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[Video Guide]How to edit your weapons with Photoshop

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Hello everyone.


Today I decided to make a video guide, as I have been asked to many times, showing how to edit your own weapons easily.



First of all, I would like to mention that this is the way I use and I am sure many ppl here will find it useful.

Also, I am not pr0 with this kind of edits so be kind!

With some practice and combinations you can be very good.


I thought that a video would be better than screen shots so I recorded one.




[*] Photoshop!

[*] .tga files

[*] Practice on photoshop, for newbies.

[*] Patience to improve your skills!


That's all!

I hope you like it!



>>Download (size=5,91mb)




For any feedback, questions or w/e do not hesitate to reply here.

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ahm,any link to download free the full version of photoshop?::)

i need me too...



and [on] nice guide dude and keep sharing ... up  and abot link where i finnd to downloand full version of photoshop?? and free

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sorry if my opinion isnt the same but i have to say that the video is TOO boring....



to na tallo

I bored watching someone texting in a notepad for some mins

insetad of showing examples...

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