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[Trick/Bug] How to move a rune from its spawn

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Hello guys, here is a trick/bug i found while i was playing dota.


It's simple! You just need a bottle and a rune.


Firstly, take your bottle and capture a rune. Then, go to the place where you want to leave/place the rune. When you reach that place, make sure that there haven't passed more than 100 seconds from the time you captured the rune and that there have passed more than 60 seconds. When you are sure you are done , type -unstuck.


Wait 60 seconds and you will be teleported back to base. The rune will be placed at the place where you used -unstuck while you are waiting!


Have fun.


2nd Way with Panda


This one is simple. Capture the rune and then wait 110 seconds. When 110 seconds have passed use your ultimate.  The rune will be placed! Anyway, this can be a waste of its ultimate. I know it...


Note: Rune will be placed at the place where u casted your ultimate


3rd way with nai'x


Capture one rune. Then use your ultimate on one creep and wait. You will be waiting for less than 120 seconds.


Note: The rune will be placed at the creep's location.

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Well, i didn't test that.. I will and then i will post my results


But when you move the rune somewhere, other runes will spawn again ^^ i had filled in my fountain with runes


This means this bug is useful . Good job :).

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http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=107138.0 <-i think its more usefull :)


anyway this is good too, but u will loose a lot of time with -unstuck >.>




this works only on obsidian.. and you have to be there at the right time.. 4 seconds deadline..


and it's just about healing lol

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