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Welcome to the program

L2PacketHack by CoderX.ru Team




[2]Convenient browsing repository


[4]Certificate for the program





If you have turtoise it will auto open it if you accept the window that will open.

You may also add it if you want to eclipse.



[2]Convenient browsing repository:


It is a timeline - changelog.



When you exit the l2ph would ask "save script bla bla bla" if it changed. soketny dvizhek will break in onkloze, but not in ontermineyt, just the sound of a system error when you exit to the gulf.





Official Repository:



Rapidshare LinkList Instant Download:

Password: "worldb0x.com" without the "


Only Latest Version (v3.5.15.126)




[4]Certificate for the program:




What is L2PacketHack?

L2PacketHack (hereinafter PH, L2PH, PH) is a program designed to control traffic games Lineage and its modifications.


What is PH?

First and foremost, PH is designed to automate certain actions and to simplify life players.


About HELP:

This help file is written to version and will be gradually updated and extended. Help made in an attempt to completely cover the interface and some aspects of writing plugins and scripts. And also added FAQ taken from the forum.


will be updated only those elements which are considered critical, ie screen program updates will not be just for the fact that the title was a new version, etc. etc.


In writing the code, was attended by the following people:







The Forum of the program is this.

The compiled version can be found here.



Appointment of PH is not connected with the burglary of servers, this side effect enjoyed by people wishing to gain from the program much more, and with relevant experience and knowledge of defects servers - get this opportunity.

The same should specify just what the forum is not to ask "crack" of a particular server, or to "packages" under it. This is against the forum and has a minimum to prevent, to the maximum Banu, in principle, only option 2.

It is highly recommended to get acquainted with this topic here.



[2]The main program window


The main program window. (The structure of the main menu)


In the above screenshot shows the main window PH version



[No Connections] is notified that there is currently no intercepted connections, rather than that of the PH check your version, or the possibility of using it.





[2.1.1]Log L2PH


Item displays a form containing the system log PH. (example):


In the system log shows what is happening in the PH.

It is a window - it is very important for the user, provides a detailed picture of the course of action PH.

Also here can write a message scripts.



[2.1.2]Open the log packages


File \ Open log packages


Allows you to open a previously saved log package for analysis.

Simplifies life so that does not necessarily need to run the client to look the look of a package, simply download the pre-saved log.



width=768 height=472http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2ph_help/scr/PSD/plog.jpg[/img]

More information about the interface elements can be found in the "frame" the connection.



[2.1.3]Operations with equal packet logs


File \ Open RAW log packages


RavLogi, very interesting thing, they contain something that sends the server sends the client in the same condition, namely, what happens at the level of TCP, this does not happen even raskleyka packages.


This menu item will be useful for those who are trying to write newxor for servers with non-standard encryption. It allows you to run through ravlog said he library and displays the resulting outcome and result of verification (verification is that of a package, descramble, encrypted, and compared with the original version, if found differences mean anything in the library is not well written, and check the log show the original package, dekriptovany option, and cryptography option)


So he fit for the ordinary users PH. use to taste.


This window has 3 tabs:


The tab "Current Status"



Displays the contents of ravloga.


Toolbar buttons:

1. Open RavLog - is the File Open dialog

2. Displays a log in the form in which it exists (shoots pushing from 3 and 4)

3. Will try to split the packages on the format (2bayta (length), the body of the package (length in the first 2 bytes - 2))

4. Will try to decode the packets via NewXor (if it is not set - through the algorithm) and using the current settings in the options (requires 3)

5. Rereads RavLog from file

6. Shows the direction of the package in the "Current Status"

7. Displays the time of sending / receiving packet




Tab "Parsing"




Displays the result of decoding packages of ravloga, details about the interface elements can be found in the "frame" the connection.


The tab "Log check"


Contains box outlet check log, the contents of the log is missing when there are no discrepancies between the original package and the same set of pre-decoded and encoded.



[2.1.4]Update information from the *. ini


File \ Open RAW log packages


Reboots the information from the following files:

settings \ sysmsgid.ini

settings \ itemsid.ini

settings \ npcsid.ini

settings \ classid.ini

settings \ skillsid.ini


The same force is updating the package list all intercepted connections / open logs.


This item is useful when done changed the files. allows you to reread the information from them without closing PH.





File \ Options


PH Settings window consists of 3 types nastroyek tabs are divided into groups.


Tab "General Settings"



Contains configuration data decryption intercepts


1. PH will not attempt to dekriptovat traffic at the specified options. This option is used to create logs on servers with non-standard encryption for writing NewXor

2. Set in the case of the use of servers Protect me Xor key.

3. Installed on servers in the respective versions.

4. Mounted on the official servers, Lineage, not working at the Russian office server.

5. Specify that you want to use NewXor path that is specified in the element 6.

6. The path to NewXor prescribed by hand or by Clause 7.

7. Opens a search dialog dll file.

8. Specify which of packetsHH.ini use to render a frame packet connection.

9. Saves and applies option.

10. Reboots data Options.ini anuliruya all changes in the current dialogue.


The tab "Customize intercept"




Contains techniques concern intercept the connection.


1. Specify the application, the connection which is required to intercept.

2. Specifies the list of ports, a connection which will be ignored.

3. Includes a method to intercept, through introducing the library loaded in the Ph to help p.6. path which is set in Clause 7. while running applications will be scanned for new instances of processes with the names of p.1. at intervals specified in paragraph 4.

4,5,6,7 - see 3.

8. Includes a method of intercepting the connection using the Layered Service Provider.

9. Specifies the path to the dll module (without spaces or Cyrillic letters in its name! Otherwise problems may occur)

10. Indicates that L2PH will be used as a Socks5 proxy. This mode allows you to run client / bot on another machine.


To intercept the connection will need to use additional software (freecap, permeo security driver, etc.)

11. Port at which PH accepts connections in the case of paragraph 3 or P.10.



Advanced tab


It contains several auxiliary settings PH.



Default - the setting for the newly created frame connections. applied to each new frame. in a given frame to be changed.


1,2,3,5. Set the appropriate option in the frame connections

4. Allows you to maintain and preserve the RAW logs

6. It will ask "Are you sure you want to go" when closing ph.

7. When you run PH PH dialogue box will appear automatically.





File \ Exit

Closes PH, previously asked about the need for this action (the request can be turned off in the settings).


When you close the gap happens all intercepted connections regardless of the type of interception, and (or) your desire.



When using the LSP to intercept the gap itself is not the case. intercepted application (client / bot) is unable to receive / send data. sure to exit from the client before closing PH. (or use ctrl + alt + del to close the client.







Automation \ Scripts


According to the users - one of the most important features can be found here

The window allows you to manage the scripts and write new / modify existing ones. using a programming language ObjectPascal.



This is not a compiler, a compiler, assembler is very limited and not all of what can be done in pascals is realizable.

More features enable plugins.


Exterior windows with busy editing the script, open the WatchList and a list of scripts.

width=768 height=544http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2ph_help/scr/PSD/scr.jpg[/img]

Short-appointed elements:


1. Creates a new script, tentatively seeking a name for it, and places it in the folder Scripts \

2. Saves the script (ctrl + s)

3. Loads the script from the text file and stores it in the manner p.1.

4. Renames the current open for editing the script.

5. Deletes the currently open script.

6. Compiles the script. compilation fails with an error message is displayed in statusbare (P.26), and an error string is allocated using a marker (p. 24)

7. Compiles the script (if it has not been compiled), translates to the editor readonly, and starts the procedure in the Init script.

8. Runs Free procedure in the script and removes the readonly flag from the editor.

9. Reboots the list of available files in the folder Scripts \ and displays them in paragraph 18.

10. Hides / shows a list of available scripts (p. 18)

11. Shows the log window PH (file \ log l2ph) rendered as a button in the Script Editor from the fact that the script can write on this very log.

