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[Guide] How to be professional player in Counter Strike


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Hello folks,

I am going to share with you a really helpfull tutorial that i found,you can increase your cs skills.




Lets start,


Table Of Content:#1 - Aim Focus, Look with your Mouse!

#2 - Recoil Control and Burst Fire

#3 - Use Headphones and Adjust Your Volume

#4 - Standing Still when Firing!

#5 - Constant Movement and using Popping!

#6 - Shoot Through Walls and Pre-Fire!

#7 - Stay Calm

#8 - Take the Shot, Then ask Questions



The term "Hacker" is not to be confused with a Cheater. Hacking requires skill. Cheating is downloading a script and pretending you wrote it or something. Cheating is degenerate for your ability to play CS well, it makes you try not to look like you're cheating, rather than trying to get better at CS in general. Cheaters don't understand the difference between the two, so they just rely on "Google hacks", or "Downloading skill" so people will call them Hackers too! I hope you understand now. Another example is, I didn't copy paste this article, I'm writing it from experience, because I'm a not a cheater.


To learn how to play like a pro, you need a fairly good computer on Cable or DSL internet, and about 4-8 hours a day to play Counter-Strike. No, I'm not exaggerating; pros play a minimum of 4 hours in a scrimmage or practice, and public server junkies (a.k.a. Pub Nubs, you know, the guys who join random servers all day and call everyone else newbs compared to them) play in pubs a good 8 hours a day.



#1 - Aim Focus, Look with your Mouse!


Use your Mouse to look around, not your eyes. Don't leave your crosshair sitting around! Try to never move your head or eyes away from your crosshair, just stare as dead center in the crosshair as you can for 5 minutes, and you will begin to automatically focus on your aim and the crosshair disappears. You can use peripheral vision to see anything outside of the crosshair. Anyone who doesn't constantly stare through their crosshair will suffer in score and enjoyability. It will definitely improve your headshot ratio and ability to stay focused.


It is assumed that you know this stuff. This is meant to outline the importance of each skill one at a time for everyone.



#2 - Recoil Control and Burst Fire


Controlling your weapon will help determine your accuracy and general kill ratio. Recoil control is the key to killing efficiently. When firing a bullet from a rifle, push down on your aim ever so slightly (depends on your sensitivity) to counter-act the effect of the gun's recoil. Each gun has its own specific rate of fire and power level. I will go over the 2 most commonly used rifles in Counter-Strike, the AK-47 and the M4A1 Carbine.


AK-47 should be treated like a baby. You should rarely use full-automatic with this gun, unless you're about to meet "Allah" at the Pearly Gates. The AK-47 is extremely powerful and has a lot of kickback. You need to push down on your aim to control the recoil more than the Carbine. For the most part, you should fire 1 or 2 shots at a time.


M4A1 can be used with great accuracy in 1-2 shot bursts, and you can mow down a rushing crowd with 6-10 bullets as long as you keep push down on your aim to counter-act the recoil. Using the suppressor (or silencer) on this gun will effect your long range weapon accuracy, so only use silencer when being stealth is above all, or you are in fairly close quarters (especially good when flanking from behind!)


A Double-Tap is when you fire 2 bullets in a burst and they both travel directly into your enemy's chest and head. This will kill anyone almost instantly, even if they have full armor and helmet. To successfully Double-Tap, you should aim for the upper chest of your target and ONLY fire 2 shots at a time clearly and carefully. Instant Kill, or else the target is nade material.


Now you actually hit your target rather than just holding down your fire and hoping for the best. This is when people start saying you have an "aim-bot".



#3 - Use Headphones and Adjust Your Volume


(preferably high to medium-high volume) so that you can hear enemies approaching through walls, and from behind you. This can be considered a "wall hack" to n00bs because they don't understand that pros listen more often than they aim! After you are comfortable with gun fire, the sound of your gun will go into the background and you will be able to focus on other players footsteps! Also, when spamming through a wall with a rifle or deagle, you can hear if shots are hitting your enemy!


Now you are almost considered a "Hacker", please continue...



#4 - Standing Still when Firing!


When strafing, or running sideways, try to stop perfectly still before firing your gun. This is a very tricky skill that requires perfect timing. You strafe to one direction, lets say you are running to the LEFT while aiming forward toward an enemy. Tap the RIGHT strafe button for about half a second or more, then fire.


To help you get better at the timing of it, try moving LEFT and then RIGHT and then LEFT. You will see how long it takes in between you pushing the other direction, and you actually coming to a stop, then moving. You will get a perfect aimed shot and it can appear as though you are still moving once you perfect this skill.


