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[Share]Hero reward for pvps

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Hello there , i got inspired for that by L2Core (old faction) where u had an amount of PvPs you could gain hero status .. so here its the code..


(currently the amount of pvp's you need to have is seted to 5000 , but can simple change it)


Tested on L2J Archid


find this

public void increasePvpKills()



and change it like this

 public void increasePvpKills(L2PcInstance activeChar)


And then paste this

if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= 5000)
       activeChar.sendMessage ("Congratz , you are now a hero ");




down of this

        // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
        setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);




Credits goes to Revenger for www.maxcheaters.com

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2 words.


good work . i really enjoy seeing my help giving seeds


u and Krash do a great job now with java, lets see what Mace will do :)

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well Ventic a.k.a Legollas was faster than me XD btw i test the code i edit the pvp's to 10 ofc XD cause i made dual box in a test server on my pc and it work's cool Good Job Ριβέντζεr keep up sharing cool things :)

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The code is wrong, each time you get pvp the message will appear. Let me correct you.


        if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= 5000 && !activeChar.isHero())
        	activeChar.sendMessage ("Congratz , you are now a hero ");


that should do it.

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i think its like everytime you get 5000 pvps ...



anyway thanks for this and soz (u know about what)

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WTF, For three rows?

To make it even worse: three rows that have been shared before by Vago, and similar systems that been shared often before. I really should start doing this stuff too xD


Anyway; thanks, I guess

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Sorry Revenger !! But i think i have to fix karma you have 18 :D


Karma Fixed


Nice Share XD

off topic

you should read this one http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61847.0 and if someone may to restore his karma you're not me or you for sure a moderator must do that btw do not abuse your "power" karma restored (soz for the restore but...)until a moderator will check it and if you can make your own code like Revenger's did

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Revenger you still make useless codes cmon you can do better :D


PS.: missing enterworld pvp count check, missing alredy hero check , try to post diff file instead of that

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