12. Shows / Hides the Watchlist (P.16)

13. Displays a form containing a list of classes supported scripting engine as well as functions.

14. Opens the Preferences window highlighting editor. (Standard box. Language Eng. Not even asking to translate!)

15. Opens the Preferences window hot key editor. (Standard box. Language Eng. Not even asking to translate!)

16. Watchlist. Displays the state variables at the time of the implementation of the script.

17. The window itself is the editor.

18. List of files in the scripts folder Scrypt \. in order of their execution, in order to set the script executable require checkbox (P.19 opposite script), change the order of using the P.20 and P.21, as it is possible to maintain order of scripts (at the next startup scripts loaded in the ph that order, and activated if required).

19. Will execute script in the parish of the packet.

20.21. Move the selected script in the list of up / down the list.

22. Preserves order and the state of checkbox (P.19) in options.ini

23. Status line (Blue - modified / added and was maintained, Yellow - Changed, Green - added.)

24. Tag notifying an error in this line.

25. Tab of the script with his name and status (modified - leaf with karandashikom not modified - leaf), and click Close. Course can have several tabs and simultaneous editing of several scripts.

26. Status bar displays the last message from the editor.


More information about the syntax, see the section "Development \ scripting.






 Automation \ Plugins


Contains a list of plugins, their descriptions and functions they support. And also allows to load / unload the plugin from the list.


Window "Plugins":


Description of elements:


1. The list of plugins in the folder Plugins \. Marked plugins - downloaded.

2. Description of the plugin.

3. Supported plug-ins function.


Learn more about writing plugins, see the section "Design \ About plugins"




[2.2.3]Custom shape


Automation \ Custom shape


It contains a blank form which has its own button in taskabare and available for posting on her copies of a component / object in scripts or plugins.

The default format can not be displayed.

On the use of forms, see the relevant sections.







Help \ About





Information box containing the version, funny picture, go to the page program.


Comment author:

The picture was taken from the jedi library, put the first pop. Later in the root.

in principle, clearly shows the educational attainment and humanity majority of players in the lineage. as well as their level of development.





Help \ Language


Change the interface language to the desired.



[2.4]"Frame" connection


 "Frame" connection


The total entry for the compounds, see the logs.



Why the frame? - Because each element is created dynamically for each connection / open the log and the objects contained therein are original object tFrame.


The appearance of the main window with multiple open connections, and log to display a copy of the frame connection.


Tab View:

width=768 height=453http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2ph_help/scr/PSD/connections.jpg[/img]




1. Rereads data from ini files, and updates the list of packages in the current frame.

2. Keeps a log packets requesting a file name.


When activated the "Add ability to save RAW logs" option \ Advanced next to the item you receive another "diskette" allowing to save the RAW output.

3. Clears the list of packages in the current frame.

4. Adds the current batch in the filter. (all packages with the current type will not be displayed in the log package)

5. Deletes the current package from the package list (no filtering, ie deletes).

6. Adds a set of P.16 in the menu package.

7. When deactivated the list of packages will not be displayed packets coming from the server.

8. When deactivated the list of packages will not be displayed packets coming from a client.

9. When deactivated tracking the latest package will come disabled (Autoscroll).

10. When activated the log package to avtoochistkoy will be saved automatically (avtoochistka happens every 3000 packets, you can specify the number of option MaxLinesInPktLog in options.ini (Section general)

11. Open the packet filter (Optional \ Filter package).

12. Return the offset (offset) in the HEX / DEC

13. If you have a prohibited avtozakrytie of the frame with a loss of connection to which the frame is anchored. then you can close with the help of Pres 14.

14. Closes the current frame and closes the connection to which the frame is bound (if it still exists).

15. Contains a list of received / sent by the client with their serial numbers and type.

16. Displays the selected package P.15 in HEX form.

17. Explanation package selected P.15 (uses. Ini files to determine the name and number of fields)

18. All that is surrounded by this frame and have a "frame" the connection, depending on where it was created, it can not be certain tabs, or buttons.

19. The list of compounds, either open the logs, to make a connection for which "the name" tab is called the name of the connection. In other cases, the name of the tab is described as follows: [interception type / log] # (connection ID / Name of log file)


Tab premise:


Designed for manual sending a package (package states without first bytes long) to the server / client.



width=768 height=472http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2ph_help/scr/PSD/posilka.jpg[/img]




1. Saves the current package (s) in the file

2. Load package (s) from the file.

3. Sending packages will be made to the server.

4. Sending packages will be made to the customer

5. When you set the option, each line will be perceived as a separate package.

6. Send in the specified direction.

7. Interval timer for sending

8. Enables the timer to send this (e) of the package (s) at intervals specified in Clause 7.

9. Protects the frame from closing when diskonnekte.

10. Closes the frame and connected with the connection.

11. list of packets to send

12. hex type of package for the current line in P.11.

13. The detailed decoding of the package in item 12.




Advanced tab:


It contains the editor of scripts tied specifically to the compound. Unlike the basic script editor - no procedure Init, Free. basically it checks whether the script works on the server at all. The default script sends a notification to the client "Hello!!!"



width=768 height=472http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2ph_help/scr/PSD/dopolnitelno.jpg[/img]




1. Saves the script to a file.

2. Load script from file.

3. Runs the script.

4. Aborts the script.



Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!






[3.1.1]The list of supported functions / procedures, variables.


The list of supported functions / procedures, variables.


The list of added PH in dvizhek FastScript:

function HStr (Hex: String): String

procedure SendToClient

procedure SendToServer

procedure SendToClientEx (CharName: string)

procedure SendToServerEx (CharName: string)

procedure NoCloseFrameAfterDisconnect

procedure CloseFrameAfterDisconnect

procedure NoCloseClientAfterServerDisconnect

procedure CloseClientAfterServerDisconnect

procedure NoCloseServerAfterClientDisconnect

procedure CloseServerAfterClientDisconnect

procedure Disconnect

function ConnectNameByID (id: integer): string

function ConnectIDByName (name: string): integer

procedure SetName (Name: string)

procedure Delay (msec: Cardinal)

procedure ShowForm

procedure HideForm

procedure WriteS (v: string)

procedure WriteC (v: byte; ind: integer = 0)

procedure WriteD (v: integer; ind: integer = 0)

procedure WriteH (v: word; ind: integer = 0)

procedure WriteF (v: double; ind: integer = 0)

function ReadS (var index: integer): string

function ReadC (var index: integer): byte

function ReadD (var index: integer): integer

function ReadH (var index: integer): word

function ReadF (var index: integer): double

procedure sendMSG (msg: String)

procedure CanUseAltTab (FormCaption: string)

function LoadLibrary (LibName: String): Integer

function FreeLibrary (LibHandle: Integer): Boolean

function StrToHex (str1: String): String

procedure CallPr (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integer; Params: array of variant)

function CallFnc (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integer; Params: array of variant): string

procedure TestFunc (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integer)

procedure TestFunc1 (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count1: variant)

function CallFunction (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integer; Params: array of variant): variant

function CallSF (ScriptName: String; FunctionName: String; Params: array of variant): variant





