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[SHARE]Download Videos From YouTube and convert them into avi...(only FireFox)

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First of all, if you want FireFox and you don't have it check this link to download and install it: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/


Secondly, we will need a video downloader... so here it is(it's just an add-on, install it): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2390


Finally, we need a video converter to convert the file into avi, etc...: http://rapidshare.com/files/43898234/3GP_video_converter.rar (there's a registration name and a serial number as well in the xilisoft.txt, it's important to register with that name and SN cuz if u don't the program won't work propely)


Open Firefox..go to www.youtube.com and see a video of your choice.When the video ends take a look on your right and down hand side on the firefox window, there should be a thingy like this one:


, click on it and a window should pop-up...first of all you need the flv player(as it says)so click on the link to download flv player(I can't post the direct link)and install it.Afterwards, in the same window there's a blue box that says "DOWNLOAD LINK".What are you waitin' for?click it!!!!Save the file on the desktop.

Check the desktop...there should be a file named "get_video" you have to rename it to "get_video.flv" or "your_choice_of_name.flv" it doesn't matter if it shows you that the format is unknown.

Now double click on it, the flv player should open and the video that u downloaded from the youtube should start playin'.OK close it.




To convert your video just open the 3GPConverter and drag/drop the "your_choice_of_name.flv" file into it.

1)Set the Destination of the file to the desktop and the Profile to avi Format.

2)Press the ENCODE button and wait till the encodement is completed.



Go To Desktop to locate the file "your_choice_of_name.avi" and double click it...it should open with WMP or whatever player u want!!!

Totally made by me!

Say thnx at least :P


Yes i have seen that program on a technology magazine ^^ One of the 10 most used firefox addons O.o


I still prefer using the web page that does the same thing, you give the link and take the file ^^ Why? Because i don't use FF muahahah ;D


Why download crap when you can just do like this:


click on a movie of choise, the url should show sth like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=B_tt87UebL8


Now simply add kiss after the http://kiss


So: http://kissyoutube.com/watch?v=B_tt87UebL8


voala, the convert shit you gotta find out on your own..


Why download crap when you can just do like this:


click on a movie of choise, the url should show sth like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=B_tt87UebL8


Now simply add kiss after the http://kiss


So: http://kissyoutube.com/watch?v=B_tt87UebL8


voala, the convert shit you gotta find out on your own..

nice, I didn't know that :P thnx

I have easier way, just get firefox, google this: download unplug and instal it(addon for firefox) then open youtube video, click the addon icon and choose the get_video, and download starts, and it is already openable by wmp :) Enjoy!

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