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[Rate]New sig with Ichigo


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Relax ~CybeR, maybe you're right, idk.... But DreaM said to me his opinion and i have to repsect it.


@DreaM You don't see Cybers's reply.

Guys if you want start flame each other i don't give a shit, but NOT HERE! If i see a flame reply, i swear i will dekarma both.


Dude did you even read my reply at all?



@ DreaM, no offense.............

No hard feelings, just my opinion..


Did you read this?I just said my opinion about DreaM's reply, can't I?Did I start any flame?Did I insult him?LOL

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i am not fan of light background

but i must say

the background would be very cool on a different render

i think that match more with dark than light


about the "small" font i must agree that this should be smaller


continue practise

you will be better n better in time :)


With love


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Dude did you even read my reply at all?


Did you read this?I just said my opinion about DreaM's reply, can't I?Did I start any flame?Did I insult him?LOL


Maybe dude, YOU didn't read my reply....


Relax ~CybeR, maybe you're right, idk.... But DreaM said to me his opinion and i have to repsect it.

Here i don't saied that you flame, i just saied calm down. I Don't want you and DreaM to start a flame.

That's all, i never saied you started flame.


@DreaM You don't see Cybers's reply.

Guys if you want start flame each other i don't give a shit, but NOT HERE! If i see a flame reply, i swear i will dekarma both.

And here i reffer to DreaM.

After i just warned you and DreaM. IF you start flame....and IF i see a flame reply bla bla.


Anyway end it here.




i am not fan of light background

but i must say

the background would be very cool on a different render

i think that match more with dark than light


about the "small" font i must agree that this should be smaller


continue practise

you will be better n better in time :)


With love



Thank you! I will :P

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Relax ~CybeR, maybe you're right, idk.... But DreaM said to me his opinion and i have to repsect it.


@DreaM You don't see Cybers's reply.

Guys if you want start flame each other i don't give a shit, but NOT HERE! If i see a flame reply, i swear i will dekarma both.


Don't try to act cocky!



I don't like the background and you can make better things..

Use some brushes or something..


@ DreaM, no offense but you lately talk about art and sh1ts like these..

But how do you know what art is all about?I have not seen any creation from you..

Even the signatures you have, aren't yours at all..

No hard feelings, just my opinion..


Who said i must be a signature maker in order to comment them ? And believe me i do know when a sig is nice and when a sig is bad. I can make difference between nice and not nice .

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WOW!I can see DreaM stating his opinion against Cyber's!

As a designer i will take Cyber's side.

My opinion is simple!

A guy that does not design(reason does not count)rates a picture in a very general way!What i mean is that a guy like DreaM(Who does not make pictures with photoshop)only rate something that looks good on the eye!

But a guy like me,cyber and many more in here who use to follow tutorials,making signatures and pictures every day rate everything in a different way!

Designer won't judge the look of the sig but they will judge each "point"!

They will judge the text,the positioning,the flow and the lightning!A sig can look good even it has not a good text or lightning and positioning.But if it has a flow all of the non-designer guys will judge it awesome.


My point is that designer's opinion counts a bit more on such situations!

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Yeah right you think your dumbass creations look nice while they suck a lot thats the problem when it comes down to designers . They think everything they make looks cool cuz they've put alot effort in it but it actually sucks i will disagree with you as you have no reasons to disagree with my point of view.

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we should learn to accept every kind of critisism.


Dream's caustic reaction is what everyone seeks for. i do not know what your problem is :)


every TRUE (<--- watch this word) artist wants someone to criticise their showcase/piece of art/creation or w/e.


now as for morian it is good for someone to tell him off in a while, bit cocky lately.


as for cyber do not continue this anymore since you will end up with a - at least

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imagine all of us to tell you omg great sign gj gj will u ever try for a best shot ? :D no because you think you're done, if there is no one to criticise you, you will never try for a best shot.

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Yeah right you think your dumbass creations look nice while they suck a lot thats the problem when it comes down to designers . They think everything they make looks cool cuz they've put alot effort in it but it actually sucks i will disagree with you as you have no reasons to disagree with my point of view.

I stated my opinion without flaming and i will keep doing this.I've never seen a comment of you in my newest creations.

And by the way i don't care what are you going to say!Not because i don't like you but i know that you never say something positive and that's a fact.

So your thoughts for me just don't count.

Do you that you are perfect or what?

Come on dream!OK you don't like my sigs,i am really ok with this but try to be more kind!I always accept everyone's opinion and when i disagree i am just trying to show off that i am right(if i am)!

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WOW!I can see DreaM stating his opinion against Cyber's!

As a designer i will take Cyber's side.

My opinion is simple!

A guy that does not design(reason does not count)rates a picture in a very general way!What i mean is that a guy like DreaM(Who does not make pictures with photoshop)only rate something that looks good on the eye!

But a guy like me,cyber and many more in here who use to follow tutorials,making signatures and pictures every day rate everything in a different way!

Designer won't judge the look of the sig but they will judge each "point"!

They will judge the text,the positioning,the flow and the lightning!A sig can look good even it has not a good text or lightning and positioning.But if it has a flow all of the non-designer guys will judge it awesome.


My point is that designer's opinion counts a bit more on such situations!


sorry but i am with DreaM

we are posting here our creations

to comment them

if we want good comments then let us judge it

DreaM's opinion is real

you ask about opinions you must accept it good or bad this is life

anyway i agree with this


Who said i must be a signature maker in order to comment them ?


he have 100% right




I dont use any tutorial to make a sign

just grab a tool and start using my imagination

some of my creations maybe are ugly

some maybe good

But i will never call my self designer if i use others tut for help

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Why the bloody hell everyone misunderstands my replies?


as for cyber do not continue this anymore since you will end up with a - at least


Continue what? Jesus..Did I flame him or did I declare a war against DreaM?


I just asked him why he talks about "art" since he hasn't made any creation...

Can't I reply to his replies?Is there a rule: Cyber must not reply at DreaM's posts because he will create a flaming war?

Or did I insult him or did I flame or what??Take it easy, I wasn't rude, was I? Oh my God..



imagine all of us to tell you omg great sign gj gj will u ever try for a best shot ? :D no because you think you're done, if there is no one to criticise you, you will never try for a best shot.


Why you all talk about MD that he didn't accept DreaM's comment?You all say "Don't expect good comments from everyone, bla bla bla" but he never said: I am waiting for good comments...




he have 100% right



No he is not in a way, why..?

Because a signature creator/image creator/designer (call it as you want) can't judge a creation like a person who doesn't have knowledge on design..

The "designer" will judge the creation better because he will see what mistakes are done in the creation, but the person (DreaM) who doesn't have

knowledge on PS or any-other design program, will judge only of what he sees...But the "designer" will go "deeper" in the creation and find mistakes

that the creator (Morian) has made..I hope you get my point!! :)


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