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Itemdata. txt


item_begin	weapon	8028	[sword_of_templar]	item_type=weapon	slot_bit_type={lrhand}	armor_type=none	etcitem_type=none	recipe_id=0	blessed=0	weight=1680	default_action=action_equip	consume_type=consume_type_normal	initial_count=1	maximum_count=1	soulshot_count=3	spiritshot_count=2	reduced_soulshot={}	reduced_spiritshot={}	reduced_mp_consume={}	immediate_effect=1	price=0	default_price=136000	item_skill=[none]	critical_attack_skill=[none]	attack_skill=[none]	magic_skill=[none]	item_skill_enchanted_four=[none]	material_type=steel	crystal_type=none	crystal_count=0	is_trade=0	is_drop=0	is_destruct=1	physical_damage=750	random_damage=15	weapon_type=sword	can_penetrate=0	critical=9	hit_modify=0	avoid_modify=0	dual_fhit_rate=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_range=40	damage_range={0;0;44;120}	attack_speed=500	reuse_delay=0	mp_consume=0	magical_damage=250	durability=95	damaged=0	physical_defense=0	magical_defense=0	mp_bonus=0	category={}	enchanted=0	html=[item_default.htm]	equip_pet={0}	magic_weapon=0	enchant_enable=0	can_equip_sex=-1	can_equip_race={}	can_equip_change_class=-1	can_equip_class={}	can_equip_agit=-1	can_equip_castle=-1	can_equip_castle_num={}	can_equip_clan_leader=-1	can_equip_clan_level=-1	can_equip_hero=-1	can_equip_nobless=-1	can_equip_chaotic=-1	item_end
item_begin	weapon	8029	[black_angel_slayer]	item_type=weapon	slot_bit_type={rhand}	armor_type=none	etcitem_type=none	recipe_id=0	blessed=0	weight=760	default_action=action_equip	consume_type=consume_type_normal	initial_count=1	maximum_count=1	soulshot_count=2	spiritshot_count=1	reduced_soulshot={}	reduced_spiritshot={}	reduced_mp_consume={}	immediate_effect=1	price=0	default_price=48800000	item_skill=[none]	critical_attack_skill=[none]	attack_skill=[none]	magic_skill=[none]	item_skill_enchanted_four=[none]	material_type=adamantaite	crystal_type=s	crystal_count=2440	is_trade=1	is_drop=1	is_destruct=1	physical_damage=600	random_damage=7	weapon_type=dagger	can_penetrate=0	critical=14	hit_modify=-3.75	avoid_modify=0	dual_fhit_rate=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_range=40	damage_range={0;0;40;120}	attack_speed=562	reuse_delay=0	mp_consume=0	magical_damage=224	durability=100	damaged=0	physical_defense=0	magical_defense=0	mp_bonus=0	category={}	enchanted=0	html=[item_default.htm]	equip_pet={0}	magic_weapon=0	enchant_enable=1	can_equip_sex=-1	can_equip_race={}	can_equip_change_class=-1	can_equip_class={}	can_equip_agit=-1	can_equip_castle=-1	can_equip_castle_num={}	can_equip_clan_leader=-1	can_equip_clan_level=-1	can_equip_hero=-1	can_equip_nobless=-1	can_equip_chaotic=-1	item_end





