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[Share][Video][CastingSpeed-Bug]Gracia/Interlude/Kamel/hellbound/..... 2009-2010


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1st of all posts decreased to 400 and i'm still thinking if it deserves 400.


I tried it, but i don't get it. You just interrupt the cast, but you hit the mob when the skill is done and not immediately. I don't see how you increase your casting that way.

This realy work Versus,take a look at video.
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works but wont increase casting speed, just shows no animation and doesnt work ALL the time, 80% i see animation and sometimes i dont, its just faster cast but reuse is same and slow so really theres no big deal if it works or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for share. I watched video but because of lag cannot confirm if it is faster or not. I can just trust you or test myself.

How much faster is casting speed with this in %?

Why do you think M.crit has more% than normal?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So the deal is to get near to mob and cast skill to attack it and then main you cast the skill you just write the command line /vendor and your casting speed will be increased or just the reuse of skills ?

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