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ax0ax0xa0xa0ax Ok ok, edw me PARA POLI KOPO 5 atoma kataferan na ftiaksoun ton C4 na ipostirizei C5 client (oute logos gia C5 features etsi?), twra tha mas poun oti o global tha balei Interlude me off files... Ok ok, skizw ta ptixia mou telos... Mh xeirotera katheste kai sas koroidevei o global kai o kathe demonas, ti allo na pw... Oust! ;D



kai gia na ma8eis kai kati parapano 1 bdomada meta to release tou inerlude client o eg eixe sikosei modded server pou loggares me interlude client xoris interlude functions(oxi ola)


Diladi L2J..Koita ligo ta legomena sou.. To les k monos sou..Den ginete na yparxoun L2OFF files EIDIKA mia vdomada meta to release tou client..


den pezo lineage apo x8es ksero na ksexorizo to l2j kai to off niose milisa gia off files





Parakalw oxi flames, epishs eimaste ektos tou topic arxizw na pistebw... An sinexistei to flame exei -1 ^^ Epishs reported gia arxh.


Sto epomeno flame - Edelws off topic post tha ginei lock ^^




Parakalw oxi flames, epishs eimaste ektos tou topic arxizw na pistebw... An sinexistei to flame exei -1 ^^ Epishs reported gia arxh.


Sto epomeno flame - Edelws off topic post tha ginei lock ^^


signomi moraki mou

ala na ksereis ta mpiftekia den eginan akoma

kai oi mprizoles einai analates


Mpravo otan stis etoimasei i mama kali orexi..

Tespa gia na mi vgenw offtopic eidika i e-global den pezei na eixe ta arxeia tis ncsoft mia vdomada meta ap to release tou Interlude Client, edw kala kala itan akoma se test i ncsoft panw sta syegkrimena files..


P.S: Mi vazeis poly alati den kanei kalo ;)


loipon o e-global anoikse server modarismeno se interlude OXI JAVA off arxeia 3 vdomades meta to relaese to client sthn europi eixa mpei kai epaiksa polles leitourgies htan akoma c4 alla o server etrexe me c6 client ennoeitai oti eixe arketa bugs etc... alla ta arxeia htan off dn kserw an htan c6 pou dn pisteyw omos htan 100 % off me polles leitourgies c6 me spawns ktlp . episis o admin kai o head gm tou eglobal tha anoiksoun ksana server me onoma saphire episis upostirizoun oti kai aytos tha einai c6 kai oxi java


Mpravo otan stis etoimasei i mama kali orexi..

Tespa gia na mi vgenw offtopic eidika i e-global den pezei na eixe ta arxeia tis ncsoft mia vdomada meta ap to release tou Interlude Client, edw kala kala itan akoma se test i ncsoft panw sta syegkrimena files..


koritsara mou exeis mperdepsei to leech kai to development

exeis mperdepsei to volley me to troley

kai ksereis ti alo^^



koritsara mou exeis mperdepsei to leech kai to development

exeis mperdepsei to volley me to troley

kai ksereis ti alo^^


Wrea mias k esy de ta exeis mperdepsei..

Gia exigise mou pos vrikane tropo k kanane develop Interlude files enw kala kala den eixan dei pos einai?

Ayto pou thelw na pw einai oti to na trexeis C4 me Interlude client DEN SIMENEI oti yparxoun Interlude OFF files stin katoxi aytounou pou to kanei..


koritsara mou exeis mperdepsei to leech kai to development

exeis mperdepsei to volley me to troley

kai ksereis ti alo^^


Wrea mias k esy de ta exeis mperdepsei..

Gia exigise mou pos vrikane tropo k kanane develop Interlude files enw kala kala den eixan dei pos einai?

Ayto pou thelw na pw einai oti to na trexeis C4 me Interlude client DEN SIMENEI oti yparxoun Interlude OFF files stin katoxi aytounou pou to kanei..


to kourazeis poli!!!!


gia na kaneis connect client c5 se c4 server hexareis :

i ta packets pou dexete o server

i ta packets pou dexete o client

poli apla


sta kainouria features einai pio diskola ta pragmata

to diskolotero itan to clan system ala distixos gia sena einai same me c5 sxedon

sou li8ikan oi apories?


Edaxei more tora, o eglobal tha einai gia alli mia fora (opos sxedon panta itan dld), enas buggarismenos server, me tous kolitous kai ta filarakia na anebenoun aera me gnosi olos ton bugg,  kai me olous tous ipoloipous na lionoun gia na mporesoun na ntithoun...


Afta bebea gia ta off files einai paramithia min trelathoume kiolas...




Post by GmWaRnInG:


Se periptwsh pou yparksoun kapoia provlhmatakia(very small bugs),tha diorthononte aytomatws!!!


Ade kai kalo xp  ;D

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