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[Preview][S4 League][PC]


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Current version: Patch 17


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When you are in you can create a new room to play with the other people or you can join to the room of somebody else. By creating a new room you can chose the mode of the game. The modes are DM (deathmatch) , TD (touchdown), Chaser and Arcade.




DM is a game for team vs team matches. The players are in 2 tems (alpha and beta). To win the deathmatch your team must make 100 points from killing players from the other team. Each kill gives you 2 killing points and 1 team point. You must make the 100 team points in the time limit that can be 10,15,20 or 30 min. There is a halftime after the half of the time or when one from the teams makes 50points (if the limit is 30min).




The TD is a game with a ball called fumbi. One from your team must catch the ball before the other team and put it in their base. There is a special place. The other players from your team can protect you by killing the people from the other team. When you die the ball drops on the ground and when somebody else takes it he can reset the ball when he goes through the lasers or to try to make a point for his team. The team must make 10 points (for 30min time limit). The time limit is 10,15,20 and 30min. There is a halftime after the half of the time or when one from the teams makes the half of the needed points. Every kill gives you 2 points, when you kill the player who cares the ball it gives you 4 points and when you get the fumbi you get 2 points. The killing points dont count for score points (those from putting the fumbi in the enemy base).




You're just you against 11 players. So, get some additional powers in the form of a guardian, a powerful warrior skeleton. Here's how to play Chaser Mode:

Chaser early in each game mode, a player is assigned as Chaser. Its goal is to defeat all other players within the time limit. There are players additional goal among those players to defeat them, the chaser will win twice the amount of points. Every kill of a target gives 4 points and a non target 2 points. As an ordinary player, your main objective is to survive as much as possible. You can also attack the chaser, but it's pretty risky. So you better alies to other players to fight back and get to catch the chaser. Each time the chaser is near you, you will hear a beep. In case you've managed to avoid the chaser long enough to survive the game, you get extra bonus points. A Chaser Mode game is played as long as you are assigned at the time limit. When the Chaser has beaten all the other players, win the match. If a player has managed to defeat the chaser, it is considered that this player survived long enough and win the match, of course. When the chaser kills all players they dont get points. When the chaser dont kill all players every alive player becomes 15 points and every died player gets 5 points. By hitting the chaser you become 2 points for an fixed dmg rate.


Arcade Mode *New*



Hero Guide




It's the Striker's task to get Fumbi safe to the opponent's goal. Here the first few seconds after the beginning of the round are most important. During this time, the Striker needs to reach and take the ball before the opponent does.


The tricky part is to still have enough SP left to dash to the goalpost quickly. The main aspect while equipping this player is to have a good balance between HP Skill and SP Skill, since both play an important part.


Recommended equipment:


Counter / Plasma Sword

Submachine Guns

Semi Rifle / Gauss Rifle

Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Counter / Plasma Sword +4

Pants: Shooting Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


SP Skill +40




It's not very helpful if every player of the team rushes towards the ball after the round starts. Every player should be aware of his function and get on his position as soon as possible. The Backer is the direct guard of the Striker. He must try to divert any kind of damage intended for the Striker onto himself and clear the Striker's path.


Recommended equipment:


Counter oder Plasma Sword

Submachine Guns


Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Revolver +4

Pants: Close Range Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


Shield / Block




The Invader needs to offensively attack the opponent at his weakest spot and thus distract him. He tries to enter enemy territory as fast as possible and confuse the opponents. To do so he needs to constantly watch the enemy's tactic and flexibly react on strategic changes.


Recommended equipment:


Plasma Sword

Heavy Machinegun oder Cannonade


Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Plasma Sword +4

Pants: Close Range Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


Anchoring / Flying




The Healer often plays an important role during the match which makes him strategically indispensable although he might seem of no importance on the first thought. But in fact, this is his great advantage! Enemies tend to underestimate the power of healing and rather concentrate on attacking the Striker.