Available in FastScript according to the official manual

function IntToStr (i: Integer): String;

function FloatToStr (e: Extended): String;

function DateToStr (e: Extended): String;

function TimeToStr (e: Extended): String;

function DateTimeToStr (e: Extended): String;

function VarToStr (v: Variant): String;

function StrToInt (s: String): Integer;

function StrToFloat (s: String): Extended;

function StrToDate (s: String): Extended;

function StrToTime (s: String): Extended;

function StrToDateTime (s: String): Extended;

function Format (Fmt: String; Args: array): String;

function FormatFloat (Fmt: String; Value: Extended): String;

function FormatDateTime (Fmt: String; DateTime: TDateTime): String;

function FormatMaskText (EditMask: string; Value: string): string;

function EncodeDate (Year, Month, Day: Word): TDateTime;

procedure DecodeDate (Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word);

function EncodeTime (Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word): TDateTime;

procedure DecodeTime (Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word);

function Date: TDateTime;

function Time: TDateTime;

function Now: TDateTime;

function DayOfWeek (aDate: DateTime): Integer;

function IsLeapYear (Year: Word): Boolean;

function DaysInMonth (nYear, nMonth: Integer): Integer;

function Length (s: String): Integer;

function Copy (s: String; from, count: Integer): String;

function Pos (substr, s: String): Integer;

procedure Delete (var s: String; from, count: Integer);

procedure Insert (s: String; var s2: String; pos: Integer);

function Uppercase (s: String): String;

function Lowercase (s: String): String;

function Trim (s: String): String;

function NameCase (s: String): String;

function CompareText (s, s1: String): Integer;

function Chr (i: Integer): Char;

function Chr (i: Integer): Char;

function Ord (ch: Char): Integer;

procedure SetLength (var S: String; L: Integer);

function Round (e: Extended): Integer;

function Trunc (e: Extended): Integer;

function Int (e: Extended): Integer;

function Frac (X: Extended): Extended;

function Sqrt (e: Extended): Extended;

function Abs (e: Extended): Extended;

function Sin (e: Extended): Extended;

function Cos (e: Extended): Extended;

function ArcTan (X: Extended): Extended;

function Tan (X: Extended): Extended;

function Exp (X: Extended): Extended;

function Ln (X: Extended): Extended;

function Pi: Extended;

procedure Inc (var i: Integer; incr: Integer = 1);

procedure Dec (var i: Integer; decr: Integer = 1);

procedure RaiseException (Param: String);

procedure ShowMessage (Msg: Variant);

procedure Randomize;

function Random: Extended;

function ValidInt (cInt: String): Boolean;

function ValidFloat (cFlt: String): Boolean;

function ValidDate (cDate: String): Boolean;

function CreateOleObject (ClassName: String): Variant;

function VarArrayCreate (Bounds: Array; Typ: Integer): Variant;




The list of variables added PH:

var buf: string;

var pck: string;

const FromServer: Boolean;

const FromClient: Boolean;

const ConnectID: Integer;

const ConnectName: string;


[3.1.2]What you need to know to write scripts.


What you need to know to write scripts.


Author xkor. Original here.

Slightly modified.


First of all, you need programming skills to the Object Pascal (or Delphi, which is about the same) and for the manipulation of the package of course need to know that they are the, package details can be read in the relevant section.


In this topic, I just give the description of internal functions and variables of the program.


Description FastScript: (this is a script dvizhek used in the program)



Available variables:

pck (string) - the current piece package (without first two bytes in size)

FromClient (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the client (всеравно that not FromServer)

FromServer (boolean) - package (pck) has come from the server (всеравно that not FromClient)

buf (string) - a buffer that is used by some functions

ConnectName (string) - name of Chara or which is a package (v. 3.1.3 +)

ConnectID (integer) - number of connections for which the script is executed


Available functions:

ShowForm and HideForm - to show / hide forms (UserForm), which can operate from a script

To paint it controls necessary to put the UserForm as a parent

SendToClient - the client sends the contents of the buf

SendToServer - the server sends the contents of the buf

SendToClientEx (CharName: string) - sends the client with the name CharName content variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +)

SendToServerEx (CharName: string) - sends a server named CharName content variable buf (v. 3.1.3 +)

(buf package to automatically add 2 bytes length)

CanUseAltTab (FormCaption: string) - Adds a shape to create a script to the list of visible forms of alt + tab. as a parameter - the title of the form. (v. 3.5.1 +)

NoCloseServerAfterClientDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection when the client diskonekte (v. 3.5.1 +)

NoCloseClientAfterServerDisconnect - prohibits the closure of the connection with diskonekte server (v. 3.5.1 +)

CloseServerAfterClientDisconnect - authorizes the closing of the connection when the client diskonekte (v. 3.5.1 +)

CloseClientAfterServerDisconnect - authorizes the closing of a connection with diskonekte server (v. 3.5.1 +)

(default closure allowed)

Disconnect - close the connection (v. 3.5.1 +)


ConnectNameByID (id: integer): string - returns the name of the connection to his ID (v. 3.2.0 +)

ConnectIDByName (name: string): integer - returns the ID for the connection of his name (v. 3.2.0 +)

SetName (Name: string) - sets the name of the connection (v. 3.2.0 +)


ReadC (var index: integer): byte - reads from a variable pck byte

ReadH (var index: integer): word - reading from a variable pck number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

ReadD (var index: integer): integer - reads from a variable pck number (4 bytes)

ReadF (var index: integer): double - reads from a variable pck c floating-point number (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

ReadS (var index: integer): string - reads from a variable pck line (in the package string unicode nulterminirovannaya, and the resulting string normal paskalevskaya)

Index - the initial position of reading, which modifies the function (shifted by the number of read bytes)


HStr (h: string): string - converts a string to HEX-sequence

For example, HStr ( 'AA 00 BB 00 CC 00') will return a chain of bytes # $ AA # $ 00 # $ BB # $ 00 # $ CC # $ 00. You can pass a string with blanks, and without them, the register of symbols has no value.


WriteC (v: byte; ind: integer = 0) - writes to a variable buf one byte

WriteH (v: word; ind: integer = 0) - writes to a variable buf number (2 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

WriteD (v: integer; ind: integer = 0) - writes to a variable buf number (4 bytes)

WriteF (v: double; ind: integer = 0) - writes to a variable buf number c floating point (8 bytes) (v. 3.1.8 +)

WriteS (v: string) - writes to a variable buf a line (automatic translation in unicode)

In the first four procedures is an optional parameter ind. If this option is not specified, the variable buf is supplemented bytes / number, otherwise part of modified buffer.


sendMSG (msg: String) - writes msg in the log PH.

LoadLibrary (LibName: String): Integer - load the program library LibName and returns a pointer to it (v. 3.1.8 +)

FreeLibrary (LibHandle: Integer): Boolean - unloads from memory the program library (v. 3.1.8 +)

CallFnc (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integ er; Params: array of variant): String-FunctionName is a function from the previously loaded library with a pointer LibHandle and the parameters listed in Params (v. 3.5.1 +)

CallPr (LibHandle: integer; FunctionName: String; Count: Integ er; Params: array of variant); - FunctionName is the procedure from the previously loaded library with a pointer LibHandle and the parameters listed in Params (v. 3.5.1 +)

CallSF (ScriptName: String; FunctionName: String; Params: array of variant): variant - cause FunctionName function of the script ScriptName (v. 3.5.1 +)



buf = HStr ( 'AA BB CC DD EE');

If the call WriteD (10,1), we get buf = [0A 00 00 00 EE].

And if just WriteD (10), the [AA BB CC DD EE 0A 00 00 00].


For example the script:

  if FromClient and (ConnectName='SokolA')
  and (pck=HStr('1b 04 00 00 00')) then begin
    buf:=HStr('45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00');


Upon receipt of a client for playing with Chara nick SokolA package 1b 04 00 00 00 (social action "Victory") nepropustit the package and send the package 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (the seat), on behalf of a client for playing with Chara nick SokolB, ie you are playing in two windows, one SokolA, in another SokolB, click in the first Victory, and SokolB sets.


Example callback functions from system libraries:

  ar:array of variant;
  lib := loadLibrary('User32.dll');
  lib1 := loadLibrary('GDI32.dll');
  Res := CallFunction(lib,'MessageBoxW',4,[nil,'Text1','text2',0]);
  Res := CallFunction(lib,'GetDC',1,[0]);


Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!



Procedure Init is called when you set the checkbox next to the script. or call TestInit.

Procedure Free is caused when you remove the tick next to the script. or call TestFree.

The main body of the script (between begin and end) is called each time you receive a package from the server or the client if the script is checked.


[3.2.0]About plugins


[3.2.1]Purpose and opportunities


Plugins. Appointment and opportunities.


Plug-ins are intended to empower the work or complete scripts (scripts) replacement.

Expansion dostigaetsya due to the possibility of adding its functions / procedures in a scripting dvizhek with the help of plug-ins (for details see the examples available in the IOS, either here in the branch) and the handlers of these functions.

