing a server,not because i don't think that him knows java,but because on latest days we saw 2,3 servers with wannabe admins with 0 java knowledge saying:"Java?i'll not need it".That is the phrase that will make all players leaving(ecept naabs)..am i wrong?


nothing more or less to add.

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