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[Guide]The Steps For Encrypt Decrypt And Import In Unreal

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Alloz Guys In My Tittle If you understand i show you how to encypt Decrypt import in unreal and save it as utx...is the same guide with atheist but i show you for all chronicles

Btw let's Start first we need is One UtxFixer So here is the links for all chronicle's

First Step : Download the utxfixer for the chronicle who you need...

Here for Interlude : =(Here)=

Here is for kamael - hellbound - Gracia: =(Here)=

Next Step : Interlude decrypting take your utx from c:/lineage interlude/systextures/ (Lineageweapontex.utx) and you place in file with L2tool Then you drag it in L2decrypter and you see this

decrypt.jpg [/url]

In green words say this file already decrypted ok now we open the L2tool and press The button who you see in photo


And with decrypting the (Lineageweapontex.utx)do (Lineageweapontex.clear.utx) the you find the director who have the decrypting File the (Lineageweapontex.clear.utx)and you open with L2tool and then you press this button look in photo :


press ok and save it there again as LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx if you see one little window with ? ? ? ? ? ? ? we are ok :D

HERE IS THE Kamael hellbound Gracia decryptng It's easy you download the utxfixer and then you open the program And Look Etc :


You press Load UTX file and you find the directory of systexrures and you click on Lineageweapontex.utx and thos show us this


if you see this line and is all blue you are fine press ok and the decrypting is Ok now the decrypt name your (Lineageweapontex.utx) to (LineageWeaponsTex-fixed.utx )

Next Step We need the Utpt with this program you can see the utx decrypted files So you must download it from  =(Here)=

If you download it open and Look the photo for you understand what you must to do


1)You Press Up There who have the File and press on options

2)press in this button and put the directory who you need to ehtract your .TGA

3)Press Ok

4)Press Open And Find The Lineageweapontex.clear.utx Or LineageWeaponsTex-fixed.utx

And open it..Now Here you see all weapons IF you press right click you can see it uf you press View Texture ... Now we must Export our .TGA In the directory who Change in Utpt for options Now you can paint it in photoshop or adobe and save it as .TGA again....

Next Step : You want this program the Unreal Level Editor and download it from [url=http://www.4shared.com/file/178682517/3720f573/UE2Runtime-22261903.html


if you install it open it from here C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\System and open the unrealEd

If you open it you see This Go in view up and you see this

picfbftmp.jpg [/url]

Then you go up again in this window who you open and press import and find The .TGA file Look The photo And Follow The Steps


In Unreal You can make Different Thing So If you need to make Something with Waves or Something Like This Follow This Guide's

Ventic Guide

Atheist Guide

TheLastHero Guide

If you See This Guides Save it.....

The We Need One More Program we need the encrypt Folder we can download it from =(Here)=

Take Your Utx Who you create from unreal From This Directory -- > C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\Textures Take it And Place it in Encrypt Folder Open The Encrypt File And Write Here

l2encdec -e 121 Your_UTX_Name.utx And save it and press double click and if you see this make one new file with name enc-Your_UTX_Name.utx You delete the first utx and Now You delete from This The Enc-

and you put it On your Systextures You change from File edit The Lines From Weapon Or Armor Who you see from Guide's And Bouala Your New Weapon :D


Credits : Devangell

VIDEO 4Shared LINK ADDED HERE : http://www.4shared.com/file/189486072/aa264bd5/Movie.html

Ps : if i have make something wrong plz tell me to change it i hope to help all you Comment me If i help you!! in some days i add and video!!

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-beep-ing Awesome Guide +1 From ME!

im thinking to start Client Modding

thanks for karma i update it with video but i want to Sticky It because i see the atheist have this but only for interlude.... :D
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The first two steps (decrypt and l2tool, which both are very old programs) seemed unnecessary to me: I just throw them into the Fixer (which you can also download here: http://www.l2wh.com/down) and then open the xxx-fixed.utx with UTPT.


Actually, I use the Umodel way (way easier, but not so friendly for your harddisk space :P), but that's another story.


Nice guide for newbies I guess

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The first two steps (decrypt and l2tool, which both are very old programs) seemed unnecessary to me: I just throw them into the Fixer (which you can also download here: http://www.l2wh.com/down) and then open the xxx-fixed.utx with UTPT.


Actually, I use the Umodel way (way easier, but not so friendly for your harddisk space :P), but that's another story.


Nice guide for newbies I guess

i make For Niewbes who dont know now the who step all guy here follow is Only For him and him choice..

Bad Enlgish..

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you dont analyize it to much

anyway good job.

what analyzing you want ?? to take for that place and place it 2 folder's right??

HMm why you dont tell something good dont Be Stupid....

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