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As I like to type quite much, be sure to be hit by a wall of text which might destroy your eyes for a couple of minutes. If you expirience any side-effects, be sure to contact me via xdrac@hotmail.de



So here I go. This text is mostly written and dedicated to these who "suffer" just like me


It's been some years ago huh? When I firstly heared about L2 I was already happy to be running around online in 2D games. And than such an amazing game entred the spotlight. We all know it and some might hate it....


Lineage II


I think I can speak for all that in the begining you didn't even botherd looking at the server features. That was the way it worked for me. I was just happy to be able to play that.


The following years were great. But the joy aswell as the game itself got more boring.... and boring ... and.... it just wasnt as it was before. The servers were not the same. Everything changed. A lot of people are blaming the new chronicles for that but in my personal opinion its not the chronicles. It's just..... you know. The server itself. And I dont only mean the features. The people aswell! I mean what's the use of ur perfect server when just morron are playing on it? You obviously know what I mean.


After countless years of constantly joining and leaving servers (My record of left server / day: 20)

I came here again with the tiny hope of finding such great servers which such great community again. Hopefully you won't disappoint me!


So it's mostly with much sadness that I came here... I won't blame you if you cry reading this text.... since I'm putting my emotions into it...


Okay... enough of that. I'm writting like a yunkee! For god's sake! It's just a game after all! However, its a good one I dont wanna stop to enjoy so fast.


So lets come to the final part... What am I searching for?



A GROUP! If anyone is intressted in building a serious as funny l2 gaming group, contact me under xdrac@hotmail.de








(MSN) xdrac@hotmail.de

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so much emotions man)))


all we have own historys like your one)))

but i dont understand your lust words  "building a serious as funny l2 gaming group"

hmm can explain in other words mb?)

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:D I just wanna find some guys to seriosuly play with. To have some fun with. We'll understand eachother fairly well and become a dream team out of persons who know what the game is all about! :D


You know... something like a clan. but a "serious" one. Not only for just one server. If the majority wants to leave, all are leaving. One for all and all for One!

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dude did you took any drugs? :D its just a game man. and yes the problem is that all servers are same. there arent unique ideas. i would like to join your group anyway.

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Well I'd suggest you to register @ www.l2group.darkbb.com and there will everything be dicussed. Not by me alone but by the whole group, which will hopefully include you

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Well I'd suggest you to register @ www.l2group.darkbb.com and there will everything be dicussed. Not by me alone but by the whole group, which will hopefully include you


Well, I'd say here we are. A small group of players which will rock any server they'll join.


You are too optimistic :P

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Just a bit :) But thats what we will make when we act as a well organized team! Just join. And follow the flow =) I'm sure we will get lots of fun and unforgetable times

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exacly what u said in ur first post. well i was searching for a serious server for like half a year and i found it 2 weeks ago. (l2sublimity) i like the features, the community, etc. if u want u can check it www.l2sublimity.com (l2interlude 35x with some customs)

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