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interlude [Interlude L2J] L][una PvP + Faction Server


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Server Rates: **PvP**  (Server start 08/08/2009) [DOWN]

Exp: 5000

Sp : 5000

Adena : 5000

Safe : +7

Max  : +20

Normal scrolls ONLY : success  80%



2) Special Shop (Gold Bar's from Farm zones)

3) Tattoos Working

4) GmShop

5) Npc Buffer (Buffs, Dance, Song, Chants, 2h)

6) Global Gatekeeper

7) Castle Siege / Olympiad system work 100%

8) Augument system

9) 5 farm zone's (Mobs Drop Gb's)


Server Rates: **Faction KvN** (Server start 16/08/2009 10:00 GMT+2) [DOWN]

Start 80 level

Safe & Max +16



2) custom shop

3) Tattoos Working

4) B-grade items Free

5) Npc buffer 2h

6) Special GateKeeper

7)Augument system

8) 1 kill = 1 Adena


~No Lag~

~Balanced heroes~

~Friendly Staff Team~

~Helpful Staff Team~


Server Site: http://l2una.servegame.com

Server in Hopzone: http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/L2UnaPvP+Faction/76624.html

Come For Good PvPs , Clan & Alliance Fights ...

We Wait You..


By: GTultimate


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guys the web if stuffed or sumfin ? there is no download section no nothing...... just shows what server on and how many people, wtf ? ::)


Are you sure?? this is the site.. http://l2una.servegame.com/

check again .. it's ok

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