Replacement script possibly due to the fact that the plug-ins and scripts are the same (if possible) due to the methods.

Unlike scripts one - no restrictions nakladvaemogo scripting engine, tobish can fully utilize all the power of programming language and not enough opportunities fastscript.

[3.2.2]The structure of the plugin (required elements)

Plugins. The structure of the plug-in.


For version


The structure of the plug, MANDATORY.


  FastMM4 in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4.pas', / / Must be first.
  FastMM4Messages in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4Messages.pas',
    / / Module description of the main types
    / / Used in the plugin and the program
  usharedstructs in '.. \ units \ usharedstructs.pas';

var (version) (revision)
  min_ver_a: array [0 .. 3] of Byte = (3,5,1, 98);
  min_ver: Integer absolute min_ver_a; / / the minimum supported version of
  ps: TPluginStruct; / / structure passed to the plugin

/ / Make sure the called function.
/ / Should return a description of the plugin
/ / At the same time can check the version of the program
function GetPluginInfo (const ver: Integer): PChar; stdcall;
  if ver <min_ver then
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak +
            'For versions +' + sLineBreak +
            'You have an old version of the program! The plugin will not be able to correctly work with it! "
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak +
            'For versions +';

/ / Make sure the called function.
/ / Retrieves the structure with links to all the functions of the core program,
/ / Which can be called from a plugin.
/ / If it returns False plugin unloaded.
function SetStruct (const struct: PPluginStruct): Boolean; stdcall;
  ps: = TPluginStruct (struct ^);
  Result: = True;

/ / Exported functions used by the program
  / / The rest is optional, and ispolzuyutssya optional.



Class TPluginStruct a copy of which is transmitted in the plugin, you can look under "Contents uSharedStructs"

All of its functions / procedures in it are similar to that used in scripts.


[3.2.3]plugin_demo.dpr; work packages


plugin_demo.dpr; work packages


For version


library plugin_demo; 

($ define RELEASE) / / for compatibility with release pakethaka when debuge can be commented out 

  FastMM4 in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4.pas', 
  FastMM4Messages in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4Messages.pas', 
  usharedstructs in '.. \ units \ usharedstructs.pas'; 

var (version) (revision) 
  min_ver_a: array [0 .. 3] of Byte = (3,5,1, 98); 
  min_ver: Integer absolute min_ver_a; / / the minimum supported version of 
  ps: TPluginStruct; 
  ppck: PPacket; 
  pause = 15000; 

  ColvoHP, CharObjID, ItemObjHP: integer; 
  CurHP, MaxHP, lastHP, cntHP: integer; 
  TimerHP: Boolean; 
  StatusHP: Boolean; 

function GetPluginInfo (const ver: Integer): PChar; stdcall;
  if ver <min_ver then 
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak + 
            'For versions +' + sLineBreak + 
            'You have an old version of the program! The plugin will not be able to correctly work with it! " 
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak + 
            'For versions +' + sLineBreak + 
            'Avtovypivalka ÍÐ bottles'; 

procedure Say (msg: string); 
  buf: string; 
  with ps do begin 
    buf: = HexToString ('4 A 00 00 00 00 '); 
    WriteD (buf, 2); 
    WriteS (buf, 'AutoHP'); 
    WriteS (buf, msg); 
    SendPacketStr (buf, cntHP, False); 

function SetStruct (const struct: PPluginStruct): Boolean; stdcall; 

  ps: = TPluginStruct (struct ^); 
  Result: = True; 

procedure StatsUpdate; 
 i: integer; 
 for i: = 0 to ps.ReadDEx (ppck ^, 7) -1 do 
 case ppck ^. data [i * 8 +8] of 
   $ 09: CurHP: = ps.ReadDEx (ppck ^, i * 8 +15); 
   $ 0A: MaxHP: = ps.ReadDEx (ppck ^, i * 8 +15); 
 say ( 'CurHP / MaxHP =' + inttostr (curhp )+'/'+ inttostr (maxhp)); 
 if (CurHP <= MaxHP-50) then TimerHP: = true else TimerHP: = false; 

procedure OnLoad; stdcall; 
  statusHP: = false; 
  CharObjID: = 0; 
  ItemObjHP: = 0; 
  TimerHP: = false; 
  lastHP: = 0; 
  cntHP: = 0; 
  with ps do 

    if GoFirstConnection then 
      cntHP: = ConnectInfo.ConnectID; 
      Say ( 'to select your connection type in the chat and send the word set'); 
      until GoNextConnection; 

procedure OnPacket (const cnt: Cardinal; const fromServer: Boolean; var pck: Tpacket); stdcall; 
  buf: string; 
  if pck.size <3 then exit; 
  ppck: = @ pck; 

  if not FromServer and (pck.pckId = $ 38) and (cntHP =- 1) then 
  if (ps.ReadSEx (pck, 3) = 'set') then begin 
    pck.size: = 2; / / do not ignore the package 
    cntHP: = cnt; 
    Say ( 'Selected this connection. "); 
    Say ( 'to throw the beginning of the script, select or drinks Heal Potion!'); 

  if FromServer and (cnt = cntHP) then begin 
    / / InventoryUpdate 
    if (pck.pckId = $ 27) and ((ps.ReadDEx (pck, 13) = 1060) 
    or (ps.ReadDEx (pck, 13) = 1061)) then begin / / Healing Potion, Lesser Healing Potion 
      ItemObjHP: = ps.ReadDEx (pck, 9); 
      ColvoHP: = ps.ReadDEx (pck, 17); / / number hilok 
      if statusHP then exit; 
      Say ( 'Automatic Rotion Neal is ready to work! "); 
      Say ( 'Hilok =' + IntToStr (ColvoHP)); 
      statusHP: = true; 

    / / UserInfo 
    if (pck.pckId = $ 04) then 
        CharObjID: = ps.ReadDEx (ppck ^, 19); 
        MaxHP: = ps.ReadDEx (ppck ^, 83); 

    / / StatusUpdate 
    if ((pck.pckId = $ 0E) and (ps.ReadDEx (pck, 3) = CharObjID) and (pck.data [4] = $ 04)) then 

    if TimerHP and (GetTickCount-lastHP> pause) then begin 
      lastHP: = GetTickCount; 
      buf: = # $ 14; 
      ps.WriteD (buf, ItemObjHP); 
      ps.WriteD (buf, 0); 
      ps.SendPacketStr (buf, cnt, True); 
      if ColvoHP <5 then 
        Say ( 'end hilki! Buy Heal Potion!'); 
      if ColvoHP = 1 then begin 
        Say ( 'Hilok =' + inttostr (ColvoHP-1)); 
        Say ( 'ran out hilki! Buy Heal Potion!'); 
        TimerHP: = False; 





[3.2.4]plugin_demo2.dpr; Adding its functions


plugin_demo2.dpr; Adding its functions


For version


library plugin_demo2;

($ define RELEASE) / / for compatibility with release pakethaka when debuge can be commented out

  FastMM4 in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4.pas',
  FastMM4Messages in '.. \ fastmm \ FastMM4Messages.pas',
  usharedstructs in '.. \ units \ usharedstructs.pas';

var (version) (revision)
  min_ver_a: array [0 .. 3] of Byte = (3,5,1, 98);
  min_ver: Integer absolute min_ver_a; / / the minimum supported version of
  ps: TPluginStruct; / / structure passed to the plugin

/ / Make sure the called function.
/ / Should return a description of the plugin
/ / At the same time can check the version of the program
function GetPluginInfo (const ver: Integer): PChar; stdcall;
  if ver <min_ver then
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak +
            'For versions +' + sLineBreak +
            'You have an old version of the program! The plugin will not be able to correctly work with it! "
    Result: = 'Plugin Demonstration program l2phx' + sLineBreak +
            'For versions +' + sLineBreak +
            'Shows how to add a function / procedure in PH' + sLineBreak +

/ / Make sure the called function.
/ / Retrieves the structure with links to all the functions of the core program,
/ / Which can be called from a plugin.
/ / If it returns False plugin unloaded.
function SetStruct (const struct: PPluginStruct): Boolean; stdcall;
  ps: = TPluginStruct (struct ^);
  Result: = True;

/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when a connection (cnt) to the client (withServer = False)
/ / Or server (withServer = True)
procedure OnConnect (const cnt: Cardinal; / / number of connections
                    const withServer: Boolean); stdcall; / / to the server?


