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[Guide] Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin!

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TOTALLY disagree with Item build & skill build & Tactic


why smoke at 1 lvl?

he will come and will kill you at 1 lvl?with the mega bonus dmg of his 1 lvl skills?


blink into 5 lvl? you said that you're playing riki agi way and you spam blink into 5lvl?

this for me sound from 1 to 10 lvl you're playing helping and then you're playing dps.

that's not RIKIMARU.

rikimaru is the hero who can make you to leave dota.


smoke into 4 or 8 lvl

at lvl 7 you must have blink 4 lvl.

and the thing which you must do again and again is SCOUT.

easilly you take aegis so easillly.


you want t play riki with dmg.

vlads + desol

diffusal + basher


if we could rate this guide i gave it -1/10

couldnt agree more about the skill build,well done nicely said..
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