Client Files




item_begin	object_id=8028	object_name=[]	body_part={rhand}	animation=1	drop_type=1	drop_anim_type=1	drop_radius=7	drop_height=10	projectile=[none]	curvature=1000	drop_mesh={[LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp];[customw.knights_sword_t00_wp]}	drop_texture={[none]}	icon={[customi.weapon_knights_sword_i00]}	mesh={[LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp]}	texture={[customw.knights_sword_t00_wp]}	crystallizable=1	item_sound={[itemSound.sword_mid_4];[itemSound.sword_small_9];[itemSound.sword_mid_2];[itemSound.public_sword_shing_10]}	drop_sound=[itemSound.itemdrop_sword]	equip_sound=[itemSound.itemequip_sword]	weight=1300	soulshot_count=1	spiritshot_count=1	material_type=adamantaite	crystal_type=s	physical_damage=750	random_damage=10	weapon_type=sword	critical=8	hit_modify=0	avoid_modify=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_speed=500	mp_consume=0	magical_damage=250	durability=95	effect_c={[LineageEffect.c_u004]}	effect_c_s=0.00	c3_attr1=0	c3_attr2=0.00	c3_attr3=0.00	c3_attr4=1.20	c3_attr5=1.20	range_s={[LineageWeapons.rangesample]}	c3_attr6=1.55	c3_attr7=0.70	c3_attr8=0.70	c3_attr9=11.00	c3_attr10=0.00	range2_s=0.00	range2_arg={}	c4_attr1=[none]	c4_attr2=[none]	c4_attr5=0	c4_attr6=-1	c4_attr7=0	item_end
item_begin	object_id=8029	object_name=[]	body_part={rhand}	animation=1	drop_type=1	drop_anim_type=1	drop_radius=7	drop_height=10	projectile=[none]	curvature=1000	drop_mesh={[LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp];[customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp]}	drop_texture={[none]}	icon={[customi.weapon_angel_slayer_i00]}	mesh={[LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp]}	texture={[customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp]}	crystallizable=1	item_sound={[itemSound.dagger_6];[itemSound.sword_small_2];[itemSound.sword_mid_2];[itemSound.public_sword_shing_7]}	drop_sound=[itemSound.itemdrop_dagger]	equip_sound=[itemSound.itemequip_dagger]	weight=950	soulshot_count=1	spiritshot_count=1	material_type=adamantaite	crystal_type=s	physical_damage=600	random_damage=5	weapon_type=dagger	critical=12	hit_modify=-3	avoid_modify=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_speed=562	mp_consume=0	magical_damage=224	durability=100	effect_c={[LineageEffect.c_u004]}	effect_c_s=0.00	c3_attr1=0	c3_attr2=0.00	c3_attr3=0.00	c3_attr4=0.80	c3_attr5=0.10	range_s={[LineageWeapons.rangesample]}	c3_attr6=1.10	c3_attr7=0.70	c3_attr8=0.70	c3_attr9=7.00	c3_attr10=0.00	range2_s=0.00	range2_arg={}	c4_attr1=[none]	c4_attr2=[none]	c4_attr5=0	c4_attr6=-1	c4_attr7=0	item_end




item_name_begin	id=8028	name=[sword of Templar]	additionalname=[Glamour]	popup=-1	description=[Post Pacific]	item_name_end
item_name_begin	id=8029	name=[black Angel Slayer]	additionalname=[Glamour]	popup=-1	description=[Post Pacific]	item_name_end



Credits to Xakep and Postpacific


Upload Photos plz...I cant alltime try it first..

will want to see if its good:P




look the SS :P


P.S sry for posting after 5 days, i was on holiday :(

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    • https://prnt.sc/Bkkc0ShGXv9m https://prnt.sc/-JFLvZXsn27A
    • Hello guys want to sell adena in L2 Reborn Signature x1  Stock =14kk good price 
    • Hi guys, I have the following problem, I want to set up two servers on the same dedicated server and I can't.   L2jacis 409 Linux Server. The first gameserver has the following configuration: # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/server1 Login = server1 Password = server1 I configured the second gameserver like this:   # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7788 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 2 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/server2 Login = server2 Password = server2 apart from having tested on the second gameserver I also tried In both cases I see the two servers in the login when I log in, but I try to enter the one with the lowest ping and it kicks me out. The other server always appears with ping 9999 and I try to enter but it doesn't do anything and it freezes the login so I have to log in again. The hexids are in their respective folders. For server 1, it has its hexid inside the gameserver config folder, and I checked that the hexid id is the same id, for example id 1 in the gameserver is also id1 for server 1, and hexid 2 has its hexid 2 for server 2. The server ports are open and listening when I turn on both gameservers. I really don't know what could be wrong. If you could give me some help I would appreciate it. Excuse my English.
    • We have both old channels from 2006-2009 with the 3rd verification function enabled, and new ones.   For availability, please contact us below: Link - Telegram Link - Facebook WhatsApp - Click here to go to WhatsApp chat
    • You can contact me on skype: niedziolek50
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