/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when the connection (cnt) to the client (withServer = False)
/ / Or server (withServer = True)
procedure OnDisconnect (const cnt: Cardinal; / / number of connections
                       const withServer: Boolean); stdcall; / / to the server?


/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when unloading the plugin
procedure OnFree; stdcall;


/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when loading plugin
procedure OnLoad; stdcall;


/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when calling scripting functions of advertisements in RefreshPrecompile
function OnCallMethod (const MethodName: String; / / a function name in uppercase
                      var Params, / / function parameters
                      FuncResult: Variant / / result of functions
         ): Boolean; stdcall; / / returns True if a further
                              / / Stop processing functions
  Result: = False; / / extend the processing functions of the program
  if MethodName = 'PI' then begin
    Result: = True; / / prohibit further processing functions in the program
    FuncResult: = Pi;

  if MethodName = 'SHOW_MY_MESSAGE' then begin
    MessageBox (0, pchar (string (Params [0 ])),'', MB_OK);
    Result: = True; / / prohibit further processing functions in the program
    FuncResult: = 0; / / what result? this procedure.

/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called after initsalizatsii plugin allows you to add features to the editor / scripting dvizhek
Procedure OnRefreshPrecompile; stdcall;
  ps.UserFuncs.Add ( 'function Pi: Extended');
  ps.UserFuncs.Add ( 'procedure Show_my_message (msg: string)');
  / / and now account
  / / ps.UserFuncs.Add ( 'procedure Show_my_message (% s)');
  / /% s suggests that the function of its parameters to be initially
  / / ekzemplyar class TfsScript
  / /% s must be the last or only option
  / / for example, advertisement of some functions in the ph
  / /
  / / 'procedure SetName (Name: string;% s)'
  / / 'procedure Disconnect (% s)'
  / / 'procedure WriteS (v: string;% s)'
  / /
  / / pay attention to, "" before the parameter, it is provided that% s is not the only parameter function
  / / it gives:
  / / an opportunity to pull variables from fastskripta.
  / / as in ph delaetsya:
  if sMethodName = 'DISCONNECT' then
    ConId: = TfsScript (Integer (Params [0])). Variables [ 'ConnectID'];
    DoDisconnect (ConId);


  if sMethodName = 'SETNAME' then
    buf: = TfsScript (Integer (Params [1])). Variables [ 'buf'];
    ConId: = TfsScript (Integer (Params [1])). Variables [ 'ConnectID'];
    SetConName (ConId, String (Params [0]));
  / / TfsScript (Integer (Params [0])) - ekzemplyar TfsScript


/ / Optional function is called. (may be missing in the plugin)
/ / Called when the parish of package options:
/ / Cnt - number of connections
/ / FromServer - if the package from the server is equal to True, if the client is False
/ / Pck - actually a package (as an array)
procedure OnPacket (const cnt: Cardinal; const fromServer: Boolean; var pck: TPacket); stdcall;
  if pck.size <3 then exit; / / in case the previous plugins reset packet


/ / Exported functions used by the program



[3.2.5]Plugin_demo4; Adding their functions (Advanced Example)


Plugin_demo4; Adding their functions (Advanced Example)


For version


library plugin_demo4;

{$define RELEASE} // для совместимости с релизом пакетхака, при дебуге можно закоментировать

 FastMM4 in '..\fastmm\FastMM4.pas',
 FastMM4Messages in '..\fastmm\FastMM4Messages.pas',
 usharedstructs in '..\units\usharedstructs.pas';

var                                {version} {revision}
 min_ver_a: array[0..3] of Byte = ( 3,5,1,      100   );
 min_ver: Integer absolute min_ver_a; // минимальная поддерживаемая версия программы
 ps: TPluginStruct;

function GetPluginInfo(const ver: Integer): PChar; stdcall;
 if ver<min_ver then
   Result:='Демонстрационный Plugin к программе l2phx'+sLineBreak+
           'Для версий'+sLineBreak+
           'У вас старая версия программы! Плагин не сможет корректно с ней работать!'
   Result:='Демонстрационный Plugin к программе l2phx'+sLineBreak+
           'Для версий'+sLineBreak+
           '"Как добавить свою функцию и ее обработчик" часть вторая. © alexteam'+sLineBreak+
           'Плагин - хранилище глобальных переменных, обьектов, все что можно впихнуть в тип variant (тобиш все). общих для всех скриптов'+sLineBreak+
           'Функции говорят сами за себя:'+sLineBreak+
           'function isGlobalVarExists(name:string):boolean'+sLineBreak+
           'procedure SetGlobalVar(name:string; variable:Variant)'+sLineBreak+
           'procedure DeleteGlobalVar(name:string)'+sLineBreak+
           'Function GetGlobalVar(name:string):Variant'+sLineBreak+
           'procedure DeleteAllGlobalVars'+sLineBreak;

function SetStruct(const struct: PPluginStruct): Boolean; stdcall;
 ps := TPluginStruct(struct^);

//Код плагина.

 TVariable = class(tobject)
 name : string;
 variable : variant;
 Constructor create;
 Destructor destroy; override;

 VarList : Tlist;

constructor TVariable.create;
 //Добавляем себя в глобальный список

destructor TVariable.destroy;
 i: integer;
 //Удаляем себя из глобального списка
 i := 0;
 while i < VarList.Count do
   if TVariable(VarList.Items[i]) = self then

procedure OnLoad; stdcall;
 VarList := TList.Create;


procedure DeleteAllGlobalVars;
while VarList.Count > 0 do

procedure OnFree; stdcall;

Function GetTVariable(name:string):TVariable;
 i : integer;
 result := nil;

 i := 0;
 while i < VarList.Count do
   if TVariable(VarList.Items[i]).name = name then
       Result := TVariable(VarList.Items[i]);

Procedure SetOrCreateVar(Name:string; variable: variant);
 MyVar : TVariable;
 myvar := GetTVariable(name);

 if not assigned(MyVar) then
     MyVar := TVariable.create;
     MyVar.name := Name;

 MyVar.variable := variable;

procedure deletevar(name:string);
 i := 0;
 while i < VarList.Count do
   if TVariable(VarList.Items[i]).name = name then

function OnCallMethod(const MethodName: String; // имя функции в верхнем регистре
                     var Params, // параметры функции
                     FuncResult: Variant // результат функции
        ): Boolean; stdcall; // если вернёт True то дальнейшая
                             // обработка функции прекратиться
 variable : TVariable;
 if MethodName='ISGLOBALVAREXISTS' then
   FuncResult := assigned(GetTVariable(VarAsType(Params[0], varString)));
   Result := True;     
 end else

 if MethodName='SETGLOBALVAR' then
     VarAsType(Params[0], varString),

   FuncResult := Null;    
 end else

 if MethodName='DELETEGLOBALVAR' then
   deletevar(VarAsType(Params[0], varString));

   FuncResult := Null;    
 end else

 if MethodName='GETGLOBALVAR' then
   variable := GetTVariable(VarAsType(Params[0], varString));
   if assigned(variable) then
     FuncResult := variable.variable
     FuncResult := Null;

   Result:=True; // запрещаем дальнейшую обработку функции в программе
 end else


   FuncResult := Null;

Procedure OnRefreshPrecompile; stdcall;
 ps.UserFuncs.Add('function isGlobalVarExists(name:string):boolean');
 ps.UserFuncs.Add('procedure SetGlobalVar(name:string; variable:Variant)');
 ps.UserFuncs.Add('procedure DeleteGlobalVar(name:string)');
 ps.UserFuncs.Add('Function GetGlobalVar(name:string):Variant');
 ps.UserFuncs.Add('procedure DeleteAllGlobalVars');

// экспортируем используемые программой функции



Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!