Recommended equipment:


Mind Energy

Counter oder Plasma Sword

Submachine Guns

Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Plasma Sword +4

Pants: Shooting / LaunchWeapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


HP Skill +30




A Tank is the primary frontier. He should hold off the opponent's front attacks and mainly uses heavy splash damage weapons. He will need to face enemies like the opponent's Striker and Backer.


Recommended equipment:


Mind Shock / Submachine Guns

Heavy Machine Gun

Sentry Gun

Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Heavy Machine Gun +4

Pants: Close Range Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


Block oder HP Skill +30




A Defender uses a sniping weapon to back up his team from a safe distance. His main objective is to take out the opponent's Defender and clean the way to the goalpost for his team's Striker. Because of his intensive concentration on the front he's highly vulnerable to close-range damage, dealt for example by an Invader. In order to guard the Defender you need an Assassin.


Recommended equipment:


Semi Rifle

Rail Gun

Submachine Guns

Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Semi Rifle +4

Pants: Shooting Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


Block / HP Skill +30




He's keeping an eye on the opponent's Invader and warns his own Defenders of possible sudden attacks. Thus it's his job to discover sudden attacks early and impede then. Since he constantly needs to change his position quickly, he needs light and safe equipment.


Recommended equipment:


Semi Rifle

Submachine Guns

Counter / Plasma Sword

Item Upgrades:

Head: Launch Weapon Defense +2

Face: SP +5

Shirt: Semi Rifle +4

Pants: Shooting Weapon Defense +5

Gloves: HP +3

Shoes: HP +3

Acc: SP +5


Anchoring oder Flying


(ofc you can use other combinations of weapons, skill and armors. its not necessarily to be one from that classes. you can make a unique one)



Have fun by playing S4 League. Show me your S4!


Game site: http://s4.en.alaplaya.net


you can dowload the game from Media>Client Download.


See you in game ;) my nickname is pa40






New Alice chaser ---->



New Map: Coliseum ---->


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The latest patch in S4League is here

It’s time for a new patch in S4League! This update comes with pretty cool, new features and some new items, too. The patch will be released by Tuesday, 17.11.09 so be prepared!


New Accessoaries

First of all, there are two new items: The Eastern Girl Cap and the Captain Guard Mask. As normal items, both of them come with the stats of SP+7. As Premium items, they even come with SP+8.

New Chat Shortcuts

Whenever you use the chat, you know that you can apply special functions in the chat by using the function buttons on your keyboard. With this patch, the chat shortcuts have been updated. You can now

whisper by pressing F1,

speak to all other players by pressing F2 and

to all players of your team by pressing F3. This works in the lobby or during a match only.

To chat with all members of your clan, press F4.


When in game, you can easily look up the new shortcut settings again by pressing F12.


G's Capsules

The best of all novelties: G's Capsules! These tiny things can get you mighty advantages like new items, amounts of PEN or Event Coupons.


Event Coupons can be collected and on the occasion of a special Coupon Event, you'll have the chance to receive specials for them, so keep them!


When purchasing one of G's Capsules, you’ll first see Fumbi dance around. Fumbi’s dancing gives you one Gacha of each of the following three categories: Unique Item, Rare Item and PEN.


So a single dance of Fumbi gives you three Gachas – in this case, an event coupon, the Revolver to instantly use for one day, plus 10000 PEN. Isn’t that great?


At the picture below, you can see the two new G's Capsules: The Puppy Revolver and the Gold Revolver.



New Chaser

There is a new chaser in S4League’s Chaser Mode, and it’s a lady! Her name is Alice. Don’t be fooled by her innocent looks, that lady is a hit. Wouldn’t it be great to be the Chaser in a nice little battle where all your friends get kicked by a lady? And for the girls among you that's a great opportunity to show all the boys what a girl can do in this game. Move it!


New Free Chanel

Last but not least, there's been created a new free channel, the Free Channel 4 so there will finally be enough space for all of you to hang around and play. Have Fun and see you in game!




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Oh winter time, near winter time...

