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[Guide][Updated]How to balance your server.

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Well its a matter of fact ,that almost all servers are greatly unbalanced.. There are so much ways for a balance ,and i really don't know why you guys always edit skill time/power.. And ofc ,that just wont do it.There's so much ways to balance without editing skills ,but adding.What do i mean?You can create a custom passive skill for each class and add it in skill_trees table.Most of the servers are only dagger/archer ,so here's some different ways to balance all classes.. Not only nerf ,but power up some of them (like maestro etc.)


Dagger :

The custom skill for him should decrease in most ways.But not decreasing ALL ,but you can decrease only his damage by this

<mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="0.83"/>

As far as i know ,l2j is bugged and every dagger's hit is critical... cAtk = Critical Attack power ,so it should do the trick.

Or another way is to make the class how he is really based to be.Usually daggers have lots of evasion ,they shouldn't be killed by archers so easly.

You can check they'r evasion ,and if its pretty low ,increase it by the rEvas value.But remember!When a dagger runs ,he have more evasion.Do not increase it if not needed..But he has to avoid 20% of the hits he get.

Archer :

The custom skill must decrease only 1 stat and thats critical rate.In almost all servers its like 500 (50% = max) and they do loads of damage + shoot in a high range.

But what happens if not all arrows aren't critical? Balance ^^ So you must do something like

<mul order="0x30" stat="rCrit" val="0.70"/>

or decrease it even more (it should be not more than 350).

Also ,you can boost they'r stun up ,but add a pretty good delay like 20 seconds.

That will do for the archers.. ;]


Titans :

Everyone knows that in a highrate ,untouched titan (skills,stats etc) he rly can't do a shit even if you know how to play.His damage is good ,but he can't get near you.. Well here's what you can do :

Since it has big HP ,you can make him more vurable to critical attacks like this

<mul order="0x30" stat="critVuln" val="1.20"/>

that makes him recieve 20% more damage.. And after this apply this too

<mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="1.20"/>

- to boost up his speed a lil bit.

and make his frenzy and zealot reload 2x slower than its used to be.

Also another good method is to boost they'r Armor Crush since its pretty useful ,cuz it stuns and decreases pDef.But make it like 50% or even less ,its enough.

His attack speed shouldn't be higher than 800 since he deals a shit of damage.

REMEMBER! NEVER NERF TITANS PDEF!They have pretty low pdef with Rage already ,there is no need of decreasing it.

BTW ,a titan can never kill an archer and thats how supposed to be.. You gotta make special variables in java for class vs class only and requers some skills in java which I do not have.


Gladiators :

They are kinda shit ,but you can boost they'r critical rate.Thats all they need.. A triple sonic slash should do around 2k damage on a pvp server.. But if it crits it can do 5k or more :) Use this :

<mul order="0x30" stat="rCrit" val="1.30"/>

NOTE!: If you boost this ,ppl aren't so dumb and they can use an gladi + bow.. But you can prevent that by restricting his usement of bow ,or just add something like

<using kind='Bow'/>

to decrease all possible stats with it.


Mages :

They are nukers ,they get alot and give alot.. but in pvp servers its not rly that way.The best thing you can do here is

since a pvp server has 50+ buff slots .. idea is to remove the resist buffs or nerf them ALOT!Ppl wont even know this ,if your server is IL.

Then you can start adding values to them.. Like if they get 3k and do 1,1k~ its normal.But if they get 10k and do 1k.. not normal.

You can increase they'r vurability to critical attacks by fighters this way:

<mul order="0x30" stat="critVuln" val="0.70"/>

- yes its increasing ,trust me ;]

or another method is to triple the mcirt power.. On retail its supposed to be 3x more than a normal mage attack ,so if you do it like 7x more and the mcrit rate is around 5% a mage can win not so hard ;)

But there is another crap.. What if your mage don't deal damage at all?Well thats totally not right.. Then do a passive skill for ALL classes and add resists like



fireRes and so on.You can find them in the resist buffs.