[3.2.6]Contents uSharedStructs.pas


Contents uSharedStructs.pa


For version


unit usharedstructs;

uses Classes;

  PCK_GS_ToServer = 4;
  PCK_GS_ToClient = 3;
  PCK_LS_ToServer = 2;
  PCK_LS_ToClient = 1;


  TEncDecSettings =
    HexViewOffset: boolean;

  () Is used by plugins

  PCodingClass = ^ TCodingClass;
  TCodingClass = class (TObject)
    GKeyS, GKeyR: array [0 .. 15] of Byte;
    procedure InitKey (const XorKey; Interlude: Boolean = False); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure DecryptGP (var Data; const Size: Word); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure EncryptGP (var Data; const Size: Word); Virtual; Abstract;

  PCorrectorData = ^ TCorrectorData;
  TCorrectorData = packed record
    _seed: integer; / / random generator seed for mixing id tables
    _1_byte_table: String;
    _2_byte_table: String;
    _2_byte_table_size: Integer;
    _id_mix: boolean;
    temp_seed: integer;
    protocol: integer;

  TCharArray = array [0 .. $ FFFF] of AnsiChar;
  PPacket = ^ TPacket;
  TPacket = packed record case Integer of
    0: (Size: Word;
        Data: array [0 .. $ FFFD] of Byte);
    1: (PacketAsByteArray: array [0 .. $ FFFF] of Byte);
    2: (PacketAsCharArray: TCharArray);
    3: (pckSize: Word;
        pckId: Byte;
        pckData: array [0 .. $ FFFC] of Byte);

  TNewPacket = procedure (var Packet: tpacket; FromServer: boolean; Caller: TObject) of object; / / Caller is TencDec for example -> TencDec (caller). Name is akshin only TencDec
  TNewAction = procedure (action: byte; Caller: TObject) of object; / / Caller is dependent on action
  TStringArray = array of string;

  TOnTimer = procedure (const param: Cardinal); stdcall;
  tConnectInfo = packed record
    ConnectID: integer;
    ConnectName: string [200];

  (instance of this class (or rather its descendant) is passed to plugins.)
  PPluginStruct = ^ TPluginStruct;
  TPluginStruct = class (tobject)
    userFormHandle: THandle;
    ConnectInfo: tConnectInfo;
    UserFuncs: tstringlist;
    function ReadC (const pck: string; const index: integer): byte; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadH (const pck: string; const index: integer): word; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadD (const pck: string; const index: integer): integer; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadF (const pck: string; const index: integer): double; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadS (const pck: string; const index: integer): string; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadCEx (const pck; const index: integer): byte; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadHEx (const pck; const index: integer): word; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadDEx (const pck; const index: integer): integer; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadFEx (const pck; const index: integer): double; Virtual; Abstract;
    function ReadSEx (const pck; const index: integer): string; Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteC (var pck: string; const v: byte; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteH (var pck: string; const v: word; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteD (var pck: string; const v: integer; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteF (var pck: string; const v: double; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteS (var pck: string; const v: string; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteCEx (var pck; const v: byte; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteHEx (var pck; const v: word; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteDEx (var pck; const v: integer; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteFEx (var pck; const v: double; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure WriteSEx (var pck; const v: string; ind: integer =- 1); Virtual; Abstract;

    function CreateAndRunTimerThread (const interval, usrParam: Cardinal;
                                      const OnTimerProc: TOnTimer): Pointer; Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure ChangeTimerThread (const timer: Pointer; const interval: Cardinal;
                                const usrParam: Cardinal = $ ffffffff;
                                const OnTimerProc: TOnTimer = nil); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure DestroyTimerThread (var timer: Pointer); Virtual; Abstract;
    function StringToHex (str1, Separator: String): String; Virtual; Abstract;
    function HexToString (Hex: String): String; Virtual; Abstract;
    function DataPckToStrPck (var pck): string; Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure SendPacketData (var pck; const tid: integer; const ToServer: Boolean); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure SendPacketStr (pck: string; const tid: integer; const ToServer: Boolean); Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure SendPacket (Size: Word; pck: string; tid: integer; ToServer: Boolean); Virtual; Abstract;
    function getConnectionName (id: integer): string; Virtual; Abstract;
    function getConnectioidByName (name: string): integer; Virtual; Abstract;
    Function GoFirstConnection: boolean; Virtual; Abstract;
    Function GoNextConnection: boolean; Virtual; Abstract;
    procedure ShowUserForm (ActivateOnly: boolean); Virtual; Abstract;
    Procedure HideUserForm; Virtual; Abstract;






FAQ. general questions.


Comment author:

Information was taken from the forum software.

I hope the authors will not be in the grievance for a malignant kopipast and lack of copyright in many places.


Question: start L2ph (x) version of 3.hh swears at antivir trojan?

Solution: This is normal. Pakethak use the procedure in the implementation process, as the majority virey - hence the swearing. In late July 2008, it was found that the program vylozhennaya on the server contains a signature similar to a trojan. If you recompile the source project in the new version of development environment like the signature will no longer appear. The program was re-lined and поновой. If you are still worried - download the source yourself and compile it.


Question: run scripts which has taken on this forum off the bug?

Solution: The most common mistake: not prescribes the constant Name etc. the script is not suitable for your chronicles. Either the script requires modification due to the change of names of built-in functions.


Question: PH start, go to the server, the connection is intercepted in the list of packages but not the packets that it should be, what should I do?

Solution: The most frequently raised question on the forum, which has already been out a pattern, make sure the ph is configured correctly for your server, this is the main reason. If you are sure that all settings are set correctly - read the next question.


Question: Instead of a character in the upper left corner of the program written in "empty" (for versions lower than 3.5.1 to version higher than this place - the connection tab), or any kind of abracadabra, what should I do?

Reshenie1: most likely on the server to change encryption of traffic, by no means asking for and do not pester people to see or write dllku by your server. There is a topic DESHIFRUEM TRAFFIC


on this issue. Read it. Try searching algorithm. If something does not succeed - ask a specific question: I do not get it, then it is with examples rather than from mneya it fails - help OWL. Next you need to download the source and recompile the library Pakethaka newxor.dll, which is responsible for decoding / zashifrovku traffic in Pakethake.

Reshenie2: In version 3.2.0 pakethaka name in connection Kamaele will not be displayed because of the fact that the name is taken from the package $ 04-UserInfo, but he has another Kamaele Id = $ 32. A possible solution to the problem - try to take pakethak of topics Modification L2phx 3.2.0


Q: Someone has already tried to подружить pakethak of xkora with the client Hellbounda?

Solution: Try to take pakethak of the topic [/url=http://coderx.ru/showthread.php?t=618]Modifying L2phx 3.2.0[/u] it works on gracia. The set goes inishki to decrypt packets (C4, Interludes, Kamael), communications itemov etc. etc.




Note from Sn00pu

And why am I knocking you in the ICQ and you do not answer???


person you are with me still I do not stukani NLObP banned for a couple of months. have the forum questions here! wait until the developer script will take the time to answer to your question is not always audible. © Grinch


Question: catching package, modify it, refer it to the client, the inventory is a welcome fluff, but when the opening stock, it disappears. Prompt: What do I do?

Solution: All data is stored on серваке, modify them by changing the package of 99% will not lead to anything, throw it work.


Question: Why and how to use pakethakom

Answer: The Guide to L2PHX, batch level guides written by J-Fobos or Hide for L2PHX, batch level guides written MarShall'om either, yet this chm file written induskim encoders with alfatsentavry.


Question: On the show when you select a package in the list ... off error?

Solution: The most common mistake: you packets.ini for other chronicles.


Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!




FAQ. general questions.


Comment author:

Information was taken from the forum software.

I hope the authors will not be in the grievance for a malignant kopipast and lack of copyright in many places.