This December, something great will hit you in S4League: The latest patch, number 14, is about to arrive and it’ll come with lots of new stuff for all of you. Also there are some really cool events on the occasion of the season and of Christmas, too. Here we go:

New custumes

First of all, there are two new sets of costumes, western style. Both the boys and the girls can dress themselves as cowboys and cowgirls, but in a dark and serious way. The sets consist of tops and bottoms, western boots and gloves, and a Stetson. Also there a ammo belts and holsters, plus the boys’ costume comes with a very vintage looking coat. The sets are available at the shop – have fun!


New Map

The new map is called “Colosseum” and is the perfect place for touchdown matches. The skyline of a historically based city, combined with a circular arena and plenty of gangways, galleries and platforms makes a fast-paced and adventurous map… Get an impression from the image below. For this map, there are also new Play Missions.


New Capsule Item

Also there is a new weapon you can gain from the G’s Capsules: The Laser Cat! It has the same stats as the normal laser gun plus some good looks to irritate your opponents. With a little luck, this cute and cuddly killer device is yours. Get over to the shop and give it a try…


New Shop Features

Once there, you’ll quickly see some changes we made. From now on, you can dump items you don’t have space or usage for any longer. Also the Fumbi shop is no longer open for users below level 5.

Winter Events

As mentioned before, there will be several events this month as well. In order to find out more about them, stay tuned!


The patch will arrive by mid-December.


Alright? Get yourself into the game then!

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+++ Good News to all non-Hackers!!! We have installed a brand new "Hack Protection" to the game by today. +++

Thanks to everyone helping us to stop those annoying people from destroying your game. Keep enjoy the League!!! Please find more information in the forums.


As promised, we have two new G’s Capsules for you! The Semi Rifle Capsules are available in two different styles, one is a regular Semi Rifle that comes in a pretty noble finish of black and gold. The other Rifle is one crazy thing, the AYA! Rifle, a futuristic syringe-style gun you pretty sure can give your opponents the right treatment with. But look for yourselves:


Both Semi Rifles come with the same stats as the ones of other capsules – plus they are great to match your clan’s colors or claim. Since every clan should have its own creed and claim, how about founding an insane doctors’ clan?

The new Capsules are available from 07.01.10 among the other G’s Capsules in the shop. So why not get over to S4League to see if you can cope with the whole doctor thing…

Have fun!

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Excited about the capsules in S4 League? Then take this chance to get one of the popular unique permanent items in the “G Capsules”.

Here comes the list of items which chances are doubled and you can get in the capsules.


Permanent, Attack+7, Speed+3%, HP+5, SP+5:


    * G's Puppy Revolver Capsule

    * G`s Revolver Gold Capsule

    * G`s DHa-41 Capsule

    * G`s Submachine Gun White Capsule

    * G`s AYA! Rifle Capsule

    * G`s Semi-Rifle Type-A Capsule

    * G`s Laser Cat Capsule

    * G`s Smash Rifle Black Capsule



Permanent, SP+6, Movement Speed +1%, Defense Power +1, EXP + 20%:


    * G`s Space Rabbit Capsule



This offer is only available between the 19th till the 24th of January. So hurry up and take your chance!

In addition to that we have implemented a brand new hacking protection to the game to guarantee a smooth and fair gameplay for everyone (except hackers)^^






With the patch today we implemented a brand new anti-hacking-solution to the game. This might cause error-messages for some users but can be easily fixed. It goes like this:


- Copy this file into your S4 client folder (C:\Program files\alaplaya\S4League) and start the game like usual: http://patch.alaplaya.net/alaplaya/selfupdate_s4.zip


- If this doesn’t work, then please download the latest S4 client from alaplaya site and reinstall your client, copy the file in your client folder BEFORE starting the game and then start the game as usual.


We will also provide a new installer-client as soon as possible which includes all necessary files.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Have fun with S4 League

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S4 League VERSUS




Here we go: The good versus the bad, the boys versus the girls, you versus your best friend. Time to fight against each other, no matter how chummy you are. It’s VERSUS time!

Every week, one of alaplaya’s games will be the arena for your fighting! No matter how good or bad you are in any particular game, step up to show your skills in that one.

Next event of our Versus Event Series takes place on Thursday, 28.01.10. if you want to participate, simply click here.

