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New Interface


The new interface has a new minimap, an HP bar that flashes when it gets low, a new quick bar, as well as a new options bar (with 6 options instead of the 3 we currently have.) Also, graphics wise they seem to have implemented lense blur, where the farther something is and is not in focus, the more blurry it is, kind of like normal vision or a movie.




Also in the new interface is the new inventory/equipment screen. It seems to feature some sort of container because the icon highlighted on the left, opened the content box on the right (filled with a set of armor and weapons) . The new style is also nice.




The skills section also got a face lift. Instead of the simple layout where it shows your skills as you get them, it is now a nice sorted list.




Sadly, the action screen seems the same.




And the complete new interface




S80 Armor and Weapons (The Dynusty Set)


The Chaotic Throne introduces a new armor and weapon grade named the Dynusty Set and is considered S80 Grade. S80 gear is S grade armor and weapons usable only by level 80 characters. The following are the new S80 Weapons:




And screenshots of the new armor and weapons on characters:









Obviously, the Kamael has been a major interest since their announcement. A lot of information has come out on them.

First up, the class tree. The only classes that they share are the Soldier, Soulbreaker and the Soulhound.




These classes are unique to Kamael and cannot be subbed. Similarly, the Kamael cannot sub a class other than another Kamael class.


Soul Breakers specialize in high magic battle abilites, but also have decent physical battle abilities. Their weapon of choice is the Rapier

The rapier is wielded with one hand, while the other hand is given special magic absorbing abilities. It's speculated that the Soul Breakers use slain enemies souls instead of MP.

The Blink Skill allows the Soul Breaker to teleport within the area, making suprise attacks possible (even if your enemies run third-party apps). Reaction of Divinity causes different damage and effects depending on what buffs and debuffs the target has.

Steal Divinityh allows you to steal buffs/debuffs from an opponent.

And Triple Pierce is a 3 attack physical attack move.


Soul Breaker with Rapier:




Berserkers specialize in high physical attack abilities. Using a two handed sword as a main weapon, they have the ability to charge toward enemies quickly. They're similar to Destroyers but have "surpass" them in battle ability.

They have skills such as Storm Assault, which attacks an area by charging into them; and Disarm, which liteerally disarms an enemies weapon and puts it into their inventory.


Berserker using Storm Assault:




Arbalesters specialiaze in long range attacks. They use crossbows and bow-guns as their main weapon and utilizes marksmenship and traps in battle.

One of their skills is Decoy. Inwhich they create a copy of themselves and have the enemy attack that copy.

Also, the Trap skills allow a Arbalester to set up traps such as Slow, Lose Target, and Poison.

Rise Shot requires a Bow Gun which does AoE by shooting into the ground.

Finally, Bionic Boom plants a bomb, and blows up the target and any surrounding enemies.


Arbalester setting a trap :




Arbalester using Rise Shot




Arbalester with a Bow Gun




New Areas


With the addition of the new race, a couple of new areas have opened up. Their are several new dungeons and of course the new starter town.


Soul Island is the birth place of the Kameal. It is a peaceful island where the Kamael hope, will be a place of all races to congregate.





Within this new area are new dungeons for players to explore. The premier dungeon, or the one that will be advertised the most, is Hellbound. It's a level 80 hunting ground that will be the hardest in the game.

Hopefully they'll make the rewards worth it (drops and exp) since Primeval Island is very difficult and barely worth it.


Their is also a new castle "Steel Castle Artshutart" which is under the control of the Dark Lord Bares. It's not a siegable castle, but more of a ketra/varka like factional battle ground, except the villiage is involved in the factions.




The Island of God's Wish was once the water dragons home (Fafurion). It is an underwater dungeon in the level 70 level range. The Dark Lord Bares has his commander "Balor Guard" residing there.






Three types transformations will be added with the first Chronicle.


  1. Battle Transformations: These "battle transformation will alter a characters appearance and improve their hunting prowess in PvP and PvE.

  2. Eye Candy: The second transformation will be purely for looks and can be collected, as the current accessories can be.

  3. Demonic Swords Transformation: Now when players receive the Zariche or the Blood Swords Akmanah, they will transform into their evil counter parts. Not only does their clan tag dissapear, but their name changes as well.


Demonic Swords


Another interesting little addition is the morphing of your character when you hold one of the two demonic swords. Here are the screenshots of the transformations:












In the Chaotic Thrones, it appears that the Gods of Lineage 2 will appear in our world. Players must defend towns from the minions of the god Shillen to prevent her from awaking.

Failure to protect a town will affect players directly in game events.


Additional information will probably be released on July 11th, as that is when the CT1 PTS goes live in Korea.



WOW very nice weapon good job:D


Supposed  ;D


The mini map look like the mini map of Guild Wars if Ncsoft make the same of  Guild Wars draw on the mini-map to communicate plans with other party members.  ??? ??? ???


If not need more and more CPU to run it !!!


L2 is hard for computers!


Not at all I learned that Kamael is not that difficult for pc....I have nVidia 8800GT and I am going to run it normally :)


pffff but the wings is cool ,ya? after from 40 lvl 2 wings :D i love it^^


are you sure ?

Cuz i see in that Video Only chars With 1 Wing !! -.-'

Damn !!

I want a Kamael With 2 wings too -.-'


OMG OMG OMG these are rly cools. Sherkay thanks for the info.Hope we have kamael soon and not only on official :D.W8 for more news :D


[New Equipments]


There will be new items in next patch:



Bracelet for wrists (each side left and right have different bonus)





[Pets System]


Pets now evolve. Wolf becomes big and different look. will be easier to level up pets.


- pets will evolve

- wolf (new armor for evolved wolf)

- lower difficulty to level pets



New Pet, "Agathion"


Agathion, new pet, more like summon type. you can summon Agasion and pet at same time. Different type of Agasions are available. Requires certain condition to summon Agasion.

- Type is spirit

- In the middle you can call back summon

- Long tailed pig with helicopter wings on head

- Alternative cute version

- Next evolution of Agasion looks like sexy winged goddess


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