Make them in a type MUL and DECREASE the resistance of all characters like 0.70 (if your mage currently can't do more than 500 damage ,it should do around 800 now.)

Its based by your needs..


D0rfs :D Da best class ever! :

Usually they are based on spoliing and getting items.. They CAN pvp actually ,but you have to boost they'r stun up.

They got alot of attack speed and HP and speed ,so the only thing is to boost they'r stun up.Damage is fine actually ,but you can boost it up too ,you already know some methods.Or for an Artistan.. You can boost his summon since in a pvp server summon dies in 2 crits max :D


Tyrants :

They are based on they'r HP and attack speed.Yes its true ,a tyrant CAN get alot more attack speed than a dagger class ;]

They also have 1 type of stun ,but it's delay is pretty fast ,so if you want (if it doesnt land so much) you can boost it up a bit ,it wont be so critical.

They are supposed to have big evasion too.. work on this like the dagger ;]


Tanks :

They aren't supposed to do big damange since they are a defensive class.They should do about 300 normal and a 800-900 crit hits.

They'r crit rate is like 260-280~ which is pretty lame ,but its tank ,they die hard.

Only thing you can do here is to boost they'r shackle and stun (ONLY IF NEEDED!).They are supposed to be good in high rates where u can get a +30 FB focus for an example.



Do NOT boost them!Boost the summons ONLY!You can't rly imagine what a summoner with +20 light and +30 weapon can do.He also has cubics ,which in pvp dont land a shit ,so i would say to increase them :)

They'r pets should do around 500-600 damage and around 1,5k crits fullbuffed ,but they die easy though.

Things you can do are : Increase pets pDef by your server needs.A pDef of 2k should be enough and a 10k hp.

His pAtk should be like 4000-5000 it matters from the server.


Dominators :

They are the best pvp class ever IMO ,but in high rates they are actually not much ,since every1 has 3k+ mdef and they'r debuffs have a pretty lame chance of success.. So here is how a dominator should do:

Dreaming spirit should land from the 3-4 try.Not more.

They'r debuffs need around 50% chance of success ,despair around 35% or a bit more.

They have pretty good pDef ,but weak drains ,so its balanced though.Also ,if you can do a java thing (i obviously can't) to delay the MP pots only for OL's it should be great.


Overall balance , potions balance and so on :

You can put QHP pots in shop which are restoring 1500 HP ,but with a 20 seconds delay.Its far better than a GHP ,but if you do them together its kinda q.q

So you can disable qhp's or leave both.QHP is giving 100 hp /1,5s so it wont be a big prob IMO.

You should add mp potions which restore like 300 MP per pot ,but add them a delay of 15 seconds to prevent some OP like kamaels,ol's,daggers and more classes that use alot of mp

CP pots : Leave them as they are ,just don't touch them ,but DO NOT add them in shop.


Well thats from me ,but remember!

In all servers its different due to the customs they have these days.You should make it for your own taste & gameplay :]

Who don't like it ,i wanna see his method of balancing.Thanks

Credits to me ..


P.S. i may have wrong spellings since i typed it pretty fast.. (5 mins:D)

UPDATE 1 : Added some alternative methods..

I`ll keep it updated with more ideas ;]

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Awesome guide and unique. Never saw something that. I really think that this deserves +1 karma.

Also we can add some special skills to characters not played much (As crafters/etc) like rage/frenzy, or something unique.Also we can nerf titans speed a bit, or can u post how can we nerf stats for example when a titan wears bow to have lower accuracy? like 50/60.

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basically good but not that much because the balance depends on 2 things


1.char_template need a full rewrite if you want balance and to do that need to be a good player too...

2.debuffs..well the best choice is if a debuff land more often but its shorter that means they use more skill


about the potions well the most used potion is mana pot give a reuse to it and thats all


not so hard at all just need a lot of testing and time

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Awesome guide and unique. Never saw something that. I really think that this deserves +1 karma.