You’ll be led to our support system. Simply select “Submit a ticket” and then the “Versus-Tournament” department. Fill in the certain event you want to take part in, the game of that event and your character’s name and Level. You’ll then receive the dates you need – password and room number – about 24 hours before the event begins.


To easily find out which game a certain event takes place in, take a look at the event calendar.

Next Versus Event’s game of choice will be S4League. You can sign up for this event until Monday, 25.01.10. And here's what you can win:

1st price:      15 000 AP

2nd price:    10 000 AP

3rd price:        5 000 AP


The ticket of participation you fill out is only valid for this event! If you want to take part in our Versus Event Series continously, don't forget to send a ticket for each event separately. These tickets have to contain the particular game as well as your Character and level. Choose wisely...

Have fun!



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Since the last 3/6/9 Event which took place during our Christmas event marathon was such a popular thing, we cannot help but arrange another one for all of you to massively consume G’s Capsules. It’ll begin on 09.02.10 and here’s how to get in the rush:


Enter the shop and get to the G’s Capsules. There you can see the all new G's Capsules, the Signal Railgun and the Rail Gun White. This 3/6/9 Event  is just about these two new capsules. If you purchase 3 of the new capsules at a time, you'll get one bonus capsule on top. If you purchase 6 capsules, you’ll receive 3 more on top. Purchasing 9 capsules gets you 5 on top. Purchasing 13 capsules actually gets you 19, and 23 capsules actually make 34! It’s raining capsules!


The two new G's Capsules you see below come with the same stats as the other Cpasules but give you an ingenious look. How about a clan theme that lets anyone think of a certain yellow-and-black-clothed killer taking revenge, for example? Feel free to discuss your ideas with your clan.


Starting on 09.02.10, the event lasts until Valentine’s Day (14.02.10, for all guys who never cared for this day) Have fun…



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Bonus PEN Event Today!



After the amorous hype around Valentine’s Day, it’s time for a strictly logic event about the real things: Money. So for all realists among you here’s an opportunity to get plenty of extra cash from the matches you play:


On this very Monday, 15.02.10, every match earns you the regular amount of PEN plus 50 percent PEN on top! Simply go into the game and play any mission, any match or mode and all the PEN you earn will be multiplied by one and a half.


Since this event already started by midnight, you better hurry up to sweep the board until 23:59 tonight. Have fun!

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Arcade! Arcade! Arcaaaade – here we come. We’ve been looking for it like crazy, now it’s here. And it comes with all the satisfying features and flair we were begging it would: Simple and instant access, a beautiful scenario, different difficulty modes and: Bosses! Plenty of bosses, from small animals to sentinels to computer-controlled player characters to an awkwardly ugly final boss…

So do you sometimes feel tired of playing Death Match or Touch Down? Tired of beating the same players over and over again? Then the Arcade Mode is the pretty right thing for you!

What does the Arcade Mode do for me?

It’s just there. You can play it whenever you need it, no matter what time it is in what part of the world, just click and play. It’s not going to get boring. With a lengthened scenario and various stages, adjustable difficulty and randomly changing companions, be sure the Arcade Modes enlightens plenty of hours of playtime. It’s non-human. No need to worry about other players’ feelings, their stats or gamer’s careers. No need to play fair. Be rigid, you’re the one to be entertained.

What does the Arcade Mode look like?

As you can see at the screenshot gallery we prepared for you, you’ll basically walk along a path in the meadows. But with all the opponents you’ll meet from stage to stage, there’s no time for a splendid picnic. Take a look

How can I enjoy the Arcade Mode?

When at the lobby, simply click “Create Room” and select the Arcade Mode. Set to Maximum, the button below gives other players the chance to join you. You can share your experience with three other players at most, so it’s going to be quite private at your promenade. And of course, at the end of the road, there will be a final boss. The first one in the history of S4League, and he’s no birthday cake. Have fun!

Besides that, there is of course new stuff like new capsules and new costumes, and there will be a 3/6/9 Event with even better conditions, the 3/6/9+. To find more about the 3/6/9+ Event,click here


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