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[Exploit]PvP Farming


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pvp farming which i know of:

3-4 l2w bots with rez skill and scrolls

in 1 pt with 1 war with l2w as well


char which needs pvp with l2phx, attack the war

copy the attack packet, select "loop", click run..

wait 10H and bang a zillion pvps

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[Hidden post: You need 5 karma to see it. You currently have 0.]


i don't try to make spam, but you haven't self 5 karma, don't understand the point sorry!


P.S: most of good servers are protected with same IP pvp! it just doesn't count...

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5 karma for this? lawl, changed to 200 posts.


Btw i think this was already shared.


GrisoM right 5 karma omg is too much  :o,200 posts is the right way,what i can say about this exploit i will try it,if all say work..anyway thx for share

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whats the meaning of pvp points farming trick in a high rate server? Hight rate server are meant to pvp :D So hf in killing ppl by urself.

Ever heard of adena/kill type servers? The only way to get aden ais by killing a player.

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hmm some1 tested it on interlude?


and it must be BOT? mb i open 2 windows of l2?


i dont quite well understand what author meant .....

tryed to do in 2 windows didnot work...

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