Question: start L2ph (x) version of 3.hh swears at antivir trojan?

Solution: This is normal. Pakethak use the procedure in the implementation process, as the majority virey - hence the swearing. In late July 2008, it was found that the program vylozhennaya on the server contains a signature similar to a trojan. If you recompile the source project in the new version of development environment like the signature will no longer appear. The program was re-lined and поновой. If you are still worried - download the source yourself and compile it.


Question: run scripts which has taken on this forum off the bug?

Solution: The most common mistake: not prescribes the constant Name etc. the script is not suitable for your chronicles. Either the script requires modification due to the change of names of built-in functions.


Question: PH start, go to the server, the connection is intercepted in the list of packages but not the packets that it should be, what should I do?

Solution: The most frequently raised question on the forum, which has already been out a pattern, make sure the ph is configured correctly for your server, this is the main reason. If you are sure that all settings are set correctly - read the next question.


Question: Instead of a character in the upper left corner of the program written in "empty" (for versions lower than 3.5.1 to version higher than this place - the connection tab), or any kind of abracadabra, what should I do?

Reshenie1: most likely on the server to change encryption of traffic, by no means asking for and do not pester people to see or write dllku by your server. There is a topic DESHIFRUEM TRAFFIC


on this issue. Read it. Try searching algorithm. If something does not succeed - ask a specific question: I do not get it, then it is with examples rather than from mneya it fails - help OWL. Next you need to download the source and recompile the library Pakethaka newxor.dll, which is responsible for decoding / zashifrovku traffic in Pakethake.

Reshenie2: In version 3.2.0 pakethaka name in connection Kamaele will not be displayed because of the fact that the name is taken from the package $ 04-UserInfo, but he has another Kamaele Id = $ 32. A possible solution to the problem - try to take pakethak of topics Modification L2phx 3.2.0


Q: Someone has already tried to подружить pakethak of xkora with the client Hellbounda?

Solution: Try to take pakethak of the topic [/url=http://coderx.ru/showthread.php?t=618]Modifying L2phx 3.2.0[/u] it works on gracia. The set goes inishki to decrypt packets (C4, Interludes, Kamael), communications itemov etc. etc.




Note from Sn00pu

And why am I knocking you in the ICQ and you do not answer???


person you are with me still I do not stukani NLObP banned for a couple of months. have the forum questions here! wait until the developer script will take the time to answer to your question is not always audible. © Grinch


Question: catching package, modify it, refer it to the client, the inventory is a welcome fluff, but when the opening stock, it disappears. Prompt: What do I do?

Solution: All data is stored on серваке, modify them by changing the package of 99% will not lead to anything, throw it work.


Question: Why and how to use pakethakom

Answer: The Guide to L2PHX, batch level guides written by J-Fobos or Hide for L2PHX, batch level guides written MarShall'om either, yet this chm file written induskim encoders with alfatsentavry.


Question: On the show when you select a package in the list ... off error?

Solution: The most common mistake: you packets.ini for other chronicles.


[4.1.1]Explanation packages for Intrelude


Explanation package for Intrelude.


by TAMBIK. original link here



Purpose: The package, which is sent when the customer clicks the mouse on the NPC or another





XX XX XX XX / / ID of object

XX XX XX XX / / X coordinate provision Chara

XX XX XX XX / / Y coordinate provision Chara

XX XX XX XX / / Z Coordinate provision Chara

XX / / 00 - just click, 01 - with the click caught shiftom



Purpose: The request for an attack



XX XX XX XX / / ID of someone going to attack

XX XX XX XX / / X coordinate of the position of Chara

XX XX XX XX / / Y coordinate of the position of Chara

XX XX XX XX / / Z coordinate of the position of Chara

XX XX XX XX / / 0 - Ctrl is not pressed, 1 - Ctrl pressed



Purpose: to request a list of items in inventory. (Customer opens


equipment, when the server sends the list)



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: removes ekvip with Chara



XX XX XX XX / / Number of slots

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for the drop itema. Route from a client, while attempting to throw out


inventory any thing



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema who want to throw

XX XX XX XX / / number itemov we want to throw

XX XX XX XX / / X kordinata place in which discharges item

XX XX XX XX / / Y kordinata place in which discharges item

XX XX XX XX / / Z kordinata place in which discharges item

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to use itema



XX XX XX XX / / ID of object



Purpose: Request for trade.



XX XX XX XX / / ID of the object that want to trade

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: adds item in the trade list.



XX XX XX XX / / ID trade

XX XX XX XX / / ID of object

XX XX XX XX / / number of

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for the completion of trade.



XX XX XX XX / / 0 - cancel the transaction, 1 - to confirm the transaction



Purpose: The animation is like the laughter of social action, etc.



XX XX XX XX / / Number ekshina

/ / 0x02 - Greeting

/ / 0x03 - Victory

/ / 0x04 - Advance

/ / 0x05 - No

/ / 0x06 - Yes

/ / 0x07 - Bow

/ / 0x08 - Unaware

/ / 0x09 - Social Waiting

/ / 0x0A - Laugh

/ / 0x0B - Applaud

/ / 0x0C - Dance

/ / 0x0D - Sorrow

/ / 0x0F - Animation when lvl-up

/ / 0x10 - Animation characters



Purpose: enables / disables the running



XX XX XX XX / / 0 - run off, 1 - race included

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to sit / stand



XX XX XX XX / / 0 - sit down, 1 - to stand

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Cancels Target



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Request to buy things



XX XX XX XX / / ID Cisco purchases

XX XX XX XX / / number of things you want to buy

/ / <<<The block is repeated as many times as you need to buy different things

XX XX XX XX / / ID of the subject that you want to buy

XX XX XX XX / / number of items you want to buy



Purpose: sends "bypass" (found in HTML), click the server.



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the team

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: sends charu proposal to join the clan.



XX XX XX XX / / ID Chara, who sent a proposal

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The response to the proposal to join the clan



XX XX XX XX / / response: 00 - no 01 - yes

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------



Purpose: to withdraw from the clan



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to remove from the clan of Chara



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to offer to enter into пати



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / Nick Chara, who sent a proposal

XX XX XX XX / / type of distribution:

/ / 0x00 - drop it gets picked CHAR, spoil - get spoiler

/ / 0x01 - drop is distributed randomly, spoil - get spoiler

/ / 0x02 - drop and spoil, is distributed randomly

/ / 0x03 - drop gives charam in turn, spoil - get spoiler

/ / 0x04 - drop and spoil, given charam in turn



Purpose: The response to the invitation to join the пати



XX XX XX XX / / response: 00 - no 01 - yes

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to withdraw from пати



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to remove from Chara пати



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara which must be removed

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The use of magic skill



XX XX XX XX / / ID skill

XX XX XX XX / / state of CTRL: 00 - released 01 - PUSH

XX XX XX XX / / state of SHIFT: 00 - released 01 - PUSH

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Assignment: Find a rebirth after the death of Chara. Called after package


RequestRestartPoint and ValidatePosition





Purpose: Regestriruet label on the toolbar shortcuts.



XX XX XX XX / / Type of Label

/ / 0x01 - item

/ / 0x02 - skill

/ / 0x03 - Action

/ / 0x04 - macro

XX XX XX XX / / ID of the object put on the cover

XX XX XX XX / / number of slots

XX XX XX XX / / number of tabs

XX XX XX XX / / unknown

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Removes the label from the panel shortcuts.



XX XX XX XX / / number of slots

XX XX XX XX / / number of tabs

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: send a message to other players



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / Ctroka message

XX XX XX XX / / Type of message

/ / 0x00 - ALL

/ / 0x01 - SHOUT (!)

/ / 0x02 - TELL ( ")

/ / 0x03 - PARTY (#)

/ / 0x04 - CLAN (@)

/ / 0x05 - GM


/ / 0x07 - PETITION_GM

/ / 0x08 - TRADE (+)

/ / 0x09 - ALLIANCE ($)


/ / 0x0F - PARTYROOM_ALL (yellow)

/ / 0x10 - PARTYROOM_COMMANDER (blue)

/ / 0x11 - The Voice of the hero

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / For private messages. Contains the nickname that Chara


intended message.