It also helps when you combine this skill with #5 - Popping.



#5 - Constant Movement and using Popping!


You might ask yourself, "Why did the enemy kill me so quickly?" If you buy your new gun and then you go out to own, but find yourself dying quickly or you seem to automatically type: "Fu**ing g*y!" I have a solution for you.


Constant Movement is what keep CS players alive, especially in Public Servers. In a match you might NOT want to move all the time, but rather prepare for an assault, but it depends on the situation. Constantly moving, AND walking when you want to be stealthy and quiet will drastically improve your score. Campers do sometimes get 11-3 scores, but it takes them twice as long as someone who is constantly moving through the maps. When you move into a new room or area of the map, focus your crosshairs on the most likely camping spots, one spot at a time and in order of appearance. This will help you own all the campers!


Popping is quickly look around a corner or looking over a box without jumping. To do Popping you simply tap DUCK for a half second while you're standing in front of a box you can almost see over. On awp_map people Pop over the spawn wall to see where people are, without jumping and exposing too much of their head.


Combining this skill with great aim focus will make you a pro. Movement is just as important as any other skill here.



#6 - Shoot Through Walls and Pre-Fire!


I know people will be calling you a hacker when you get kills through a wall, and you will get a rush and likely start laughing about it. Killing thu the wall does NOT require cheating. When you listen to an enemy running through the wall, prepare yourself to engage and begin walking or stop moving entirely. When hearing footsteps, aim through the thin or medium thick wall or door so that the sound is IN BALANCE! This means that the volume is equal from left to right which also mean you are aiming directly at the target. Pre-firing is shooting through a wall just before popping out around it to surprise your enemy. Pre-Firing 2-3 bullets, then moving out can be extremely effective as a distraction just before you pop-out to kill your enemy.


This is when they call you a "Wall hacker".



#7 - Stay Calm


It is overlooked a lot, especially by a lot of pub players, but remaining calm in a tight situation will help improve your ability to make sound decisions. Instead of running out into the open when you are getting shot at, you will instinctively look for cover, rather than over-reacting. This will save your life at least 50 percent of the time.



#8 - Take the Shot, Then ask Questions


Let's build a theoretical setting here, where you are using the AWP and you are aware that an enemy is coming toward you from around a corner. Using #7 Stay Calm, simply move your crosshair body level through the edge of the wall and fire when the sound of his footsteps is balanced right to left in your headphones. Now, FIRE! Don't think: 'Sh** is this bullet actually gonna plow through this wall and hit the target?' No. You aren't supposed to think. You're supposed to kill, and stay focussed on the kill. Shoot, and quickly switch to your sidearm (deagle or usp) and finish off your stunned opponent. Now spray his corpse with your custom spray. This is about the time when you reach true "Hacker" status, and the result?


You can now post in forums about how you got banned for being a LEGIT KILLING MACHINE!

Be proud of yourself!


Once you perfect these skills, don't be a "Pub Nub" forever! (Yes, I am still a Pub Nub, and a League player, I keep it balanced) Go PRO! Its a whole new game, much more enjoyable at times, and at other times more hard to deal with because you can't just quit or leave the server.


BE STRONG, always! Ignore people trying to hold you down, its just a stupid mentality and you have to lower yourself to their level, and that in itself is stupid.


Get into IRC chat if you want to go pro. IRC chat provides a way to meet other gamers and get into Pick-Up games (or "PUGS") and start to get used to losing a lot without demanding its "hacks". If you play with pros, its sort of hard to learn unless they are willing to teach you. Download "mIRC" and Connect to the server "irc.gamesurge.net". Visit www.gamesurge.net for more info about the gaming IRC network.



Ok all, here's a few tips from the wall mastah!


WALLING -- When you are firing against an opponent and you see them running for the safety of a nearby wall, try stopping your fire so your recoil goes away and you have a deadly accurate shot (you have to have colt, AK or something that pierces the wall). Then just shoot as if the wall didn't exist -- Practice placing that person in your mind at a spot and shooting it and ignoring what you're actually seeing. After a few months of just going for it you'll be able to do it at least ten percent of the time and its WORTH it for 2 reason. Because people get irksome when they are walled making them easier to kill, and two because it slows them down and when you get that wall HS or wall kill its a THRILL.



RADAR -- If you see a dot disappear you know the enemy is within the line of site of where that is, practice making side notes in your head WHERE these people are dying and if you have the capacity imagine how far away they were and where they MIGHT be coming from so you're far less surprised when they come from somewhere when your planting or something. I played without sound for years and it helped me have great timing, so many times people die to me they wonder how I knew well I didn't know every time its mostly just good educated guesses because I timed how fast people get to me without a dot in the way to kill rushing balls out and if I hear nothing they started sneaking about XYZ and then BOOM dead. Hard to explain but i hope you get the idea. If you put your radar on solid color its far easier to see and its USEFUL the few times you die to glancing at it quickly is worth getting good using it. In cal its super important so if u plan to play seriously learn it.