Also we can add some special skills to characters not played much (As crafters/etc) like rage/frenzy, or something unique.Also we can nerf titans speed a bit, or can u post how can we nerf stats for example when a titan wears bow to have lower accuracy? like 50/60.


Here you go :) This is in the titans custom passive skill :

     <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="0.30">

       <using kind="Bow"/>



it should nerf 70% of his speed ,so no1 will play titan with bow ^^

basically good but not that much because the balance depends on 2 things


1.char_template need a full rewrite if you want balance and to do that need to be a good player too...

2.debuffs..well the best choice is if a debuff land more often but its shorter that means they use more skill


about the potions well the most used potion is mana pot give a reuse to it and thats all


not so hard at all just need a lot of testing and time

Yeah this is the other way of balancing - with char_templates.But the symbols dont rly give like STR gives pAtk but it gives critical rate also.

Con gives hp ,but it gives stun resist also ,and the oppsite.

Yes there are some strong debuffs like Curse of Abyss which decreases pretty much and it lasts 120 seconds.. A good value should be a 15 seconds ,since its PvP .. Another strong debuff is Seal of Dispersion which is increasing all you skill delay's with around 30% or even more and its pretty annoying..

As i said ,there are alot ways to balance a server ,but kids today just run it and add customs and they are happy with they'r ultimate stats and only 1 class playing..

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For Newbie: "If u want edit\decreases OP skill's"

First u must know name or id skill,if u dont know name:

Alt + g in game u must write skill name and click search, if u write good name skill u must get id that skill


Shield Slam has big chance and a lot duration time[id Shield Slam is 353], we must go to [this is my files location, u can have other] - C:\l2j\gameserver\data\stats\skills and open 0300-0399.xml

U must search it


<skill id="353" levels="1" name="Shield Slam">

 <set name="magicLvl" val="77"/>

 <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="2"/> <!-- Shield -->

 <set name="lvlDepend" val="1"/>

 <set name="power" val="40"/> <!-- Base Land Rate -->

 <set name="mpConsume" val="35"/>

 <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/>

 <set name="skillType" val="MUTE"/>

 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

 <set name="isDebuff" val="true"/>

 <set name="castRange" val="50"/>

 <set name="effectRange" val="400"/>

 <set name="reuseDelay" val="8000"/>

 <set name="hitTime" val="2000"/>


   <effect name="PhysicalMute" time="120" val="0"/>

   <effect name="RemoveTarget" noicon="1" val="0"/>


and change to


<skill id="353" levels="1" name="Shield Slam">

 <set name="magicLvl" val="77"/>

 <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="2"/> <!-- Shield -->

 <set name="lvlDepend" val="1"/>

 <set name="power" val="25"/> <!-- Base Land Rate -->

 <set name="mpConsume" val="35"/>

 <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/>

 <set name="skillType" val="MUTE"/>

 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

 <set name="isDebuff" val="true"/>

 <set name="castRange" val="40"/>

 <set name="effectRange" val="400"/>

 <set name="reuseDelay" val="8000"/>

 <set name="hitTime" val="2000"/>


   <effect name="PhysicalMute" time="15" val="0"/>

   <effect name="RemoveTarget" noicon="1" val="0"/>


Time=in seconds

My Edit


Now shield slam duration is 15 s, was 120s and lower land rate


U can change it as u wish! [better set up and test "how work"]

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nice share !! and i am agree with


Quote from: ExTrEmEDwarf on Today at 07:24:30 PM

Awesome guide and unique. Never saw something that. I really think that this deserves +1 karma.

Also we can add some special skills to characters not played much (As crafters/etc) like rage/frenzy, or something unique.Also we can nerf titans speed a bit, or can u post how can we nerf stats for example when a titan wears bow to have lower accuracy? like 50/60.


keep it up dude!!

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