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interlude [Interlude L2OFF] L2Dismay


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your retarded, what the part of he being my neighboor and being atm in my house you dont get ?! If i was nero i wouldnt have any problem saying it becouse i know the he is 20 times better than you as a player and better than that, as a person.


Also if he did that:


1. if he got hacked he had the same right as the other guy to ask for it doesnt he?

2. pics? you have?


and btw you dont have to use photoshop, everyone can set the ip and compare thing, log is TS and see L2dismay like people did and posted at l2 dismay forum wich you asap deleted.



the fact that you two came here emo rage me after he posts the prints just proves how -beep-ed up and unstable you are about it..


we wish you the best, ull need it.. alot.  :)

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the fact that you two came here emo rage me after he posts the prints just proves how -beep-ed up and unstable you are about it..


I am unstable? Not at all. But you ARE throwing unreliable screens at me which prove nothing except the fact you can visit teamspeak and use ping on cmd.


Emoraging? Excuse me mr. "Ima gonna post KITZ U'r a faggut alla over dizmayz forumz and get banned 3+ times".

You aren't welcomed there. Get it already. Ban means go away, not come back posting replies that equal to a 5yo kid who got his lolipop stolen.


Whoever asked for a reply or clarification of something nicely, got it back politely. You on the other hand are trying to trash dismay in every possible way with a petty image you call proof using all kind of racial slurs to look BADASS.


If i was nero i wouldnt have any problem saying it becouse i know the he is 20 times better than you as a player and better than that, as a person.


If he is such a good person, why did he make the above picture then? If he didn't, then did you? Which brings me to the point of, are you the person that broke his weapon and now feel guilty cause he didn't get it back?


Second. don't presume you know me. When you'll be my gf, have my kids and live under the same roof, THEN and only then you can say you know me and have the right to judge me.


1. if he got hacked he had the same right as the other guy to ask for it doesnt he?


Same right? Don't think so.


3. Hacking into any account will lead to being banned immediately ( Applies to Server Side Hacking of Accounts) Player are responable for securing their own PC, players have to be responsible for their own account. GM's will not give back any item if your account was hacked, so if you want to give your login and password to anyone, you do it at your own risk.


The person that got bow retreived got it retreived for two reasons: a) I was 100% certain his bow really was stolen. There was plenty of evidence of that.  For nero I wasn't. I don't know if you are aware or not but L2off does not have an item log.


and B) he was a donor so I did him a favor of restoring it. Not against the rules, but it's not in the rules that I should either. I don't see anything wrong with that. He supported the server and I somehow payed it back.


and btw you dont have to use photoshop, everyone can set the ip and compare thing, log is TS and see L2dismay like people did and posted at l2 dismay forum wich you asap deleted.

Just as everyone can make the same kind of screen for any server there is. As I said, ask me to do it, give me 20 minutes and you'll get it.


we wish you the best, ull need it.. alot.  

For? The only person that is still calling us corrupted is you, Ginger aka dizzan and Kumo.

We already settled what their motive is. what is yours to be so persistent?

Don't use one of the good ol' "I care about players that play on dismay so much".

If that was the case, I would already have talked to you on Ventrilo and thanked you for your continuous support for everything.


Edit: Almost forgot.

log is TS and see L2dismay like people did and posted at l2 dismay forum wich you asap deleted.

Don't you think that TS would be offline already if we had access to it?

Just another fact to think about.  ;)


I moderated the forum, banned the a-holes spamming all over it, talked and explained myself to several people who believed what you are saying, posted numerous replies here on mxc, but for some reason, I'm way to incompetent to take down teamspeak which would normally require about 20s of my time. Right?


If you say so.




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im lvl 20 :)


If you need any help, be sure to PM me. In general, if you search a group to play with, send me a PM either on this forum or  Dismay's :)

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drama = more players on server, so keep it up :D

i want to try l2dismay, but i have a  question, duelist class is playable or is like all those server on that you never make a skill crit ?


thx in advance

thx, im lvl 20 :)


Told you so!


PS: i'll write it again, please add penalty for heavy sets on archers / dagger -.-

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What's confusing you, dude? The respawn time? I guess it's made to actually keep the Raidboss Jewels as something special to get.

In addition there are epic fights for them, if they actually respawn. :)

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The server seems to be good. Now after L2Dust is closing it will get even more popular. Good luck.

well L2Dust is closing for open L2Vendetta again.Dunno wich is the reason.


anyway gl with ur server TOm^^

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gms in the server ARE STUPID all day corrupt :S this dude here has 2 duals +12 a bow +12 (max +12 enchant rate 50% :S ) duals +13 O.o and 8 hours playtime =]] corrupt.jpg

donate? have u ever heard this word?


btw nice idea about the radio mengz.

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gms in the server ARE STUPID all day corrupt :S this dude here has 2 duals +12 a bow +12 (max +12 enchant rate 50% :S ) duals +13 O.o and 8 hours playtime =]]


Was wondering how long it would take before someone made a reply like this.


People like you are the sole reason why I do not wish to make item log available to everyone (clan leaders + players on request only).


If it stays the way it is, there will always be some random guy that will pull a lookup from a donator and make a mass corruption drama out of it.



Thank you. I hope it goes the way I imagine it.


On a sidenote,

not giving out any promises yet, but we might be getting some automated events.  8)

Should make it much more interesting!

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