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[Preview] L2 Wars a new Dimension of Lineage 2


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Before 3-4 months when i joined MXC , I hated Interpid. He was and still is flaming everyone who doesnt like Gracia. But now... after some time i saw that he has right. I was defending L2Eminence from his offensive comments, but what happened ? He was right ... i think that here is the perfect moment to apologize to him. [bg] dream uspeh s survura no mislq 4e nqma da se polu4i [/bg]


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Before 3-4 months when i joined MXC , I hated Interpid. He was and still is flaming everyone who doesnt like Gracia. But now... after some time i saw that he has right. I was defending L2Eminence from his offensive comments, but what happened ? He was right ... i think that here is the perfect moment to apologize to him. [bg] dream uspeh s survura no mislq 4e nqma da se polu4i [/bg]



well i dont want to go offtopic so i dont comment that anyway yes i have some "offensive" comment here too i just cant help it when it comes to interlude

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You people just can't face the fact that nothing is impossible. If you say "Oh it's impossible to be done" That doesn't mean it can't really be done. We're expecting soon to go Online and we'll be talking after that.

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You people just can't face the fact that nothing is impossible. If you say "Oh it's impossible to be done" That doesn't mean it can't really be done. We're expecting soon to go Online and we'll be talking after that.


Dream just a little thing for this i dont talk about the java side the java side can be changed like anyone wants to im talking about the client as it is :)

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didnt know we had such interlude client pros on this forum.. maybe you should start listing all this bugs that make it "as hell".. i mean sounds like allot.. is it really? if so.. list pls =)


im not sure what you ppl are doing, but with client i have 0 problems since i play l2.. maybe few gg and some socket errors lol, but obviously thats never stopped me and its not going to ether.. i mean.. i added about 600mb of customs to my old test and lol.. nothing changed..


i dont care what chronicle i run.. and transfering mods to gracia wouldnt take more than few h of synch ether.. but why do it when were not even a retail like and most ppl prefers interlude.. =P


//server news

i suppose the plan took a wrong turn, since my datapack dev's exams start next week.. alltho it isnt really a problem, it delays the whole beta project.. cuz i must now spawn all town guards and few farms by myself >.> also still few things needs tests and probably some quick fixes.. not to mention i needed to finish webpages core(design by goddess), which btw is biggest l2 portal coded so fare..(we even have a forum written by me rofl.. wish you happy wannabe hacking).. but the economy and main systems are up so basically we could open today.. but tbh id rather make it complete at least as fare base goes.


so i just decided its best if we announce beta few days before it opens lol.. and i take an extra week to finish servers base..(yes those are the systems listed)


however, i hope no one is in doubt about this project becoming a reality.. cuz im almost done.. =P

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I can talk about that for hours so i dont start it lets stay in faction server where actually you dont need more than balance + something to dont get bored after 10min but thats not up for the client anyway so balance problems...


As all of you know every chronicle had its own OP class c4 c5 duelist interlude titan...well thats what is interlude all about.Ncsoft tried to start what they made successfully in gracia which is to make every char a one man army for balance purposes but they failed what they did is they added a lot of skills high lvl skills for different classes while they focused on the "popular" characters insteead of correcting existing skills workaround.

So the result become simple they made the dagger a 1man army in interlude mirage above all(dont talk about l2j since i never saw yet balanced off-like dagger in any interlude server doesnt matter if its offmod or no)and you cant die with it.They added sonic and force barrier to tyrant and duelist result = the most devastating class in pvp EVER!zealot+bison+barrier and than come try to kill me...(those who dont know how this skill work in gracia dont comment it).

Other thing they added signets but in interlude signets are completely useless while the the signet system as it is a great thing because you need 3 force to have it so whats the point you need 3 other char casting a spell on you for a signet which is cancelled when you get damage...nonsense(again those who dont know how this skill work in gracia dont comment it)

They tried to add some skill to lower lvls and what happened?most of them is useless or weird

shock stomp of warlord is a usefull skill in pve and pvp too

banish seraph for DA and SK completely useless

healer classes get a meditation(which is useless again because of the speed of the regen and the amount of the consumed p.def)

aura flash is a bit OP in l2j because of the missing static reuse implementation

celestical shield of bishop again same like barrier

and by the way bishop...here comes the augmentations which is i cant say that with other words all augment skill is bugged in interlude l2j!again...missing static reuse implementation bishop own EVERYTHING...


im tired if you want more pm me and i can tell much more for other classes...

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Before 3-4 months when i joined MXC , I hated Interpid. He was and still is flaming everyone who doesnt like Gracia. But now... after some time i saw that he has right. I was defending L2Eminence from his offensive comments, but what happened ? He was right ... i think that here is the perfect moment to apologize to him. [bg] dream uspeh s survura no mislq 4e nqma da se polu4i [/bg]


ye and after 1 year you will say for gracia.

