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L2OFF Vs. L2J or L2J Vs. L2OFF The Truth.


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They will close like all these C4 server that were running for more than 1.5 years, right?

Don't tell me that l2j servers are not illegal...

L2J Servers are under  GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. The files have nothing to do with NCSoft.
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Dude seriously java will never be better than Files that are coded in C++ As nik said java sure is better than all the private servers after c6 with off files but comapring real Files with fake ones and then comparing them with some emulator is just stupid. Please do not make me laugh more.

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its so damn fucfking hard to find stable files for L2OFF or to find files at all..

its always buggy ,botable and so on and most of the bugs in l2off they're admins have no idea how to fix em..

while in java the code is opened ,you can modify all you need/want and its so more easy to use/manage/develop/configurate and so on.

and yep i just dont get it.. why l2j cant be for low rates too? no difference at all.. and yep its stable if its not full with custom crap codes inside ,i can guarantee that it will be 20 days ,no custom server and a stable machine online 100% without a single crash!

and no im not saying this cuz im l2j dev here.. its just the truth!

l2j >>>> l2off

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in all the l2off that i played the game ron much better than in the l2j, but the bugs are there too, not too many, i guess because the l2off that i played are always in a old chronicles.

l2j are in the latests chonicles, but some bugs are from the firsts ones

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  • 3 years later...

i am not a developer but i have play in many l2off kai l2j servers and my expirience is that : l2off much better game play than l2j . the skills works better fastest , the potions too . also the quest and even the sit . ofc the big problem with c6 raids in l2j was the dmg from the fighter ( 7-20 dmg ) . ridiculous ......

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i am not a developer but i have play in many l2off kai l2j servers and my expirience is that : l2off much better game play than l2j . the skills works better fastest , the potions too . also the quest and even the sit . ofc the big problem with c6 raids in l2j was the dmg from the fighter ( 7-20 dmg ) . ridiculous ......


3 year old thread - still people who play interlude quack like ducks that interlude l2j is bad.


Fkn wake up idiots.


Stable or unstable -

L2j is practically limitless for REAL developers not you kids and kid admins who ask to change config file.

L2Off is there for you to touch yourself and the pretty retail you like so much. And then quit in 3 months. And to take your money.


Some minor bug with 7 dmg on raid bosses on lolterlude on some random server means L2j is bad?

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no, i can not disagree with your reasons because i am NOT a developer as i said before i only tell my opinion on this matter by playing to servers with the adove files. If you are right i hope to find one server with a developer who can do that you said..!! i thinking start again l2 so i search about l2off vs l2j  , and i told my opinion....it's simple... no hard feelings..

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