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[Share]L2joff SkillPAck 3hour Buffs


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Hey Guys I Would Like To Share My SkillPack..It Has 95% Gracia Final Fixed Skills And 3h Buffs ..Its Not A Big Deal But Some Of You May Need It...Enjoy IT


Download skillpack from here




Download it and replace it in L2server/data/stat



p.s Edidted only their time duration not in their effect



Buff's Human, Elven Elder & Shillien Elder (3h)



Acumen Casting Spd +30%

Advanced Block Shield P. Def +100%

Agility Evasion +4

Arcane Protection Cancel Resistance +30% and Debuff Resistance +20%

Bless the Body HP +35%, CP +35%

Bless the Shield Shield Def Rate +90%

Bless the Soul MP +35%

Body of Avatar HP +35%, CP +35%, Restore HP added

Clarity MP consupmition for Magical Skills -10%

Concentration Chance of casting interruption -53%

Death Whisper Critical Damage +50%

Divine Protection Darkness Resistance +30%

Elemental Protection Fire Resistance +30%, Water, Wind and Earth Resistance +20%

Empower M. Atk. +75%

Focus Critical Rate +30%

Greater Battle Heal Restores HP

Greater Might P. Atk. +10%

Greater Shield P. Def. +15%

Guidance Acurracy +4

Haste Atk. Spd. +33%

Holy Resistance Sacred Resistance +30%

Holy Weapon Enhances Holy [means sacred] attribute to P. Atk.

Invigor Bleed Resistance +50%

Kiss of Eva Breath Gauge +600%

Magic Barrier M. Def. +30%

Mental Shield Hold, Sleep and Derragement Resistance +80%

Might P. Atk. +15%

Prophecy of Fire HP +20%, restore HP added, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%

Prophecy of Water MP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%

Prophecy of Wind Accuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%

Rapid Fire Atk Speed +20%, P Atk +10%, Atk Range -100

Resist Aqua Aqua Resistance +30%

Resist Fire Fire Resistance +30%

Resist Poison Poison Resistance +50%

Resist Shock Stun Resistance +40%

Resist Wind Wind Resistance +30%

Shield P. Def. +15%

Unholy Resistance Darkness Resistance +30%

Vampiric Rage Recover 9% of melee physical attack as HP

Wild Magic Magic Critical Rate +300%

Wind Walk Speed +33

Berseker Spirit P. Atk. +8%, M. Atk. +16%, P. Def. -8%, M. Def. -16%, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%


Songs (3h)



Song of Champion Physical Skill Re-use delay -30% and MP cost for physical skills -5%

Song of Earth P. Def. +25%

Song of Elemental Water, Wind, Fire, Earth Resistance +30%

Song of Flame Guard Fire Resistance +30%

Song of Hunter Critical Rate +100%

Song of Invocation Darkness Resistance +20%

Song of Life HP regeneration +20%

Song of Meditation MP regeneration +20% and MP cost -10%

Song of Renewal Skills Re-use delay -30% and MP cost for skills -10%

Song of Storm Guard Wind Resistance +30%

Song of Vengeance Reflect 20% of melee received damage

Song of Vitality HP +30%

Song of Warding M. Def. +30%

Song of Water Evasion +3

Song of Wind Speed +20


Dances (3h)



Dance of Alignment Dark, Holy Resistance +30%

Dance of Aqua Guard Water Resistance +30%

Dance of Concentration Casting Spd +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%

Dance of Earth Guard Earth Resistance +30%

Dance of Fire Critical Damage +50%

Dance of Fury Atk Spd +15%

Dance of Inspiration Accuracy +4

Dance of Light Enhances Holy attribute to P. Atk.

Dance of Mystic M. Atk. +20%

Dance of Protection Fall Damage -30%

Dance of Shadow Speed -50%, Avoid MOBs preemptive attack

Dance of Siren Magic Critical Rate +200%

Dance of Vampire Recover 8% of melee physical attack as HP

Dance of Warrior P. Atk. +12%


Orcs Buffs (3h)



Blessings of Pa'agrio P. Def. +15%

Chant of Battle P. Atk. +15%

Chant of Eagle Accuracy +4

Chant of Evasion Evasion +4

Chant of Fire M. Def. +30%

Chant of Flame Casting Spd +30%

Chant of Fury Atk. Spd. +33%

Chant of Life Gradually restores HP (third buffs bar)

Chant of Predator Critical Rate +30%

Chant of Protection Received Critical Damage -30%

Chant of Rage Critical Damage +50%

Chant of Shielding P. Def. +15%

Chant of Spirit Cancel Resistance +30% and Debuff Resistance +20%

Chant of Vampire Recover 9% of melee physical attack as HP

Earth Chant P. Def. +15%

Infernal Form Enhances Fire Attribute to P. Atk., Fire Resistance +20%, P. Atk +10%

Magnu's Chant Max MP +20%, M. Atk +30%, M. Def. +30%, Casting Speed +20%, MP Regeneration +50%, MP Consupmition -20%, Magic Critical Chance +85%

Pa'agrian Gift P. Atk. +15%

Pa'agrian Haste Speed +33

Pa'agrio's Emblem Cancel Resistance +30% and Debuff Resistance +20%

The Eye of Pa'agrio Critical Damage +50%

The Glory of Pa'agrio M. Def. +30%

The Soul of Pa'agrio M. Atk. +75%

The Tact of Pa'agrio Evasion +4

The Vision of Pa'agrio Accuracy +4

The Wisdom of Pa'agrio Casting Spd +30%

Victories of Pa'agrio HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, M. Atk. +10%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%

War Chant P. Atk. +10%

Chant of Victory HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, M. Atk. +10%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%


Buff Summonner's (2min)


Blessing of Queen Critical Rate +30%, Critical Damage +25%  (2min)

Blessing of Seraphim MP Regeneration +35%  (2min)

Gift of Queen P. Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2  (2min)

Gift of Seraphim Magical Skill Re-use delay -35%  (2min)


Blessing Of Nobless (3h)


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The fact that you have fixed the duration, doesn't mean that you have fixed 95% of the skills.

To fix all the skills 1) You need to change more stuff, not only the duration 2) You need to touch the core.


The fact that you have started the shares is good though, so let me thank you, in order to enforce you to make more shares in the future.

Good luck.

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i refer to final gracial skills:/ not at buffs.....the only thing i changed to buffs is duration thats all


That's what I am telling.

By changing the buffs duration, you don't fix the 95% of G Final Skills..

Look what you wrote:


It Has 95% Gracia Final Fixed Skills And 3h Buffs

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Well My English Is Not Improved So Soz For What I Mean is A Skill Was Like This:


<skill id="922" levels="1" name="Hide">

 <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

 <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>

 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

 <set name="hitTime" val="500"/>

 <set name="reuseDelay" val="180000"/>




And here Fixed One



<skill id="922" levels="1" name="Hide">

 <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

 <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>

 <set name="reuseDelay" val="180000"/>

 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>


   <effect count="1" name="Hide" time="30" val="0">

     <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="0.7"/>




at first skill didnt have effect you couldnt even activate it but now its working

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this skillpack has gracia final skills fixed 95% and buffs 3 hours..what i did is only to change buff durations

im newbie one so i dont know much about developing but thats why am here i want to learn :D

just wanted to share something that may be usefull :D

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  • 7 months later...
Sky" post="1269778" timestamp="1281108045"]

Tnx For Share It. very Nice :)


Sure, Download link doesn't work, -1 karma for you for spam, and topic locked.


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