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Master of wot?

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Hello every1.I have some short of issue.

i have reached the lvl and alchemy skill to choose what i will become (master of potions/elixris/transmutations)

But the problem is that i dont know what's the bonus with every1 i choose.

Any1 can explain me for each or what's the best to choose?General information on the bonuses


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MoP=the benefit (over time) is about a 15% increase in the number of potions created. Each time it procs, it may result in some number of extra items, typically 1-4 (for 2-5 total)

elixir master=It allows the alchemist to create an additional elixir when brewing elixirs(it works for flasks too)

transmulation=t allows you to create an additional item when transmuting materials and works out on grey recipes(dunno about the rate)


actually there is not that biiiig change

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i have chosen of elixirs first of all for my char,master of potions give u a chance when u make potions to get this item x2,x3 or x4,same with elixirs BUT,this works with flasks too if u  are master of elixirs,so its better bcs u will need high end flasks to earn money(of endless rage)

with transmute it allows you to create an additional item when transmuting materials i  dont remember more though,check wowhead.com,i remember though that is expensive to get it,and its not as good as elixirs;)

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