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What game u w8ing for?


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L3 of course :P but I am also curious to L2 CT3.1, it seems very nice.


I also saw some things from Batman AA 2; can't wait!

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I don't play single player games, I waited only for Dragon's Age, but I didn't buy that..

Only one SP I'm waitin' for is Avatar, I'll try it, it looks good.. ofc I'll check the movie too..


and one MMORPG - Lineage III if it will be out in the future..


When I heard about Diablo III (many years ago, that was 2D scam) I would this game, but now will come out real Diablo III (lazy,borin',children game WoW slowed it) and I saw the graphic and characters (massive attacks cssss) I'm so bored, cuz I would the same game as Diablo II but with new story and new world, maybe more fantasy :)


btw one Game I'm waiting since I was 9 years old is continue of Dinocrisis II! I saw DC III for X-box, sorry but that's not the real dinocrisis if they don't fight in jungle against real dinosaurs.. the full story is in space ship - humans with future modern guns against UFO-Dinosaurs.. that's not the real Dinocrisis for me !

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