FLASHES -- If you jump back and right before you land you toss a flash it'll float super slowly towards the target so instead of it binking off 2 walls giving them the time to turn around you can have it appear around the wall midair and flash the second it appears so no matter what they are flashed. AND IN DUST1 if you are on ct when you rush and throw a nade into the tunnel if you bank it off the RIGHT wall going at a angle like most people it just lands BEHIND the box doing often very little, what you do is as you are passing the tunnel exit face it parallel and throw it against he box at a slight angle to the LEFT so it binks off the box and comes back towards you at a left trajectory and lands INSIDE the tunnel angled well and flashes ANYONE past their box they have on the right inside. And of course don't flash if you see a dot on the radar hehe, team flashing pisses everyone off.


TEAMWORK -- Most people don't buy into it on pubs but I do. If someone has an awp and you have a glock, LEAD THE WAY bait for them. If the bomb is sitting there not moving don't sit at spawn in D2 waiting for cheap kills DO SOMETHING. Each time you lose a round you only get 2k, if you planted and it gets defused you STILL GET 800 extra, +300 for every kill you get, and if it booms you get 800 more so 2 kills and a plant is 3 bomb kills, 3600 for round win for your team. STICK TOGETHER if you all rush one way its fun to all get pwned instantly OR to just pwn them and plant. I sometimes will go solo to guard our back but I like to have most of the team in a clump together even as a CT cause if you pick the wrong site at least your huge clump can move together to rescue the site and have a far better chance then the 2-3 left that didn't go the same way. Lastly if you have 8-10k buy guns for people, if EVERYONE has a AK or awp all the time your team will win more often and that cash is easily replaced. I buy guns for people all the time and they do for me too.


RELOADING -- Classic bad habit, don't reload if anyone could possibly be close enough to sneak up on you unless you have ZERO BULLETS, i have rushed with 3 colt bullets and 90 in reserve and 4 deagle left in my gun and gotten 3 kills, usually I get pwned but its better to be firing as you go down the reloading eh? Just practice making a note after someone dies OK CAN I RELOAD SAFELY? Using radar and good judgment to guess if someone could be close. This will cut down your "noob deaths" alot.


HABITS -- CROUCHING and JUMPING are bad habits, jumping can be useful in pubs because far less good players that will nail you every time in the air, so thats not as big of a deal but i see people jump an awful lot and remember that half second in the air is a half second of spray or awp shooting you are missing out on and risking their aim. CROUCHING is the worse people see an opponent and just SIT and fire and don't move, this is a VERY hard habit to break. Try telling yourself when you see someone "dodging is more important than aiming" and try moving around in random patterns and stopping to fire every second or two OR remember that if you are strafing right, if you stop and turn back to strafing left the SECOND you stop and before you've actually started moving in the other direction your shot is deadly accurate for that split second, so you can move left then BOOM shot as you slam on your D to move right and headshot someone and dodge someone else's awp shot, for example. Also for the awp whores 1.5 is gone, q-switching with awp isn't smart its now just a bad habit, that I still have issues with, its a full second delay from q-switching just to quickscope and about 1.5 seconds if you wanna zoom and have any sort of chance to aim. Without it its like .75 seconds and you can already am and you can quickscope a little faster even.


If you follow that tutorial step by step you can improve your gameplay or even be a pro player


credits: Mr_Perisher (i just change some things so it will be more understantable for you)

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  • 2 weeks later...

mmmmm and can u find 1 player who after reading this becomes PRO?))))

the only way to become pro is playing 24 / 7 and also watch demoes of champs

Ofc you will not be pro with that guide,but you can improve your gameplay

also it doesn't matter how many times you play cs...

Watch demos of champs?Lol,how could that improve your gameplay?

Anyway the reason that i share that "guide" is cuz there are  many helpful tips in there

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this guide is wellwritten but even if you read the guide you wont become a pro.If you really want to become one of us(just kidding) you have to try playing steam servers and ofc gather.There you will certainly learn how to play..

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Well this guide is wellwritten but even if you read the guide you wont become a pro.If you really want to become one of us(just kidding) you have to try playing steam servers and ofc gather.There you will certainly learn how to play..


Exactly,this is the key of the counter-strike playing on steam servers with pro players.

Mby with an team better

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