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ye and after 1 year you will say for gracia.


seriously whats the point of your reply?your point is when a client become old its become shit?which is completely bullshit

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seriously whats the point of your reply?your point is when a client become old its become shit?which is completely bullshit

point is. as a player most of ppl like Interlude. but all owners make gracia final servers coz "de juro" is bugless. Every chrocile had it own bugs. Gracia final doesn't make an exeption. Is just new and not all bugs are found.

is just matter of time.........

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point is. as a player most of ppl like Interlude. but all owners make gracia final servers coz "de juro" is bugless. Every chrocile had it own bugs. Gracia final doesn't make an exeption. Is just new and not all bugs are found.

is just matter of time.........


/fail the systems are reworked a lot if you descover a bug it doesnt matter it can be easily fixed but the fact of the matter is you cant have that much bug as it was in interlude...damn all of your arguments in this interlude - gracia thing are invalid and you call yourself developer...i start to remember to the failure i saw in interlude projects...and by the way most ppl like interlude is the biggest bullshit ever thats why gracia hold million times more player in private servers right?

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/fail the systems are reworked a lot if you descover a bug it doesnt matter it can be easily fixed but the fact of the matter is you cant have that much bug as it was in interlude...damn all of your arguments in this interlude - gracia thing are invalid and you call yourself developer...i start to remember to the failure i saw in interlude projects...and by the way most ppl like interlude is the biggest bullshit ever thats why gracia hold million times more player in private servers right?

We all know that interlude have most bugs from all chronicles. this doesn't make others angels.

l2atlantis, l2fortuna (lost all) lost lot of ppl when updated to gracia final. c4/old interlude times, gracia will never reach. Today we just have lot of servers gracia, not ppl.

and btw balance?? from what i saw on l2 atlantis, Kamael is so damn OP.

i saw 20 ppl that couldn't take a castle vs 5 kamaels.

Epilogue , no idea yet.


Btw i'm not making any mine server. i would choose gracia yeah for mine. But as a player hell good i'll stay away from gracia. im working with interlude coz working in group is not all in your hands. I just do my job how ppl request it.

Rly Intrepid i just don't get it why you get so mad when ppl don't like gracia.

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We all know that interlude have most bugs from all chronicles. this doesn't make others angels.

l2atlantis, l2fortuna (lost all) lost lot of ppl when updated to gracia final. c4/old interlude times, gracia will never reach. Today we just have lot of servers gracia, not ppl.

and btw balance?? from what i saw on l2 atlantis, Kamael is so damn OP.

i saw 20 ppl that couldn't take a castle vs 5 kamaels.

Epilogue , no idea yet.

Rly Intrepid i just don't get it why you get so mad when ppl don't like gracia.


no its not about "dont like gracia" its just talk about something without know anything about it by the way how you can say anything about a chronicle based on crappy private server experience?-.-"

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no its not about "dont like gracia" its just talk about something without know anything about it by the way how you can say anything about a chronicle based on crappy private server experience?-.-"


Prolly cuz 9/10 of Lineage 2 Players play on private servers lulz?



I can talk about that for hours so i dont start it lets stay in faction server where actually you dont need more than balance + something to dont get bored after 10min but thats not up for the client anyway so balance problems...


As all of you know every chronicle had its own OP class c4 c5 duelist interlude titan...well thats what is interlude all about.Ncsoft tried to start what they made successfully in gracia which is to make every char a one man army for balance purposes but they failed what they did is they added a lot of skills high lvl skills for different classes while they focused on the "popular" characters insteead of correcting existing skills workaround.

So the result become simple they made the dagger a 1man army in interlude mirage above all(dont talk about l2j since i never saw yet balanced off-like dagger in any interlude server doesnt matter if its offmod or no)and you cant die with it.They added sonic and force barrier to tyrant and duelist result = the most devastating class in pvp EVER!zealot+bison+barrier and than come try to kill me...(those who dont know how this skill work in gracia dont comment it).

Other thing they added signets but in interlude signets are completely useless while the the signet system as it is a great thing because you need 3 force to have it so whats the point you need 3 other char casting a spell on you for a signet which is cancelled when you get damage...nonsense(again those who dont know how this skill work in gracia dont comment it)

They tried to add some skill to lower lvls and what happened?most of them is useless or weird

shock stomp of warlord is a usefull skill in pve and pvp too

banish seraph for DA and SK completely useless

healer classes get a meditation(which is useless again because of the speed of the regen and the amount of the consumed p.def)

aura flash is a bit OP in l2j because of the missing static reuse implementation

celestical shield of bishop again same like barrier

and by the way bishop...here comes the augmentations which is i cant say that with other words all augment skill is bugged in interlude l2j!again...missing static reuse implementation bishop own EVERYTHING...


im tired if you want more pm me and i can tell much more for other classes...


Who said we don't know that there are some OP classes in this chronicle however this is fixable.


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Prolly cuz 9/10 of Lineage 2 Players play on private servers lulz?



Who said we don't know that there are some OP classes in this chronicle however this is fixable.



hehe you are like me you strict to interlude i strict to everything else so...but the fact that 9/10 player play on private server dont make sense when they talk about a chronicle still if you play on a private server and you cant consider it as an emulation which has nothing to do with retail you alredy failed

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