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Welcome In L][ AFRICAN





*drop rate: x15




* Safe Enchant: +7

* Max Enchant: +30 Jewels

* Max Enchant: +30 Armor

* Max Enchant: +30 Weapon

* Enchant Rate: 75%

* Blessed Enchant Rate: 85%




* Auto-Learn Skills

* Balanced Classes

* Wedding System

* Clan Hall System

* No Clan Penalty

* Castle Siege System

* No Weight Penalty

* No Grade Penalty

* Sub-Class System

* Noblesse System

* Hero System

* Duel System

* Augmentation System

* All Noblesse Skills

* All Hero Skills

* All Augmentation Skills




* Retail-Like Enchant Skills System

* Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 2 Hours

* C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills

* Interlude Skills 95% Working

* All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters

* All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations

* Unstuck Command 25 seconds

* Worldwide Luxury Gatekeeper

* GM Shop selling everything you need

* NPC Buffer, with Full Buffs, Dances, Songs and Chants

* Special Shop, trading many Special Items

* Customized Tattoo Status

* Custom Armors

* Custom Farm Zone



URL VOTE http://l2african.ucoz.com

URL SITE http://l2african.no-ip.biz

URL FORUM http://www.l2african.smfnew.com/


I Hope to like it is new server and need mebers .! sho help the server.!! by african





l2 dubai...l2 africa what to expect more? L2 European Union? or L2 NATO? or L2 CCCP ?

haha funny xD l2American


Also if you say IL skills works 95% i guess Gracia are 30%?Work more on a server stop using preco packs and think u did good job,also im sure that necro's Vamp M is op as in 70% of the other fail servers.


man you ar idiot? what is your problem check your noob server and don't  say for my server if you don't like the name don't see it lol what a noob and the skills worck 100% am no't noob like you.!!


relax lol.. both of your servers are newbie =P


seems nice, but i dont understand why ppl always post retail systems like.. sub-class or hero.. noblesse systems? you list this like it doesnt work on any other server, or like its something new lol..


anyway, gl with your project ;)


man you ar idiot? what is your problem check your noob server and don't  say for my server if you don't like the name don't see it lol what a noob and the skills worck 100% am no't noob like you.!!

hehe releax guy.We are not on a forum flame about another ppl.So join the sevrer if you like if you dont like dont join.


i don't cnow wha't is your problem with l2african but look yours server and don't say enithing for my server you don't have play in my server you don't have see it and for that don't speek .!

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