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[NCIS] The Movie [Poll]


Do you like NCIS  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like NCIS

    • Yes I Like This Movie
    • No I Hate This Movie
    • Im So Pathetic With This Movie
    • I Hate It.. RrRRrr

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Yeah, the guys playing Dinozzo and Kate are some of my favourite actors.

Gibbs, alwaying playing the cool guy. I hate that.


I Like Dinozzo too.. is my fav actor in this movie...

i like Abi, Daki too... and Gibbs a little .. i like him bcause he "HATE-LOVE" Dinozzo :D ...some times is funny!

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well,i like these kind of series but i am not pathetic with them

only with prison break i was pathetic to see more episode's  ;D

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i like Dinnozzo and Abi

Can u find me any sites to watch it ?


Ohh guys ... leave the NET World ... Better stay stand by ... watch it in tv... every day and one episode .... no all the movie in one day


if u want.. try torrents!

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