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Advanced Computer Controller [Underconstruction]


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VB can be powerful if your having the skills for it, I'm about to write a RootKit I hope it would not be detected by the anti-virus but anyway I'm a bit bussy with my job so I'm having just 6 hours a day to work on this :P


My ass, unlike  other programming languages Visual Baiscs has limits.

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... and when i said to you @ MSN

"Okay ,go ahead ,hack my PC"

you said

"I have to send you my trojan first"

and who the -beep- will accept a trojan? LOL!

omg way you sai dat man dh is b1g h4x0r!!!!

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If you want to sell a program then.. create o prog. that can crash a Lineage2 server 4 sure!

Crash or -Beep- the server! Servers like L2 Elite xD! Can you? In only asking.. :-|

www.l2elite.us <--- This!!!

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