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Help avoiding formating my pc


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Well I dl nod 32 and i put a pirated serial that worked. few days after that i coudn't update to the server but the icon in the bottom of the screen of nod32 was blue what means is ok the program can update etc i tried manualy update etc no worked . Now i want to remove that shit i can't find it listen in add/removal tools + can't delete it from program files since when i close it from taskbar it says that one other file is working at the moment but this file isn't listed on taskbar i tried to go start and find nod32 so i can find the unistall thingy i remember that i deleted it because i thought i will unistall it sucesfuly from the add/removal tools I downloaded one removal tool no worked either i done all the shit  ah and i download nod again so i can repair it but it didin't worked too at install several windows pop up saying bla bla bla cancel retry ingore You know i can't press ingore through the whole install xD


Help to  unistall it ?


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Double-click the highlighted file.

The name is weird, cause NOD32 is using a path via registry to complete the uninstallation.

I had the same problem in the past.

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Maybe that's the unistaller or something. [?]


Yeah. Its a complicated path that ESET applications use.

They didn't name it uninstaller.exe for security reasons proly.

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Start your compter in safe mode. Restart computer and the just spam f8. Whe u get a balck screen with options choose Safe mode. Then you can prolly uninstall it. BUT I recommend unplugging your internet cable for the time you boot in safe mode cause your firewall won't start in safe mode.

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i will try now


Edit: aint working i see only xprecovery bios menu and one other no safe mode in f8

Recovery? Does it look the same as when you are installing xp and it suggests you to repair prev installation?


Try again. But this time hit F8 when your screen shows your ram / HD specs. <-- I see it as black screen.


I have my HD divived into 2 sections: C: and D: drives. If I get a virus I can just forma C: and the files in D stay untouched. This way it's easy to just format C when I get problems.

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in many warez forums there are programs that remove any program that u dont want..

Super Utilities Pro could possibly work? I haven't tried it but in the description it said it can completely uninstall a program.

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