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Infinite Aion!


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A gm From This Server Said That He Had A idea and that he will tell it to admin to find a solution to the problem and he have said that in a forum so i think it wont take long to fix this shit...

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anyones know how long the server will be offline?


is it hard fix that "DDoS"?


Considering that at one point they were pulling 90-100mb/s upload from the servers, yes, it's hard to fix. And unfortunately we were unable to get ahold of the host yesterday. Hopefully today will be different. This appears to be the same group of people who a few weeks ago, DDoS'ed the shit out of Frintezza, Azure, and others. Right now they're hitting infinite, l2inc and a few more we know about.

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Thats a last News From "Erb":


The website and gameserver are currently under a DDos attack.


This will NOT stop Development.


Sorry for any inconvenience!


What you can do while the server is down

Webchat: http://chat.deltaanime.net/?c=infiniteaion | Epic Flash Game: http://www.addictinggames.com/redremover.html


-Update 10/13/09

The server is still being DDoSed. This attack is not limited to us, there are Many other big gaming communities being affected.

The attacker seems to want extortion money in order to stop the attack, they fail. The AION server is still in development, there are no Donations,

so they are just wasting their time.




-Update 10/13/09

I fail at typing. The message was supposed to read "NOT stop Development".





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this fcking hacker don't have a life?don't have a pussy?

No!Just only attack the best server of aion in this moment for get money...


but imagine the money he gets from the best servers to leave them online >.>
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