Purpose: to request a list of members of the clan



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: requesting a list of skills studied



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The response to the trade



XX XX XX XX / / Response to Trade: 00 - to reject, the 01 - to confirm

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: executes an action



XX XX XX XX / / Action ID (a list is not complete, there ekshinov дофига)

/ / 0x00 - Take / stand

/ / 0x01 - Walk / run

/ / 0x19 - Ansammonit peta

/ / 0x33 - General manufacture

/ / 0x38 - Zazezt / get off with straydera (Virno???)

XX XX XX XX / / 00 - CTRL is not pressed, 01 - CTRL pressed

XX / / 01 - SHIFT is not pressed, 01 - SHIFT pressed

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: returns the selection Chara






Purpose: Enables Chara rotation around its axis



XX XX XX XX / / Angle (takes values from 0 to 65535)

XX XX XX XX / / party (01 00 00 00 - rotation to the right, FF FF FF FF - rotate left)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Chara stops spinning around its axis



XX XX XX XX / / Unknown

XX XX XX XX / / Unknown

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to begin klanvar



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of a clan, who declared klanvar

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to end the clan pitch



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of a clan



Purpose: install title.



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / a string containing the username Chara who want to set the title

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / a string containing the title

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: enchat INTEM asks.



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema who want zaenchatit

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to destroy itema



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema

XX XX XX XX / / number itemov?

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to put in Chara Frendo list



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara, which should be added

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The response to the proposal add to friends list



XX XX XX XX / / 00 - no 01 - yes

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request frendlista






Purpose: The request to remove from Chara Frendo sheet



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara, which should be removed

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------



Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!



Purpose: undo delete Chara



XX XX XX XX / / number of slots with charom

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to request a list of quests



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to suspend the execution of quest



XX XX XX XX / / ID quest

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Request for information on the Clan



XX XX XX XX / / ID clan

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Sets the icon of the clan



XX XX XX XX / / ID icons

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to climb / get off with straydera / viverna



XX XX XX XX / / 0 - get off, 1 - to climb

XX XX XX XX / / 1 - strayder, 2 - viviren

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for information on skill



XX XX XX XX / / ID skill

XX XX XX XX / / level of skill

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to study skill



XX XX XX XX / / ID skill

XX XX XX XX / / level of skill

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: asks for restart after the death of Chara



XX XX XX XX / / point which will be refunded to the player

/ / 0x00 - City

/ / 0x01 - Clan Hall

/ / 0x02 - The Castle

/ / 0x03 - The flag (in the siege of the castle)

/ / 0x04 - Ressam at the scene where the player died, used at the festival

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: sends a request to the GM command



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name Chara - goals

XX XX XX XX / / ID command

/ / 0x01 - player status

/ / 0x02 - clan players

/ / 0x03 - player skills

/ / 0x04 - player quests

/ / 0x05 - Player's Equipment

/ / 0x06 - varhaus player

XX XX XX XX / / unknown

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to open a search box пати



XX XX XX XX / / automatically register: 00 - no 01 - yes

XX XX XX XX / / show level: 00 - no 01 - yes

XX XX XX XX / / show the class: 00 - no 01 - yes

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to request a list of charov seeking пати



XX XX XX XX / / status may be 1 and 3. What is for sure, I do not know.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to seek detailed informutsiyu on chare seeking пати



XX XX XX XX / / ID Chara

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for crystallization itema



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema you want kristalizovat

XX XX XX XX / / number itemov you want kristalizovat

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Sets the message to sell to PrivateStore



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with a message

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Query a list GMov



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to offer to enter into allians



XX XX XX XX / / ID leader of the clan, which preglashaetsya to Ally

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The response to the offer of entry into allians



XX XX XX XX / / response: 00 - no 01 - yes



Purpose: to leave allians



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of a clan

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for the dissolution of alliansa



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of the clan

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to install icons alliansa



XX XX XX XX / / ID icons

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: change the name of peta



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with a new name pita

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Team petu use item



XX XX XX XX / / ID of object that you want to use

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to move the item from its inventory in stock pita



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema

XX XX XX XX / / number of

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to move item from inventory peta to their inventory



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema

XX XX XX XX / / number of

XX XX XX XX / / Fig knows. In most cases - 0

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Request for information on allianse.



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to raise the team petu item.



XX XX XX XX / / ID to be raised

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Sets the message to purchase for PrivateStore



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with a message

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to declare the pitch Ally



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name alliansa

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to terminate Ally var'a



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name alliansa

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: query operations on the black list



XX XX XX XX / / request type:

/ / 0x00 - Chara add to ignore

/ / 0x01 - remove from Chara ignore

/ / 0x02 - vyvesli list charov listed in the ignore

/ / 0x03 - ignore all

/ / 0x04 - cancel ignore all

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara which should add to ignore

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The list of requests recorded in the siege of the castle attacking clans



XX XX XX XX / / ID lock

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to add / delete a clan on the list of the siege of the castle



XX XX XX XX / / ID lock

XX XX XX XX / / 00 - join the defenders, the 01 - to join the attack

XX XX XX XX / / 00 - Remove the clan from the list, 01 - add the clan to the list

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to open a book of recipes



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: Request for recommendation to the player



XX XX XX XX / / ID goals

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to request a list of available Tattoos



XX XX XX XX / / unknown

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to obtain information about the tattoo



XX XX XX XX / / ID tattoos

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request for tattooing



XX XX XX XX / / ID tattoo that you want to put

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to create a macro



XX XX XX XX / / ID macro

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / a string containing the name of a macro

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with a description of the macro

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the text on the icon

XX / / ID icons

XX / / number of rows

/ / <<<<< The next block is repeated as many times as rows in a macro.

XX / / string

XX / / type

XX / / ID skill

XX / / ID label on the panel

XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / name of the command

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: The request to remove the macro



XX XX XX XX / / ID macro

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: enables / disables the use of AutoSS



XX XX XX XX / / ID itema

XX XX XX XX / / 1 - include: 0 - disable

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to seek information Larger icons clan (for those that razmeschayutsya


things clan-type shields) clan




XX XX XX XX / / ID icons

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: to send these images large icons clan (for those that razmeschayutsya


things clan-type boards) on the server




XX XX XX XX / / data size

/ / <<<<< The next block is repeated many times, how many bytes in the image data

XX / / image data

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Purpose: transmits leadership in пати



XX XX XX XX 00 00 / / string with the name of Chara, which is transmitted Leadership


Credits: TehGeorge

Source: http://www.worldb0x.com/


Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!


Rofl no need to put 1 karma for something like that...

There is an explanation in english about the phx (latest version) by Stealth and it isn't hidden (if it is, cuz i dont remember, it will be low), it is not need to hide this for even 100 posts rofl...


Anyway thanks for bringing it here..


EDIT: you could also make some changes instead of copying/pasting exactly as it was there...Example item = itema in your guide >.>


guys if you dont like it then dont post here...



Look that:

Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!


guys if you dont like it then dont post here...



Look that:

Note: I asked TehGeorge if i am allowed to post it and he said post it but with +1 karma hide, else delete it!


Well our forum has other rules.

And most topics with super small/big/inapropriate hide ammount, are getting junked/locked...

Although you can leave it as it is, and if any Mod judges that it is wrong, he will change it..


Anyway please do what I told you in my post.


Well our forum has other rules.

And most topics with super small/big/inapropriate hide ammount, are getting junked/locked...

Although you can leave it as it is, and if any Mod judges that it is wrong, he will change it..


Anyway please do what I told you in my post.

Well man as he said that was a share from TehGeorge he was the 1 who told him to put 1 karma to read it so...


Guys open your eyes this has the SOURCE CODE of phx which means phx can be 100% fixable..



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